










return {

name = 'Counter-Strike',
description = '[[反恐精英|-{zh-hans:反恐精英; zh-hant:絕對武力}-]]',
content = {

{ type = 'text', text = [=[

== 直系版本 ==
]=] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Counter-Strike', rule = 'zh-hans:反恐精英; zh-hant:絕對武力' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 旁系版本 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Counter-Strike', rule = 'zh-hans:反恐精英; zh-hant:絕對武力' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Condition Zero', rule = 'zh-hans:零点行动; zh-hant:一觸即發' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Source', rule = 'zh-hans:起源; zh-hant:次世代' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Counter-Strike Online', rule = 'zh-hans:反恐精英Online; zh-hant:絕對武力Online' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Global Offensive', rule = 'zh-hans:全球攻势; zh-hant:全球攻勢' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 资料片 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:生化狂潮; zh-hant:惡靈降世' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:生化狂潮Ⅱ:进化; zh-hant:惡靈降世2' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:生化盟约; zh-hant:大亂鬥' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:生化狂潮Ⅲ:英雄; zh-hant:惡靈降世3' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:求生之路; zh-hant:「啟示錄」—災厄之章' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变; zh-hant:災厄之章' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变第二季; zh-hant:災厄之第二章' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变第三季; zh-hant:災厄之第三章' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:一球成名; zh-hant:熱血足球' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:机甲风暴; zh-hant:「啟示錄」—戰神之章' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:合金战争; zh-hant:決戰未來' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 遊戲模式 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Normal', rule = 'zh-hans:竞技模式; zh-hant:一般模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:休闲竞技模式; zh-hant:悠遊模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:道具战; zh-hant:奪寶大作戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Death Match', rule = 'zh-hans:个人决战模式; zh-hant:死鬥模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Team Death Match', rule = 'zh-hans:团队决战模式; zh-hant:團隊死鬥模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化模式; zh-hant:殭屍模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie: The Original Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化模式(感染); zh-hant:殭屍經典模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie: The Mutation Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化模式2(异变); zh-hant:殭屍異變模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie: The Hero Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化模式3(英雄); zh-hant:殭屍英雄模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Z-VIRUS', rule = 'zh-hans:基因突变; zh-hant:終極感染' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bot Zombie Mod', rule = 'zh-hans:生化模式(危机); zh-hant:殭屍劇情(虛擬對手)模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie: The Union Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化盟战; zh-hant:大亂鬥' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Union Death Match Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化盟战(歼灭); zh-hant:大亂鬥殲滅戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Scenario Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变; zh-hant:災厄之章' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Human Scenario Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:机甲风暴; zh-hant:戰神之章' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Metal Arena Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:合金战争; zh-hant:機甲爭霸' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Challenge Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:极限模式; zh-hant:挑戰模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:娱乐模式; zh-hant:樂鬥模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:求生模式; zh-hant:啟示錄' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Grenade Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:手雷战模式; zh-hant:手榴彈激鬥模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Grenade Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:日常任务; zh-hant:每日任務' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fun Mode: Hidden', rule = 'zh-hans:幽灵模式; zh-hant:魔幻空間模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fun Mode: Zombie Escape', rule = 'zh-hans:生化大逃杀; zh-hant:殭屍大逃殺' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fun Mode: Bazooka Battle', rule = 'zh-hans:火箭炮战; zh-hant:轟炸擂台' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gun Deathmatch', rule = 'zh-hans:枪王决战; zh-hant:槍王之王' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Competitive Zombie Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化战队战; zh-hant:殭屍軍團戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Competitive Zombie Scenario Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变战队战; zh-hant:災厄軍團戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rush Battle Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:据点突破模式; zh-hant:即刻救援模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Shelter Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:昼夜求生模式; zh-hant:夜襲生存戰模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Shelter: Coop Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:昼夜求生Ⅱ模式; zh-hant:新。