












return {
-- 填写下面的两个参数
name = 'LOL',
description = '英雄聯盟',
content = {
{ type = 'text', text = [=[
[[Category:电子游戏公共转换组模板|League Of Legends]]

== 游戏 ==
=== 遊戲機制 ===
]=] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Influence Points', rule = 'zh-cn:游戏金币; zh-tw:權力點; zh-sg:权利点;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Riot Points', rule = 'zh-cn:点券; zh-tw:聯盟幣; zh-sg:联盟币;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Queue', rule = 'zh-cn:匹配; zh-tw:配對;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:符印; zh-tw:紋章;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:精华; zh-tw:精髓;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fighter', rule = 'zh-cn:战士; zh-tw:鬥士; zh-sg:斗士;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:裁决之镰; zh-tw:審判系統;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skin', rule = 'zh-cn:皮肤; zh-tw:造型; zh-sg:造型; zh-my:造型;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 排位赛 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:战区系统; zh-tw:聯盟系統;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tier', rule = 'zh-cn:段位; zh-tw:階級;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bronze', rule = '英勇黄铜=>zh-tw:銅牌; 英勇黄铜=>zh-hk:銅牌; 英勇黄铜=>zh-mo:銅牌; 英勇黄铜=>zh-sg:铜牌;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Silver', rule = '不屈白银=>zh-tw:銀牌; 不屈白银=>zh-hk:銀牌; 不屈白银=>zh-mo:銀牌; 不屈白银=>zh-sg:银牌;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gold', rule = '荣耀黄金=>zh-tw:金牌; 荣耀黄金=>zh-hk:金牌; 荣耀黄金=>zh-mo:金牌; 荣耀黄金=>zh-sg:金牌;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Platinum', rule = '华贵铂金=>zh-tw:白金; 华贵铂金=>zh-hk:白金; 华贵铂金=>zh-mo:白金; 华贵铂金=>zh-sg:白金;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Diamond', rule = '璀璨钻石=>zh-tw:鑽石; 璀璨钻石=>zh-hk:鑽石; 璀璨钻石=>zh-mo:鑽石; 璀璨钻石=>zh-sg:钻石;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Master', rule = '超凡大师=>zh-tw:大師; 超凡大师=>zh-hk:大師; 超凡大师=>zh-mo:大師; 超凡大师=>zh-sg:大师;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Challenger', rule = 'zh-cn:最强王者; zh-tw:菁英; zh-sg:菁英;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 地图与模式 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Summoner\'s Rift', rule = 'zh-cn:召唤师峡谷; zh-tw:召喚峽谷; zh-sg:召唤峡谷' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Proving Grounds', rule = 'zh-cn:试炼之地; zh-tw:試驗場;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:嚎哭深渊; zh-tw:咆嘯深淵; zh-sg:咆哮深渊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Butcher\'s Bridge', rule = 'zh-cn:屠夫之桥; zh-tw:屠戮大橋; zh-sg:屠戮大桥; zh-my:屠戮大桥;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:瓦洛兰城市公园; zh-tw:瓦羅然城市公園;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crash Site', rule = 'zh-cn:失事站点; zh-tw:失事點; zh-sg:失事点; zh-my:失事点;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:排位赛; zh-tw:積分對戰;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:预选位模式; zh-tw:競技模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:灵活组排; zh-tw:彈性積分; zh-sg:弹性积分;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:自定义游戏; zh-tw:自訂對戰;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:新手教程; zh-tw:教學模式; zh-sg:教学模式;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:极地大乱斗; zh-tw:ARAM;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dominion', rule = 'zh-cn:统治战场; zh-tw:據點攻略戰;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Clash', rule = 'Clash=>zh-cn:冠军杯赛; Clash=>zh-cn:冠军杯赛;' }, -- “冠军杯赛“为赛事常用名,易过度转换,故用单向
