










return {
name = 'Lifesciences',
description = '生命科学',
content = {
{ type = 'text', text = [=[

== 生物化学 ==
]=] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:氨基酸;zh-hk:氨基酸;zh-tw:胺基酸;', original = 'Amino acid' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:亮氨酸;zh-hk:白氨酸;zh-tw:白胺酸;', original = 'Leucine' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:异亮氨酸;zh-hk:異白氨酸;zh-tw:異白胺酸;', original = 'Isoleucine' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:天冬氨酸;zh-hk:天冬氨酸;zh-tw:天門冬胺酸;', original = 'aspartic acid' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:天冬酰胺;zh-hk:天冬酰胺;zh-tw:天門冬醯胺;', original = 'asparagine' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:糖类;zh-hk:糖類;zh-tw:醣類;', original = 'Carbohydrate' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:单糖; zh-tw:單醣;', original = 'Monosaccharide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:双糖; zh-tw:雙醣;', original = 'Disaccharide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:三糖; zh-tw:三醣;', original = 'Trisaccharide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:四糖; zh-tw:四醣;', original = 'Tetrasaccharide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:寡糖; zh-tw:寡醣;', original = 'Oligosaccharide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:多糖; zh-tw:多醣;', original = 'Polysaccharide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:氨酸;zh-hk:氨酸;zh-tw:胺酸;', original = 'amino acid' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:酰胺;zh-hk:酰胺;zh-tw:醯胺;', original = 'amide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:底物;zh-hk:基質;zh-tw:受質;', original = 'Substrate' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:底物水平磷酸化;zh-hk:基質水平磷酸化;zh-tw:受質階層磷酸化;', original = 'Substrate-level phosphorylation' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:激活剂;zh-hk:活化劑;zh-tw:活化劑;', original = 'Activator' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:别构;zh-hk:變構;zh-tw:異位;', original = 'Allosteric' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:脱落酸;zh-hk:脱落酸;zh-tw:離層素;', original = 'Abscisic Acid' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:赤霉素;zh-hk:赤黴素;zh-tw:吉貝素;', original = 'gibberellin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:摩尔;zh-hk:摩爾;zh-tw:莫耳;', original = 'mole' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:淀粉样物质;zh-hk:澱粉樣蛋白;zh-tw:類澱粉蛋白;', original = 'Amyloid' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:裂合酶;zh-hk:裂解酶;zh-tw:解離酶;', original = 'lyase' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:蛋白同化甾类;zh-hk:同化類固醇;zh-tw:同化類固醇;', original = 'Anabolic steroid' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:食欲肽;zh-hk:食慾素;zh-tw:食慾素;', original = 'Orexin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:载体蛋白;zh-hk:載體蛋白;zh-tw:攜帶蛋白;', original = 'carrier protein' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:噁;zh-hk:噁;zh-tw:噁;', original = 'ox-' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:糖异生;zh-hk:糖質新生;zh-tw:葡萄糖新生;', original = 'Gluconeogenesis' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:糖酵解;zh-hk:糖酵解;zh-tw:糖解作用;', original = 'glycolysis' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:心房钠尿肽;zh-hk:心房利鈉肽;zh-tw:心房利鈉肽;', original = 'atrial natriuretic peptide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:肉桂醛;zh-hk:肉桂醛;zh-tw:桂皮醛;', original = 'Cinnamaldehyde' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:三酰甘油;zh-hk:甘油三酸酯;zh-tw:三酸甘油酯;zh-sg:三酸甘油酯;', original = 'Triglyceride' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:质体蓝蛋白;zh-hk:質體藍素;zh-tw:質體藍素;', original = 'Plastocyanin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:烟酸;zh-hk:菸酸;zh-tw:菸鹼酸;', original = 'niacin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:烟酰胺;zh-hk:菸酰胺;zh-tw:菸鹼醯胺;', original = 'Nicotinamide' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:甲状旁腺激素;zh-hk:副甲狀腺激素;zh-tw:副甲狀腺素;', original = 'Parathyroid hormone' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:生长抑素;zh-hk:生長抑素;zh-tw:體抑素;', original = 'Somatostatin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:组胺;zh-hk:組織胺;zh-tw:組織胺;', original = 'histamine' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:卟啉;zh-hk:卟啉;zh-tw:紫質;', original = 'Porphyrin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:脱氢;zh-hk:脱氫;zh-tw:去氫;', original = 'dehydrogen-' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:周期蛋白;zh-hk:週期素;zh-tw:週期素;', original = 'Cyclin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:脱氧;zh-hk:脱氧;zh-tw:去氧;', original = 'deoxy-' },