夜襲生存戰模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Beast Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:怪形变身模式; zh-hant:怪獸亂鬥模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie 4: Darkness Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:生化模式4(暗夜); zh-hant:無界煉獄' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie File Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:绝命档案; zh-hant:偵查事件簿' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sudden Death Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:夺命乱斗模式; zh-hant:飢餓遊戲模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Tag Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:真假尸王模式; zh-hant:鬼迷藏模式' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 遊戲角色 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Counter Terrorists', rule = 'zh-hant:CT; zh-hans:CT' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Terrorists', rule = 'zh-hant:TR; zh-hans:T' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Counter-terrorists', rule = 'zh-hans:反恐精英; zh-hant:反恐小組' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Terrorists', rule = 'zh-hans:恐怖分子; zh-hant:恐怖分子' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vanguard troop', rule = 'zh-hans:先驱者; zh-hant:先鋒集團' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'DEVGRU', rule = 'zh-hans:海豹突击队; zh-hant:美國第六海豹特遣隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'GSG-9', rule = 'zh-hans:第九大队; zh-hant:德國第九國境防衛隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SAS', rule = 'zh-hans:皇家特勤队; zh-hant:英國皇家特種空勤隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'GIGN', rule = 'zh-hans:武装行动组; zh-hant:法國憲兵特勤隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Spetsnaz', rule = 'zh-hans:雪域特战队; zh-hant:俄羅斯特種部隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magui', rule = 'zh-hans:炎龙战术小队; zh-hant:中國大陸特種部隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = '707 Special force', rule = 'zh-hans:707特种部隊; zh-hant:南韓707特戰營' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SOZO', rule = 'zh-hans:雷霆小组; zh-hant:台灣霹靂小組' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SAT', rule = 'zh-hans:警示厅卫队; zh-hant:日本特殊急襲部隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SAF Scout', rule = 'zh-hans:丛林猛虎; zh-hant:新加坡星光部隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Criss', rule = 'zh-hans:葛雷斯; zh-hant:葛蕾' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gerard', rule = 'zh-hans:杰拉德; zh-hant:柯林' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ChnGirl', rule = 'zh-hans:梦瑶; zh-hant:冷雨煙' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Keith Icahn', rule = 'zh-hans:亨特; zh-hant:【獵人】H·里斯曼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lucia', rule = 'zh-hans:露西亚; zh-hant:露西卡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Enzo', rule = 'zh-hans:恩佐; zh-hant:海格力' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Walter', rule = 'zh-hans:沃尔特; zh-hant:沃爾特' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Isabella', rule = 'zh-hans:伊莎; zh-hant:伊莎貝拉' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Master Craftsman Henry Stoner', rule = 'zh-hans:亨利·斯托尔诺; zh-hant:亨利·史托爾' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dominique', rule = 'zh-hans:多米尼克; zh-hant:多明尼克' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Senior Researcher Soy', rule = 'zh-hans:索伊; zh-hant:麻里子' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jin Se-yeon(CT)', rule = 'zh-hans:陈世妍(CT); zh-hant:Dr.韓' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Phoenix Connexion', rule = 'zh-hans:凤凰战士; zh-hant:東歐鳳凰恐怖組織' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Elite Crew', rule = 'zh-hans:精英部队; zh-hant:中東精銳恐怖份子' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Arctic Avengers', rule = 'zh-hans:北极复仇者; zh-hant:瑞典北極復仇者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Guerilla Warfare', rule = 'zh-hans:蝰蛇; zh-hant:中東恐怖遊擊部隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Midwest Militia', rule = 'zh-hans:蓝色军团; zh-hant:美國中西部城市傭兵' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vigilante Corps', rule = 'zh-hans:风暴小组; zh-hant:歐洲治安維持部隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Red Beret Condottiere', rule = 'zh-hans:红帽子; zh-hant:科索沃紅色貝雷帽部隊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'National Liberation Campaign', rule = 'zh-hans:蒙面行者; zh-hant:國際解放組織' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Asia Red Army', rule = 'zh-hans:落日军团; zh-hant:日本赤軍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jennifer', rule = 'zh-hans:杰西卡; zh-hant:潔西卡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'David·Black', rule = 'zh-hans:大卫·布莱克; zh-hant:卡爾' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JpnGirl', rule = 'zh-hans:熏; zh-hant:麻生亞子' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Spade', rule = 'zh-hans:斯佩德; zh-hant:【黑桃】S·巴奇' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fernando', rule = 'zh-hans:费尔南多; zh-hant:費南多' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blair', rule = 'zh-hans:布莱尔; zh-hant:布萊兒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Raven', rule = 'zh-hans:渡鸦; zh-hant:歐巴·史密斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Michaela', rule = 'zh-hans:米迦勒; zh-hant:蜜拉·羅莉' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Carlito', rule = 'zh-hans:卡里托; zh-hant:卡里托' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lingling', rule = 'zh-hans:玲玲; zh-hant:玲玲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gunsmith', rule = 'zh-hans:简·史密斯; zh-hant:米菲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Alin', rule = 'zh-hans:艾琳; zh-hant:亞琳' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Red Lizard Jim', rule = 'zh-hans:<红色蜥蜴>吉姆; zh-hant:<紅色蜥蜴>吉姆' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jin Se-yeon(T)', rule = 'zh-hans:陈世妍(T); zh-hant:珍妮' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ZM3 VIP/The Hero', rule = 'zh-hans:麦克斯; zh-hant:安德烈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kate/The Heroine', rule = 'zh-hans:安吉丽娜; zh-hant:裘莉' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Evolute Host Regular zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:领主僵尸; zh-hant:殭屍魔王' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Host Regular zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:母体僵尸; zh-hant:殭屍王' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Regular Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:次级僵尸; zh-hant:普通殭屍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Speed Zombie/Light Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:暗影芭比; zh-hant:莎拉' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Heavy Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:憎恶屠夫; zh-hant:達叔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Psycho Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:迷雾鬼影; zh-hant:法蘭克' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Heal Zombie/Voodoo Zombie/Witch Doctor Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:巫蛊术尸; zh-hant:庫卡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Banshee Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:嗜血女妖; zh-hant:笆蒂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Stamper Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:送葬者; zh-hant:薩旦' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lam Ching Ying', rule = 'zh-hans:尸王玄魁; zh-hant:江姜' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sting Finger', rule = 'zh-hans:痛苦女王; zh-hant:血腥瑪麗' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Venom Guard', rule = 'zh-hans:腐化暴君; zh-hant:保羅獄長' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Spin Diver', rule = 'zh-hans:厄运之轮; zh-hant:暴衝古布' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Night Stalker', rule = 'zh-hans:幽暗领主; zh-hant:狂魔帝斯' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:残暴镰魔; zh-hant:鐮骨傑森' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:暗夜魅影; zh-hant:血色丹娜' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:重锤血手; zh-hant:重錘沃克' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Metatronic', rule = 'zh-hans:暴虐钢骨; zh-hant:阿基里斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lilithc', rule = 'zh-hans:幻痛夜魔; zh-hant:鬼步伊西斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Juggernaut', rule = 'zh-hans:巨型狂暴形态僵尸; zh-hant:殘暴達叔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Prototype Phobos', rule = 'zh-hans:异形斗兽; zh-hant:雷比亞' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Siege Type Phobos', rule = 'zh-hans:急速型异形斗兽; zh-hant:狂暴雷比亞' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Oberon', rule = 'zh-hans:奥伯恩; zh-hant:阿比隆' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Deimos', rule = 'zh-hans:恶魔之子; zh-hant:雷比亞進化體' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Deimos Evolution 2', rule = 'zh-hans:恶魔猎手; zh-hant:殘暴雷比亞' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dione', rule = 'zh-hans:狄欧斯; zh-hant:麥瑪西' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Angra', rule = 'zh-hans:安格拉; zh-hant:安格拉' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fallen Titan', rule = 'zh-hans:堕落泰坦; zh-hant:奧茲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bio Scorpion', rule = 'zh-hans:铁甲巨蝎; zh-hant:巨魔蠍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AMP Suit', rule = 'zh-hans:破面重甲; zh-hant:機甲傀儡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kraken', rule = 'zh-hans:库拉肯; zh-hant:史上最巨大 Boss' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Frozen Terror', rule = 'zh-hans:冰雪暴君; zh-hant:雪魔神' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gluttony', rule = 'zh-hans:狂暴饕餮; zh-hant:飢餓食人魔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Neid', rule = 'zh-hans:艾薇儿; zh-hant:雙刃娜吉' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zavist', rule = 'zh-hans:奈德瑞; zh-hant:重砲菲納斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Teddy Terror', rule = 'zh-hans:悍匪泰迪; zh-hant:棒槌熊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dr. Rex', rule = 'zh-hans:REX博士; zh-hant:雷克思博士' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dr. Rex infected', rule = 'zh-hans:邪神; zh-hant:受感染的雷克斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Laser Wing', rule = 'zh-hans:刀锋战蝗; zh-hant:綠惡魔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jack', rule = 'zh-hans:被遗忘者; zh-hant:開膛手傑克' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cronobotics 53', rule = 'zh-hans:毁灭者M77-2; zh-hant:終結者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crono Wing', rule = 'zh-hans:死亡天使; zh-hant:瑪瑟爾' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mr. X MX-2000', rule = 'zh-hans:Mr. X(初始形态); zh-hant:艾波菲斯(機器人狀態)' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mr. X Zombie', rule = 'zh-hans:Mr. X(暴走形态); zh-hant:艾波菲斯(變身後狀態)' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bot_heavy', rule = 'zh-hans:火神; zh-hant:泰坦' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bot_sniper', rule = 'zh-hans:幽灵; zh-hant:幽鬼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bot_light', rule = 'zh-hans:游侠; zh-hant:奇波' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bot_rocket', rule = 'zh-hans:重炮; zh-hant:藍斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'RAH-66 Comanche helicopter', rule = 'zh-hans:卡曼奇武装直升机; zh-hant:卡曼契直升機' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'V-22 Osprey tiltrotor', rule = 'zh-hans:V22鱼鹰直升机; zh-hant:雷霆魚鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Drone', rule = 'zh-hans:无人侦察机; zh-hant:雷霆之眼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'XT-300', rule = 'zh-hans:XT-300铁甲威龙; zh-hant:鋼鐵巨兵XT-300' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Evelyn', rule = 'zh-hans:伊芙琳; zh-hant:艾琳' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Felix', rule = 'zh-hans:费雷斯; zh-hant:菲力克斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jacob', rule = 'zh-hans:道格拉斯·雅各布; zh-hant:道格拉斯·賈各博' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Victor', rule = 'zh-hans:维克特; zh-hant:維克多' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Football mode', rule = 