{ type = 'item', original = 'Teamfight Tactics', rule = 'zh-cn:云顶之弈; zh-tw:聯盟戰棋; zh-sg:联盟战棋; zh-my:联盟战棋;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:大对决; zh-tw:決勝慶典;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'One For All', rule = 'zh-cn:克隆大作战; zh-tw:無限死鬥; zh-sg:无限死斗; zh-my:无限死斗;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:克隆大作战:镜像模式; zh-tw:無限死鬥:鏡像對決;'},
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ultra Rapid Fire', rule = 'zh-cn:无限火力; zh-tw:阿福快打; zh-sg:阿福快打; zh-my:阿福快打;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ARURF', rule = 'zh-cn:无限乱斗; zh-tw:隨機阿福快打; zh-sg:随机阿福快打; zh-my:随机阿福快打;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Snow Battle ARURF', rule = 'zh-cn:冰雪无限火力; zh-tw:阿福快打:雪球大戰; zh-sg:阿福快打:雪球大战;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:飞升模式; zh-tw:霸權爭奪;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Legend of the Poro King', rule = 'zh-cn:魄罗大乱斗; zh-tw:普羅王傳說; zh-sg:普罗王传说; zh-my:普罗王传说;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Black Market Brawlers', rule = 'zh-cn:佣兵大作战; zh-tw:黑街打手;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nemesis Draft', rule = 'zh-cn:互选征召; zh-tw:逆轉對決;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Definitely Not Dominion', rule = 'zh-cn:这货不是统治战场; zh-tw:我不是水晶之痕;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:枢纽攻防战; zh-tw:聯邦圍城;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Invasion', rule = 'zh-cn:怪兽入侵; zh-tw:幽怪入侵; zh-sg:幽怪入侵;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nexus Blitz', rule = 'zh-cn:极限闪击; zh-tw:閃電急擊; zh-sg:闪电急击; zh-my:闪电急击;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ultimate Spellbook', rule = 'zh-cn:终极魔典; zh-tw:終極法書; zh-sg:终极法书; zh-my:终极法书;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 地图元素 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nexus', rule = 'zh-cn:水晶枢纽; zh-tw:主堡;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Inhibitor', rule = 'zh-cn:召唤水晶; zh-tw:水晶兵營;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:泉水; zh-tw:溫泉;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Baron Nashor', rule = 'zh-cn:纳什男爵; zh-tw:巴龍; zh-sg:巴龙·纳什;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Rift Herald', rule = 'zh-cn:峡谷先锋; zh-tw:預示者; zh-sg:峡谷预示者;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:巨龙; zh-tw:飛龍;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 世界观 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Runeterra', rule = 'zh-cn:符文之地; zh-tw:符文大地; zh-sg:符文大地; zh-my:符文大地;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Valoran', rule = 'zh-cn:瓦洛兰; zh-tw:瓦羅然;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ionia', rule = 'zh-cn:艾欧尼亚; zh-tw:愛歐尼亞; zh-sg:爱欧尼亚; zh-my:爱欧尼亚;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shurima', rule = 'zh-cn:恕瑞玛; zh-tw:蘇瑞瑪; zh-sg:苏瑞玛; zh-my:苏瑞玛;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mount Targon', rule = 'zh-cn:巨神峰; zh-tw:巨石峰; zh-sg:巨石峰; zh-my:巨石峰;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Demacia', rule = 'zh-cn:德玛西亚; zh-tw:蒂瑪西亞; zh-sg:蒂玛西亚; zh-my:蒂玛西亚;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Piltover', rule = 'zh-cn:皮尔特沃夫; zh-tw:皮爾托福; zh-sg:皮尔托福; zh-my:皮尔托福;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shadow Isles', rule = 'zh-cn:暗影岛; zh-tw:闇影島;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zaun', rule = 'zh-cn:祖安; zh-tw:佐恩; zh-sg:佐恩; zh-my:佐恩;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Icathia', rule = 