{ type = 'item', rule = '洋菜=>zh-cn:琼脂; 洋菜=>zh-hk:瓊脂; 洋菜=>zh-mo:瓊脂; 洋菜=>zh-sg:琼脂;', original = 'agar' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:过氧化物酶体;zh-hk:過氧化物酶體;zh-tw:過氧化體;', original = 'Peroxisome' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:核糖体;zh-hk:核糖體;zh-tw:核醣體;', original = 'ribosome' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:线粒体;zh-hk:線粒體;zh-tw:粒線體;', original = 'Mitochondrion' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:嵴;zh-hk:嵴;zh-tw:皺褶;', original = 'cristae' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:质粒;zh-hk:質粒;zh-tw:質體;', original = 'Plasmid' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:液泡;zh-hk:液泡;zh-tw:液胞;', original = 'vacuole' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:粗面内质网;zh-hk:粗糙內質網;zh-tw:粗糙內質網;', original = 'rough endoplasmic reticulum' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:光面内质网;zh-hk:光滑內質網;zh-tw:光滑內質網;', original = 'smooth endoplasmic reticulum' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:高尔基体;zh-hk:高爾基器;zh-tw:高基氏體;', original = 'golgi apparatus' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:易化扩散;zh-hk:易化擴散;zh-tw:促進性擴散;zh-hk:易化擴散;', original = 'Facilitated diffusion' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:糖酵解;zh-hk:糖酵解;zh-tw:糖解作用;', original = 'Glycolysis' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:信号转导;zh-hk:信號轉導;zh-tw:訊息傳遞;', original = 'signal transduction' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:尼氏体;zh-hk:尼氏體;zh-tw:尼斯小體;', original = 'Nissl body' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:郎飞结;zh-hk:郎氏結;zh-tw:蘭氏結;', original = 'node of Ranvier' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:钙通道;zh-hk:鈣通道;zh-tw:鈣離子通道;', original = 'Calcium channel' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:胞间连丝;zh-hk:胞間連絲;zh-tw:原生質絲;', original = 'Plasmodesma' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:常染色体;zh-hk:常染色體;zh-tw:體染色體;', original = 'autosome' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:印迹;zh-hk:印跡;zh-tw:墨點;', original = 'blot' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:克隆; zh-tw:選殖;', original = 'clone' },--zh-hk:複製; --易过度转换
{ type = 'item', rule = '克隆=>zh-hk:複製; 選殖=>zh-hk:複製;', original = 'clone' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:脱氧核糖;zh-hk:脱氧核糖;zh-tw:去氧核糖;', original = 'deoxyribose' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:增强子;zh-hk:增強子;zh-tw:強化子;', original = 'enhancer' },
{ type = 'item', rule = '表达=>zh-tw:表現; 表达=>zh-hk:表達;', original = 'expression' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:基因表达;zh-hk:基因表達;zh-tw:基因表現;', original = 'gene expression' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:基因敲除;zh-hk:基因敲除;zh-tw:基因剔除;', original = 'gene knockout' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:组蛋白;zh-hk:組蛋白;zh-tw:組織蛋白;', original = 'histone' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:印记;zh-hk:印記;zh-tw:銘印; ', original = 'imprinting' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:分子克隆;zh-hk:分子複製;zh-tw:分子選殖;', original = 'molecular cloning' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:Northern印迹;zh-hk:北方印跡;zh-tw:北方墨點;', original = 'Northern blot' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:系统发生学;zh-hk:種系發生學;zh-tw:種系發生學;', original = 'phylogenetics' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:拟常染色体区;zh-hk:擬常染色體區;zh-tw:偽體染色體區;', original = 