'zh-hans:球衣着装; zh-hant:世足限定版' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:斗魂; zh-hant:戰魂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Joker', rule = 'zh-hans:幽灵; zh-hant:魔隱師' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Beast', rule = 'zh-hans:雪怪; zh-hant:怪獸' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 技能 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:极速飞奔; zh-hant:疾跑' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:致命打击; zh-hant:精準射擊' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:屠戮之刃; zh-hant:致命重傷' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:邪恶力量; zh-hant:再生' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:进化力量; zh-hant:進化' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:暴走; zh-hant:血性暴走' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:潜行; zh-hant:隱身' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:鬼手; zh-hant:陷阱' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:雾隐; zh-hant:黑霧' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:咒疗; zh-hant:治癒' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:震荡; zh-hant:衝擊' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:突进; zh-hant:突進' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:诱捕; zh-hant:群魔' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:迷惑; zh-hant:亂象' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:冲击; zh-hant:結界' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:邪力; zh-hant:屍變' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:羽化; zh-hant:空間躍動' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:鬼触; zh-hant:觸手感染' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:防护; zh-hant:強化體魄' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:恢復; zh-hant:自我療癒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HP Buff', rule = 'zh-hans:能量护盾; zh-hant:霸體' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Immortality', rule = 'zh-hans:绝境过载; zh-hant:不滅之身' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Teleport', rule = 'zh-hans:折跃奇点; zh-hant:鬼影瞬步' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:死亡凋零; zh-hant:重力吸引' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:炙热爆炸; zh-hant:尖刺炸彈' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:恶魔之击; zh-hant:兇猛掃擊' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:毒液喷射; zh-hant:劇毒' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:地刺攻擊; zh-hant:觸手' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:风火轮; zh-hant:突進' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:终极乱刺; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:安格拉的咆哮; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:地狱打击; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:弱点追踪; zh-hant:弱點偵測' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:镇静剂; zh-hant:凝神射擊' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:压缩火药; zh-hant:液態火藥' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:等离子炸弹; zh-hant:核子導彈' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:防御力场; zh-hant:防禦力場' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:重装出击; zh-hant:霸體裝甲' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:晕眩粒子; zh-hant:暈眩粒子' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:急速推进; zh-hant:勝利衝撞' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:NHP设备; zh-hant:奈米強化裝置' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:致命一击; zh-hant:暴擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Scroll Impact', rule = 'zh-hans:雪崩; zh-hant:滾動衝擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Heavy Beat', rule = 'zh-hans:碎岩; zh-hant:威力重捶' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 系統 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:房间; zh-hant:遊戲室' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Morale Boost', rule = 'zh-hans:士气鼓舞; zh-hant:人類士氣指數' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Anger Bar', rule = 'zh-hans:怒气值; zh-hant:殭屍怒氣指數' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Revival Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:战斗复活; zh-hant:殭屍復活' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Durability material', rule = 'zh-hans:材料合成; zh-hant:組合材料' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Craft', rule = 'zh-hans:武器制造; zh-hant:製作武器' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:道具分解; zh-hant:分解武器' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:雷达系统; zh-hant:迷你地圖' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Clan', rule = 'zh-hans:战队; zh-hant:軍團' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie DNA', rule = 'zh-hans:僵尸基因系统; zh-hant:殭屍DNA強化' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 武器 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pistol', rule = 'zh-hans:手枪类; zh-hant:手槍類' },
{ type = 'item', original = '9 x 19 mm Sidearm', rule = 'zh-hans:Glock18; zh-hant:9 × 19 mm 手槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = '9 x 19 mm Sidearm Red', rule = 'zh-hans:Glock18(深红); zh-hant:紅色9 × 19 mm 手槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle Glock 18C', rule = 'zh-hans:Glock18战损版; zh-hant:餓狼9X19MM' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Oz Lion Pistol', rule = 'zh-hans:胆小狮子手枪; zh-hant:綠野仙蹤獅子手槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'K&M .45 Tactical', rule = 'zh-hans:USP45; zh-hant:K&M .45戰術手槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'K&M .45 Tactical Red', rule = 'zh-hans:USP45(深红); zh-hant:紅色K&M .45戰術手槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle USP45', rule = 'zh-hans:USP45战损版; zh-hant:餓狼KM.45' },