'zh-cn:艾卡西亚; zh-tw:伊卡西亞;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Void', rule = '虚空之地=>zh-tw:虛空; 虚空之地=>zh-hk:虛空; 虚空之地=>zh-mo:虛空;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ixtal', rule = 'zh-cn:以绪塔尔; zh-tw:伊克斯塔爾;' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 英雄称号 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Deceiver', rule = 'zh-cn:诡术妖姬; zh-tw:詐欺師; zh-sg:诈欺师;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Maven of the Strings', rule = 'zh-cn:琴瑟仙女; zh-tw:琴仙; zh-sg:琴仙;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Shield of Valoran', rule = 'zh-cn:瓦洛兰之盾; zh-tw:瓦羅然之盾; zh-sg:瓦罗然之盾;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:虚空掠夺者; zh-tw:虛空掠食者; zh-sg:虚空掠食者;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Lady of Luminosity', rule = 'zh-cn:光辉女郎; zh-tw:光之少女; zh-sg:光之少女;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:盲僧; zh-tw:盲眼武僧; zh-sg:盲眼武僧' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:圣枪游侠; zh-tw:驅魔聖槍;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:风暴之怒; zh-tw:風暴女神; zh-sg:风暴女神;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:麦林炮手; zh-tw:約德爾炮手; ' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:魂锁典狱长; zh-tw:鍊魂獄長; zh-sg:炼魂狱长;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:扭曲树精; zh-tw:扭曲樹人; ' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:狂野女猎手; zh-tw:狂野獵手; ' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:影流之主; zh-tw:影忍至尊; ' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:傲之追猎者; zh-tw:傲慢伏擊者; zh-sg:傲慢伏击者;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-cn:机械公敌; zh-tw:武裝機兵; ' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Colossus', rule = 'zh-cn:正义巨像; zh-tw:禦國巨像; zh-sg:御国巨像;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fury of the North', rule = 'zh-cn:北地之怒; zh-tw:北境之怒; zh-sg:北境之怒;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Dreadnought', rule = 'zh-cn:无畏战车; zh-tw:重裝無畏; zh-sg:重装无畏;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Agony\'s Embrace', rule = 'zh-cn:痛苦之拥; zh-tw:臨終擁抱; zh-sg:临终拥抱;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Noxian Grand General', rule = 'zh-cn:诺克萨斯统领; zh-tw:諾克薩斯總帥; zh-sg:诺克萨斯总帅;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Blade Dancer', rule = 'zh-cn:刀锋舞者; zh-tw:舞劍靈使; zh-sg:舞剑灵使; zh-my:舞剑灵使;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Steel Shadow', rule = 'zh-cn:青钢影; zh-tw:鋼鐵殘影;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Charmer', rule = 'zh-cn:幻翎; zh-tw:惑羽; zh-sg:惑羽;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Shadow Reaper', rule = 'zh-cn:影流之镰; zh-tw:闇魂收割者; zh-sg:暗魂收割者;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Fire Below the Mountain', rule = 'zh-cn:山隐之焰; zh-tw:爐心山神; zh-sg:炉心山神;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 英雄名稱 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Aatrox', rule = 'zh-cn:亚托克斯; zh-tw:厄薩斯; zh-sg:厄萨斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ahri', rule = 'zh-cn:阿狸; zh-tw:阿璃; zh-sg:阿璃;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Akali', rule = 'zh-cn:阿卡丽; zh-tw:阿卡莉; zh-sg:阿卡莉;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Alistar', rule = 'zh-cn:阿利斯塔; zh-tw:亞歷斯塔;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Amumu', rule = 'zh-cn:阿木木; zh-tw:阿姆姆; zh-sg:阿姆姆;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Anivia', rule = 'zh-cn:艾尼维亚; zh-tw:艾妮維亞; zh-sg:艾妮维亚;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Aurelion Sol', rule = 'zh-cn:奥瑞利安·索尔; zh-tw:翱銳龍獸;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Azir', rule = 'zh-cn:阿兹尔; zh-tw:阿祈爾;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Braum', rule = 'zh-cn:布隆; zh-tw:布朗姆; zh-sg:布朗姆;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Camille', rule = 'zh-cn:卡蜜尔; zh-tw:卡蜜兒; zh-sg:卡蜜儿;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Darius', rule = 'zh-cn:德莱厄斯; zh-tw:達瑞斯; zh-sg:达瑞斯;'},