'pseudoautosomal region' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:伴性遗传;zh-hk:性連鎖遺傳;zh-tw:性聯遺傳;', original = 'sex linkage' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:信号识别颗粒;zh-hk:信號識別顆粒;zh-tw:訊息確認顆粒;', original = 'signal recognition particle' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:Southern印迹;zh-hk:南方印跡;zh-tw:南方墨點;', original = 'Southern blot' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:转基因;zh-hk:轉基因;zh-tw:基因改造;', original = 'transgene' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:翻译;zh-hk:轉譯;zh-tw:轉譯;', original = 'translation' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:Western印迹;zh-hk:西方印跡;zh-tw:西方墨點;', original = 'Western blot' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:进化论;zh-hk:進化論;zh-tw:演化論;zh-sg:进化论;', original = 'theory of evolution' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = '阿拉伯芥=>zh-cn:拟南芥; 阿拉伯芥=>zh-sg:拟南芥;', original = '<i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:综合征;zh-hk:綜合症;zh-tw:症候群;' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:伪狂犬病;zh-hk:假性狂犬病;zh-tw:假性狂犬病;', original = 'Pseudorabies' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:糖原贮积症;zh-hk:糖原貯積症;zh-tw:肝醣儲積症;', original = 'Glycogen storage disease' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:埃姆斯试验;zh-hk:安姆氏試驗;zh-tw:艾美氏試驗;', original = 'Ames test' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:浦肯野纤维;zh-hk:蒲金耶氏纖維;zh-tw:浦金氏纖維;', original = 'Purkinje fiber' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:脑桥;zh-hk:橋腦;zh-tw:橋腦;', original = 'Pons' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:下丘脑;zh-hk:下丘腦;zh-tw:下視丘;', original = 'Hypothalamus' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:甲状旁腺;zh-hk:副甲狀腺;zh-tw:副甲狀腺;', original = 'Parathyroid gland' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:红细胞;zh-hk:紅血細胞;zh-tw:紅血球;', original = 'erythrocyte' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:白细胞;zh-hk:白血細胞;zh-tw:白血球;', original = 'leukocyte' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:血管紧张素;zh-hk:血管緊張素;zh-tw:血管收縮素;', original = 'angiotensin' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:垂体;zh-hk:垂體;zh-tw:腦下垂體;', original = 'pituitary gland' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:心脏;zh-hk:心臟;zh-tw:心臟;', original = 'Heart' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:肾单位;zh-hk:腎元;zh-tw:腎單位;', original = 'Nephron' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:凯氏带;zh-hk:凱氏帶;zh-tw:卡氏帶;', original = 'Casparian strip' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:蒸腾;zh-hk:蒸騰;zh-tw:蒸散;', original = 'Transpiration' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:花叶病毒;zh-hk:花葉病毒;zh-tw:鑲嵌病毒;', original = 'mosaic virus' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:中性粒细胞;zh-hk:嗜㆗性顆粒白血細胞;zh-tw:嗜中性球;', original = 'neutrophil granulocyte' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:嗜酸性粒细胞;zh-hk:嗜曙紅顆粒白血細胞;zh-tw:嗜酸性球;', original = 'eosinophil granulocyte' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:嗜碱性粒细胞;zh-hk:嗜鹼顆粒白血細胞;zh-tw:嗜鹼性球;', original = 'basophil granulocyte' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:树突状细胞;zh-hk:樹突狀細胞;zh-tw:樹狀細胞;', original = 'Dendritic cell' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:库普弗细胞;zh-hk:柯弗氏細胞;zh-tw:庫佛氏細胞;', original = 'Kupffer cell' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:单核细胞;zh-hk:單核白血細胞;zh-tw:單核球;', original = 'Monocyte' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:粒细胞;zh-hk:顆粒白血細胞;zh-tw:顆粒球;' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[

]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:数据;zh-hk:數據;zh-tw:資料;', original = 'data' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:信息;zh-hk:資訊;zh-tw:資訊;', original = 'information' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:程序;zh-hk:程式;zh-tw:程式;', original = 'program' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-cn:搜索;zh-hk:搜尋;zh-tw:搜尋;', original = 'search' },