{ type = 'item', original = '228 Compact', rule = 'zh-hans:P228; zh-hant:228 緊緻型' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nighthawk .50C Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:荒漠金鹰; zh-hant:黃金夜鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Desert Eagle Red', rule = 'zh-hans:Desert Eagle(深红); zh-hant:紅色夜鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Desert Eagles', rule = 'zh-hans:双持沙鹰; zh-hant:雙持夜鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Desert Eagle Crimson Hunter', rule = 'zh-hans:【血契】D.Eagle; zh-hant:血性噬放' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Desert Eagle Crimson Hunter Gun skill', rule = 'zh-hans:血契手枪; zh-hant:靈魂獵食' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ES Five-seveN', rule = 'zh-hans:Five Seven; zh-hant:ES Five-Seven' },
{ type = 'item', original = '.40 Dual Elites', rule = 'zh-hans:Elites; zh-hant:.40 槍神雙槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Anaconda', rule = 'zh-hans:左轮军魂; zh-hant:森蚺左輪' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sapientia', rule = 'zh-hans:冰魄; zh-hant:降妖聖靈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Infinity Silver', rule = 'zh-hans:恒宇银星; zh-hant:銀色戰將' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Infinity Black', rule = 'zh-hans:恒宇黑星; zh-hant:闇黑帝王' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'infinity Red', rule = 'zh-hans:恒宇红星; zh-hant:鮮血皇后' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Infinity', rule = 'zh-hans:恒宇双星; zh-hant:黑白雙煞' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Infinity Custom', rule = 'zh-hans:星红双子; zh-hant:紅白雙星' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Infinity Final', rule = 'zh-hans:金红双蝎; zh-hant:金蠍雙擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Luger', rule = 'zh-hans:鲁格P08; zh-hant:魯格 Luger P08' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Luger Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:至尊鲁格; zh-hant:黃金魯格' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Luger Silver', rule = 'zh-hans:秘银鲁格; zh-hant:銀製魯格' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flintlock/Divine Lock', rule = 'zh-hans:神怒之炎; zh-hant:石破天驚' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-1', rule = 'zh-hans:噬魂; zh-hant:玩命骷髏' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-2', rule = 'zh-hans:噬血狂袭; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AutoMag Ⅴ', rule = 'zh-hans:马格南V; zh-hant:荒漠之鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-Ⅰ', rule = 'zh-hans:红莲; zh-hant:獵魔者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-Ⅰ B mode', rule = 'zh-hans:红莲怒焰模式; zh-hant:單次強力射擊模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-1', rule = 'zh-hans:蚀灵; zh-hant:塔納托斯的強擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'King Cobra', rule = 'zh-hans:眼镜王蛇; zh-hant:眼鏡蛇' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'King Cobra Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:帝皇眼镜王蛇; zh-hant:黃金眼鏡蛇' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'King Cobra Scoped', rule = 'zh-hans:狙击瞄准镜; zh-hant:狙殺功能' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mauser C96', rule = 'zh-hans:毛瑟C96; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-1', rule = 'zh-hans:御天敌; zh-hant:聖戰雙姬' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sha Wujing Dual Handgun', rule = 'zh-hans:悟净伏魔枪; zh-hant:捲簾將軍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M950 Attack', rule = 'zh-hans:黯夜流光; zh-hant:艾塔克M950' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Colt Python', rule = 'zh-hans:Python.357; zh-hant:鬼蟒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shotgun', rule = 'zh-hans:霰弹枪类; zh-hant:霰彈槍類' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Leone 12 Gauge Super', rule = 'zh-hans:M3; zh-hant:Leone 12 Gauge Super' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Leone YG1264 Auto Shotgun', rule = 'zh-hans:XM1014; zh-hant:Leone YG1264 連發散彈槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'XM1014/Leone YG1264 Auto Shotgun Red', rule = 'zh-hans:XM1014(深红); zh-hant:紅色Leone YG1265 連發散彈槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-XI', rule = 'zh-hans:龙炎; zh-hant:弒神者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-XI Poison', rule = 'zh-hans:剧毒龙炎; zh-hant:劇毒弒神者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-XI secondary fire', rule = 'zh-hans:龙息弹; zh-hant:弒神彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'USAS12 Camo', rule = 'zh-hans:迷彩USAS12; zh-hant:叢林幻雷' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-11', rule = 'zh-hans:雷霆; zh-hant:索命羅剎' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-11 Buckshot Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:一般模式; zh-hant:霰彈模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-11 Slug Mode', rule = 'zh-hans:特殊模式; zh-hant:索命模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'CROW-11', rule = 'zh-hans:鬼雕; zh-hant:鬼泣死士' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Winchester M1887', rule = 'zh-hans:退魔圣焰; zh-hant:閃靈獵手' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Winchester M1887 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:退魔金焰(攻击强化); zh-hant:黃金閃靈獵手' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Winchester M1887 Xmas', rule = 'zh-hans:退魔圣焰(圣诞特别版); zh-hant:聖誕閃靈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M1887 Maverick', rule = 'zh-hans:战魂-M1887; zh-hant:野戰閃靈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Double Barreled', rule = 'zh-hans:破碎炙炎; zh-hant:雙子銀狼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Double Barreled Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:破碎金炎; zh-hant:黃金雙子銀狼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Triple Barreled', rule = 'zh-hans:破碎炙焱; zh-hant:殺破狼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Quad Barreled', rule = 'zh-hans:四管猎枪; zh-hant:碎骨銀狼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Double barrel shotgun', rule = 'zh-hans:双管猎枪; zh-hant:雙管霰彈槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Triple barrel shotgun', rule = 'zh-hans:三管猎枪; zh-hant:三管霰彈槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Quad barrel shotgun', rule = 