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dr. Mundo', rule = 'zh-cn:蒙多; zh-tw:蒙多醫生; zh-sg:蒙多医生;'},
{ type = 'item', original = 'Draven', rule = 'zh-cn:德莱文; zh-tw:達瑞文; zh-sg:达瑞文;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Evelynn', rule = 'zh-cn:伊芙琳; zh-tw:伊芙琳; zh-sg:伊夫林;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fiora', rule = 'zh-cn:菲奥娜; zh-tw:菲歐拉;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fizz', rule = 'zh-cn:菲兹; zh-tw:飛斯; zh-sg:飞斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Galio', rule = 'zh-cn:加里奥; zh-tw:加里歐; zh-sg:加里欧;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gangplank', rule = 'zh-cn:普朗克; zh-tw:剛普朗克;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gnar', rule = 'zh-cn:纳尔; zh-tw:吶兒; zh-sg:呐儿;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gragas', rule = 'zh-cn:古拉加斯; zh-tw:古拉格斯; zh-sg:古拉格斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gwen', rule = '格温=>zh-tw:關; 格温=>zh-hk:關; 格温=>zh-mo:關; 格温=>zh-sg:关; 格温=>zh-my:关;' }, -- “关“易被过度转换,故用单向
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hecarim', rule = 'zh-cn:赫卡里姆; zh-tw:赫克林; zh-sg:赫克林;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Heimerdinger', rule = 'zh-cn:黑默丁格; zh-tw:漢默丁格; zh-sg:汉默丁格;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hwei', rule = '赫威=>zh-cn:彗; 赫威=>zh-sg:慧; 赫威=>zh-my:慧;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Illaoi', rule = 'zh-cn:俄洛伊; zh-tw:伊羅旖; zh-sg:伊罗旖;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Irelia', rule = 'zh-cn:艾瑞莉娅; zh-tw:伊瑞莉雅; zh-sg:伊瑞莉雅;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Janna', rule = 'zh-cn:迦纳; zh-tw:珍娜; zh-sg:珍娜;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jayce', rule = 'zh-cn:杰斯; zh-tw:傑西; zh-sg:杰西;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jinx', rule = 'zh-cn:金克丝; zh-tw:吉茵珂絲;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kai\'Sa', rule = 'zh-cn:卡莎; zh-tw:凱莎; zh-sg:凯莎;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kalista', rule = 'zh-cn:卡莉丝塔; zh-tw:克黎思妲; zh-sg:克黎思妲;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Karma', rule = 'zh-cn:卡尔玛; zh-tw:卡瑪; zh-sg:卡玛;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Karthus', rule = 'zh-cn:卡尔萨斯; zh-tw:卡爾瑟斯; zh-sg:卡尔瑟斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Katarina', rule = 'zh-cn:卡特琳娜; zh-tw:卡特蓮娜;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kayn', rule = 'zh-cn:凯隐; zh-tw:概影; zh-sg:概影;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kennen', rule = 'zh-cn:凯南; zh-tw:凱能; zh-sg:凯能;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kha\'Zix', rule = 'zh-cn:卡兹克; zh-tw:卡力斯; zh-sg:卡力斯; zh-my:卡力斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kindred', rule = 'zh-cn:千珏; zh-tw:鏡爪;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kogmaw', rule = 'zh-cn:克格莫; zh-tw:寇格魔;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Leblanc', rule = 'zh-cn:乐芙兰; zh-tw:勒布朗; zh-sg:勒布朗;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Leesin', rule = 'zh-cn:李青; zh-tw:李星; zh-sg:李星;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Leona', rule = 'zh-cn:蕾欧娜; zh-tw:雷歐娜;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lissandra', rule = 'zh-cn:丽桑卓; zh-tw:麗珊卓;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lucian', rule = 'zh-cn:卢锡安; zh-tw:路西恩; zh-sg:路西恩;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lulu', rule = 'zh-cn:璐璐; zh-tw:露璐; zh-sg:露璐;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Malzaher', rule = 'zh-cn:玛尔扎哈; zh-tw:馬爾札哈; zh-sg:马尔札哈; zh-my:马尔札哈;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Master Yi', rule = '易大師=>zh-cn:易; 易大师=>zh-cn:易;' }, -- “易”易被过度转换,故用单向
{ type = 'item', original = 'Miss Fortune', rule = 'zh-cn:厄运小姐; zh-tw:好運姐;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mordekaiser', rule = 'zh-cn:莫德凯撒; zh-tw:魔鬥凱薩; zh-sg:魔斗凯萨;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Morgana', rule = 'zh-cn:莫甘娜; zh-tw:魔甘娜; zh-sg:魔甘娜;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nami', rule = 'zh-cn:娜美; zh-tw:娜米;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nautilus', rule = 'zh-cn:诺提勒斯; zh-tw:納帝魯斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Neeko', rule = 'zh-cn:妮蔻; zh-tw:妮可; zh-sg:妮可; zh-my:妮可;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nocturne', rule = 'zh-cn:魔腾; zh-tw:夜曲; zh-sg:夜曲;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Olaf', rule = 'zh-cn:奥拉夫; zh-tw:歐拉夫; zh-sg:欧拉夫;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ornn', rule = 'zh-cn:奥恩; zh-tw:鄂爾; zh-sg:鄂尔;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Quinn', rule = 'zh-cn:奎因; zh-tw:葵恩;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rakan', rule = '銳空=>zh-cn:洛; 锐空=>zh-cn:洛;' }, -- “洛”易被过度转换,故用单向
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rammus', rule = 'zh-cn:拉莫斯; zh-tw:拉姆斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Reksai', rule = 'zh-cn:雷克塞; zh-tw:雷珂煞;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Renata Glasc', rule = 'zh-cn:烈娜塔·戈拉斯克; zh-tw:睿娜妲·格萊斯克; zh-sg:睿娜妲·格莱斯克; zh-my:睿娜妲·格莱斯克;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rengar', rule = 'zh-cn:雷恩加尔; zh-tw:雷葛爾; zh-sg:雷葛尔;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Riven', rule = 'zh-cn:锐雯; zh-tw:雷玟;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rumble', rule = 'zh-cn:兰博; zh-tw:藍寶;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ryze', rule = 'zh-cn:瑞兹; zh-tw:雷茲; zh-sg:雷兹;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sejuani', rule = 'zh-cn:瑟庄妮; zh-tw:史瓦妮;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Seraphine', rule = 'zh-cn:萨勒芬妮; zh-tw:瑟菈紛; zh-sg:瑟菈纷; zh-my:瑟菈纷;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Singed',rule = 'zh-cn:辛吉德; zh-tw:辛吉德; zh-sg:辛基德;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skarner', rule = 'zh-cn:斯卡纳; zh-tw:史加納; zh-sg:史加纳;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sona', rule = 'zh-cn:娑娜; zh-tw:索娜;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Swain', rule = 'zh-cn:斯维因; zh-tw:斯溫; zh-sg:斯温;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Syndra', rule = 'zh-cn:辛德拉; zh-tw:星朵拉; zh-sg:星多拉;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tahm Kench', rule = 'zh-cn:塔姆·肯奇; zh-tw:貪啃奇; zh-sg:贪啃奇;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Taliyah', rule = 'zh-cn:塔莉娅; zh-tw:塔莉雅; zh-sg:塔莉雅' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Talon', rule = 'zh-cn:泰隆; zh-tw:塔隆;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Teemo', rule = 'zh-cn:提莫; zh-tw:提摩; zh-sg:提摩;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Thresh', rule = 'zh-cn:锤石; zh-tw:瑟雷西; zh-sg:瑟雷西;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Twisted Fate', rule = 'zh-cn:崔斯特; zh-tw:逆命;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Urgot', rule = 'zh-cn:厄加特; zh-tw:烏爾加特; zh-sg:乌尔加特;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Varus', rule = 'zh-cn:韦鲁斯; zh-tw:法洛士; zh-sg:法洛士;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vayne', rule = '薇恩=>zh-tw:汎; 薇恩=>zh-hk:汎; 薇恩=>zh-mo:汎; 薇恩=>zh-sg:泛; 汎=>zh-sg:泛;' }, -- “泛”易被过度转换,故用单向
{ type = 'item', original = 'VelKoz', rule = 'zh-cn:维克兹; zh-tw:威寇茲;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vi', rule = '菲艾=>zh-cn:蔚; 菲艾=>zh-cn:蔚;' }, -- “蔚”易被过度转换,故用单向
{ type = 'item', original = 'Warwick', rule = 'zh-cn:沃里克; zh-tw:沃維克; zh-sg:沃维克;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Wukong', rule = 'zh-cn:孙悟空; zh-tw:悟空;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Xayah', rule = '剎雅=>zh-cn:霞; 刹雅=>zh-cn:霞;' }, -- “霞”易被过度转换,故用单向
{ type = 'item', original = 'Xerath', rule = 'zh-cn:泽拉斯; zh-tw:齊勒斯; zh-sg:齐勒斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Yasuo', rule = 'zh-cn:亚索; zh-tw:犽宿;'},
{ type = 'item', original = 'Yorick', rule = 'zh-cn:约里克; zh-tw:約瑞科; zh-sg:约瑞科;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zac', rule = 'zh-cn:扎克; zh-tw:札克; zh-sg:札克;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ziggs', rule = 'zh-cn:吉格斯; zh-tw:希格斯; zh-sg:希格斯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zilean', rule = 'zh-cn:基兰; zh-tw:極靈;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zoe', rule = 'zh-cn:佐伊; zh-tw:柔依; zh-sg:柔依;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zyra', rule = 'zh-cn:婕拉; zh-tw:枷蘿; zh-sg:枷萝;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 其他角色 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lamb', rule = 'zh-cn:羊灵; zh-tw:神羊;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Poro', rule = 'zh-cn:魄罗; zh-tw:普羅;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Wolf', rule = 'zh-cn:狼灵; zh-tw:魔狼;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 衍生作品 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blitzcrank\'s Poro Roundup', rule = 'zh-cn:英雄联盟:魄罗快跑; zh-tw:英雄聯盟 普羅快跑;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mechs vs. Minions', rule = 'zh-cn:约德尔战斗学院; zh-tw:約德爾戰鬥營:機甲士兵大對決;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tellstones: King\'s Gambit', rule = 'zh-cn:建言棋:王之断言; zh-tw:泰爾石:果敢王策;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'League of Legends: Wild Rift', rule = 'zh-cn:英雄联盟手游; zh-tw:英雄聯盟:激鬥峽谷;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Arcane', rule = 'zh-cn:英雄联盟:双城之战; zh-tw:奧術; zh-hk:奧術;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 音乐 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Curse of the Sad Mummy', rule = 'zh-cn:阿木木的诅咒; zh-tw:悲傷木乃伊的孤獨詛咒;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Legends Never Die', rule = 'zh-cn:传奇永不熄; zh-tw:傳奇永不消逝;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 赛事 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'World Championship Series', rule = 'zh-cn:全球总决赛; zh-tw:世界大賽;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Demacia Cup', rule = 'zh-hans:德玛西亚杯; zh-hant:德瑪西亞盃;' },