'zh-hans:四管猎枪; zh-hant:四管霰彈槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Batista', rule = 'zh-hans:暴乱蒸汽; zh-hant:毀滅公爵' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'KSG-12', rule = 'zh-hans:灼热剃刀; zh-hant:深淵惡魔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'KSG-12 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:黄金剃刀; zh-hant:黃金惡魔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-11', rule = 'zh-hans:斩魂; zh-hant:塔納托斯的獻祭' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-11 Thanatos Blade System', rule = 'zh-hans:特殊旋刃延时爆炸; zh-hant:Blasting系統' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SPAS-12', rule = 'zh-hans:爆裂炙炎; zh-hant:戰魂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SPAS-12 Deluxe', rule = 'zh-hans:爆裂炙炎EX; zh-hant:藍焰戰魂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SPAS-12 Cobra/SPAS-12 Superior', rule = 'zh-hans:爆裂炙炎DX; zh-hant:烈焰戰魂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SPAS-12 Maverick', rule = 'zh-hans:战魂-SPAS-12; zh-hant:野戰SPAS12' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-11', rule = 'zh-hans:震天威; zh-hant:殺戮戰神' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'UTS-15', rule = 'zh-hans:爆炎剃刀; zh-hant:闇影獵人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'UTS-15 Pink Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:金焰剃刀; zh-hant:黃金闇影獵人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-11', rule = 'zh-hans:极光; zh-hant:聖界裁決' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-11 Janus form', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影模式; zh-hant:無限領域' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'PJ MK3A1', rule = 'zh-hans:汽锤MK3A1; zh-hant:Mk3a1戰鬥散彈槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sub-Machine Gun', rule = 'zh-hans:微型冲锋枪类; zh-hant:衝鋒槍類' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sub-Machine Gun', rule = 'zh-hans:微型冲锋枪; zh-hant:衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Schmidt Machine Pistol', rule = 'zh-hans:TMP; zh-hant:Schmidt 衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Schmidt Machine Pistol Dragon', rule = 'zh-hans:TMP·金龙; zh-hant:歡喜伏龍 Schmidt 衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ingram MAC-10', rule = 'zh-hans:MAC-10; zh-hant:英格倫 MAC-10' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'K&M Sub-Machine Gun', rule = 'zh-hans:MP5; zh-hant:KM 衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = '-{MP5}- Tiger', rule = 'zh-hans:MP5·白虎; zh-hant:虎狩KM 衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = '-{MP5}- Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:靓金MP5; zh-hant:黃金KM 衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle -{MP5}-', rule = 'zh-hans:MP5战损版; zh-hant:餓狼MP5' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-Ⅲ', rule = 'zh-hans:灼魂; zh-hant:瞬殺者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-Ⅲ Poison', rule = 'zh-hans:剧毒灼魂; zh-hant:劇毒瞬殺者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'K&M UMP45', rule = 'zh-hans:UMP45; zh-hant:KM UMP45' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'UMP45 Snake', rule = 'zh-hans:UMP45灵蛇; zh-hant:狂蟒UMP45' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-3', rule = 'zh-hans:喋血; zh-hant:闇獄閻羅' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ES C90', rule = 'zh-hans:P90; zh-hant:ES C90' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'ES C90 Lapin', rule = 'zh-hans:P90·兔耳; zh-hant:繽紛瘋兔衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'K1ASE', rule = 'zh-hans:K1A SE; zh-hant:龍紋K1A' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'K1A Maverick', rule = 'zh-hans:战魂-K1A; zh-hant:野戰K1A' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pistol mode', rule = 'zh-hans:手枪模式; zh-hant:衝鋒模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Carbine mode', rule = 'zh-hans:卡宾枪模式; zh-hant:突擊模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MP7A1 60R', rule = 'zh-hans:MP7A1(加强版); zh-hant:MP7A1—擴充型' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MP7A1 Unicorn', rule = 'zh-hans:MP7A1天马; zh-hant:神獸‧獨角' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Newcomen', rule = 'zh-hans:爆炎蒸汽; zh-hant:喋血轉輪' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-3', rule = 'zh-hans:幽冥; zh-hant:塔納托斯的殘翼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-3 Thanatos Blade System', rule = 'zh-hans:幽冥旋刃; zh-hant:THANATOS系統' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vector Super V', rule = 'zh-hans:致命蝎刺; zh-hant:霹靂戰警' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Vector Super V', rule = 'zh-hans:致命双刺; zh-hant:霹靂悍將' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Kriss Custom', rule = 'zh-hans:英雄双刺; zh-hant:終極悍將' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-3', rule = 'zh-hans:逆天行; zh-hant:詭影殺手' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Thompson Chicago', rule = 'zh-hans:汤姆逊; zh-hant:極道狂徒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Thompson Chicago Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:靓金汤姆逊; zh-hant:黃金極道狂徒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-3', rule = 'zh-hans:裂空; zh-hant:戒聖恐懼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-3 Janus form', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影模式; zh-hant:超轉速領域' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MP40', rule = 'zh-hans:MP40; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Uzi', rule = 'zh-hans:尤利乌斯; zh-hant:雙持白銀烏茲' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:PP-19 Bizon; zh-hant:野牛衝鋒槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Assault Rifle', rule = 'zh-hans:突击步枪类; zh-hant:步槍類' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Clarion 5.56', rule = 'zh-hans:FAMAS; zh-hant:Clarion 5.56' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle FAMAS', rule = 'zh-hans:Famas战损版; zh-hant:餓狼Clarion 5.56' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'IDF Defender', rule = 'zh-hans:Galil; zh-hant:IDF 防衛者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle Galil', rule = 'zh-hans:Galil战损版; zh-hant:餓狼IDF' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Galil Maverick', rule = 'zh-hans:战魂-Galil; zh-hant:野戰防衛者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'CV-{-}-47', rule = 'zh-hans:AK47; zh-hant:CV-47' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AKM Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:雅金AK; zh-hant:黃金CV-47' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Purgatory CV-{-}-47', rule = 'zh-hans:AK47·赤龙; zh-hant:煉獄CV-47' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'CV-{-}-47 Long Magazine(60R)', rule = 'zh-hans:旋风AK47; zh-hant:CV-47改(60R)' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AK-47L', rule = 'zh-hans:旋风AK; zh-hant:AK47L' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AK-47 Red', rule = 'zh-hans:星红AK; zh-hant:紅色CV-47' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AK-47 Paladin', rule = 'zh-hans:AK47圣帝; zh-hant:聖騎士CV-47' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Maverick M4A1 Carbine', rule = 'zh-hans:M4A1; zh-hant:Maverick M4A1 卡賓' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Camouflage Maverick M-{4A}-1 Carbine', rule = 'zh-hans:焕彩M4; zh-hant:迷彩M4A1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Maverick M-{4A}-1 Carbine Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:炫金M4A1; zh-hant:黃金M4A1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ice dragon Maverick M-{4A}-1 Carbine', rule = 'zh-hans:M4A1·青龙; zh-hant:冰龍M4A1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Maverick M-{4A}-1 Carbine Red', rule = 'zh-hans:星红M4A1; zh-hant:紅色M4A1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Maverick M-{4A}-1 Dark Knight ', rule = 'zh-hans:M4A1邪皇; zh-hant:死亡騎士M4A1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bullpup', rule = 'zh-hans:AUG; zh-hant:Bullpup' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Krieg 552', rule = 'zh-hans:SG552; zh-hant:Krieg 552' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SG552 Lycanthrope', rule = 'zh-hans:狼魂SG552; zh-hant:狩魔聖王SG552' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SCAR', rule = 'zh-hans:Scar; zh-hant:SCAR' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'XM-8', rule = 'zh-hans:XM8; zh-hant:XM-8' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'F2000', rule = 'zh-hans:F2000; zh-hant:領航者 F2000' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M14 EBR', rule = 'zh-hans:咆哮怒焰; zh-hant:黑色旋風' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M14 EBR Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:咆哮金焰; zh-hant:金旋風' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-4', rule = 'zh-hans:死亡咆哮; zh-hant:死亡夢魘' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'TAR-21', rule = 'zh-hans:塔沃尔TAR-21; zh-hant:炎殺黑龍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'CROW-5', rule = 'zh-hans:黑鹰; zh-hant:獵殺夜行' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M16A4', rule = 'zh-hans:M16A4; zh-hant:黑天使M16A4' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M16A1', rule = 'zh-hans:M16A1; zh-hant:墮天使M16A1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M16A1 Veteran', rule = 'zh-hans:M16A1战场先锋; zh-hant:悍天使M16A1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AN-94', rule = 'zh-hans:AN-94; zh-hant:雷豹AN94' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'StG44', rule = 'zh-hans:咆哮飓风; zh-hant:StG44' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'StG44 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:金哮飓风; zh-hant:黃金StG44' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'QBZ95B', rule = 'zh-hans:QBZ95B; zh-hant:特戰菁英QBZ95B' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-5', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影; zh-hant:神聖制裁' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-5 Janus form', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影模式; zh-hant:無限領域' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'OICW', rule = 'zh-hans:尖端勇士; zh-hant:王者之怒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-5', rule = 'zh-hans:殇魁; zh-hant:塔納托斯的憤怒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-5 Thanatos Blade System', rule = 'zh-hans:专用榴弹炮; zh-hant:死神憤怒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-Ⅴ', rule = 'zh-hans:地狱犬; zh-hant:噬魂者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HK G11', rule = 'zh-hans:机械猎兵; zh-hant:鋼鐵之心' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HK G11 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:黄金猎兵; zh-hant:黃金鋼鐵之心' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AK-74U', rule = 'zh-hans:AKS-74U; zh-hant:AK-74U' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Beretta ARX-160', rule = 'zh-hans:暴风勇士; zh-hant:貝瑞塔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'OTs-14 Groza', rule = 'zh-hans:狂雷勇士; zh-hant:OTS-14 GROZA' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gilboa Carbine', rule = 'zh-hans:蝰蛇勇士; zh-hant:Gilboa卡賓' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gilboa Viper', rule = 'zh-hans:蝰蛇勇士EX; zh-hant:Gilboa蛇吻' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Norinco Type 86S', rule = 'zh-hans:86式自动步枪; zh-hant:Norinco 86s式自動步槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'KH-2002', rule = 'zh-hans:KH-2002; zh-hant:KH-2002' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-5', rule = 'zh-hans:通天晓; zh-hant:獵命射手' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sniper Rifle', rule = 'zh-hans:狙击步枪类; zh-hant:狙擊槍類' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sniper Rifle', rule = 'zh-hans:狙击步枪; zh-hant:狙擊槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Schmidt Scout', rule = 'zh-hans:Scout; zh-hant:Schmidt Scout' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Schmidt Scout Red', rule = 'zh-hans:Scout(深红); zh-hant:紅色Schmidt Scout' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Krieg 550 Commando', rule = 'zh-hans:SG550; zh-hant:Krieg 550 Commando' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'D3/AU-1', rule = 'zh-hans:G3SG1; zh-hant:D3/AU-1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SVDEX', rule = 'zh-hans:英雄之怒SVD-EX; zh-hant:英雄戰擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SL8', rule = 'zh-hans:猎魂骑士; zh-hant:審判之眼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SL8 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:猎魂金骑(装弹强化); zh-hant:黃金審判之眼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SL8 Custom', rule = 'zh-hans:猎魂骑士EX; zh-hant:末日審判' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'WA 2000', rule = 'zh-hans:狂怒骑士; zh-hant:疾風獵鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'WA 2000 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:狂怒金骑(装弹强化); zh-hant:黃金疾風獵鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-5', rule = 'zh-hans:死亡骑士; zh-hant:貝西摩斯之爪' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M24', rule = 'zh-hans:狂蟒之吻; zh-hant:獵戶座' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'XM2010', rule = 'zh-hans:巨蟒之牙; zh-hant:魔鬼上將' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magnum Sniper Rifle', rule = 'zh-hans:AWP; zh-hant:麥格農狙擊槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AWP Red', rule = 'zh-hans:中国红AWP; zh-hant:紅色麥格農狙擊槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AWP Camo', rule = 'zh-hans:迷彩AWP; zh-hant:迷彩麥格農狙擊槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AWP-Z', rule = 'zh-hans:异变之源; zh-hant:末日風暴-Z' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AWP Elven Ranger', rule = 'zh-hans:傲君; zh-hant:精靈遊俠' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'TRG-42 Platinum/TRG-42 White Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:芬兰之星(白金典藏); zh-hant:白金之星' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cheytac M200', rule = 'zh-hans:死神; zh-hant:鷹眼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Barrett M95', rule = 'zh-hans:巴雷特; zh-hant:蛇姬之吻' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M95 Christmas', rule = 'zh-hans:巴雷特(圣诞特别版); zh-hant:聖誕限定版蛇姬之吻' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'PGM Hécate II', rule = 'zh-hans:PGMHecateII; zh-hant:赫卡特狙擊步槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AS50', rule = 'zh-hans:末日骑士; zh-hant:連環殺陣' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AS50 Pink Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:末日金骑; zh-hant:終極殺陣' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vandita', rule = 'zh-hans:冰封圣骑; zh-hant:驅魔聖祈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mosin-Nagant Scope', rule = 'zh-hans:莫辛-纳甘; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Falcon', rule = 'zh-hans:死亡之吻; zh-hant:馬爾拓之鷹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Power Falcon', rule = 'zh-hans:全息猎鹰; zh-hant:馬爾拓之鷹EX' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Destroyer', rule = 'zh-hans:虚空破碎; zh-hant:破壞者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Machine Gun', rule = 'zh-hans:机枪类; zh-hant:機槍類' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M249 Red', rule = 'zh-hans:中国红M249; zh-hant:紅色M249' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M249 Veteran', rule = 'zh-hans:M249丛林之王; zh-hant:悍將M249' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-6', rule = 'zh-hans:碎魂骑士; zh-hant:災骸魔神' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-7', rule = 'zh-hans:碎魂者; zh-hant:命運金鑰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-8', rule = 'zh-hans:碎魂利刃; zh-hant:幽冥暴君' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-8 Axe bayonet', rule = 'zh-hans:斧刃; zh-hant:斧型刺刀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle QBB95', rule = 'zh-hans:QBB95战损版; zh-hant:餓狼QBZ95' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'QBB-95EX', rule = 'zh-hans:QBB95·暴龙; zh-hant:鐵血武士QBB95' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MG3', rule = 'zh-hans:毁灭者; zh-hant:殲滅者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MG3 Christmas', rule = 'zh-hans:毁灭者(圣诞特别版); zh-hant:聖誕限定版殲滅者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MG3 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:黄金MG3; zh-hant:黃金殲滅者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-7', rule = 'zh-hans:雷狱; zh-hant:皇族聖痕' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-7 Christmas', rule = 'zh-hans:雷狱(圣诞特别版); zh-hant:聖誕限定版皇族聖痕' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-7 Janus form', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影模式; zh-hant:雷電領域' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Broad Divine', rule = 'zh-hans:冰瀑毁灭者; zh-hant:凝邪聖命' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M134 Minigun', rule = 'zh-hans:终结者; zh-hant:火神機槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M134 Christmas', rule = 'zh-hans:终结者(圣诞特别版); zh-hant:聖誕限定版火神機槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M134 Predator', rule = 'zh-hans:終結者EX; zh-hant:真·火神機槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zhu Bajie Minigun', rule = 'zh-hans:悟能重机枪; zh-hant:天蓬元帥' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M134 Vulcan', rule = 'zh-hans:英雄M134; zh-hant:超·火神機槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M134 barrel spins-up', rule = 'zh-hans:枪管待机预热旋转; zh-hant:持續暖機' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M134 Laser Minigun', rule = 'zh-hans:爆能终结者; zh-hant:MEGA粒子炮' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HK23E', rule = 'zh-hans:追击者; zh-hant:黑暗騎士' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HK23E Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:黄金追击者; zh-hant:黃金黑暗騎士' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M60E4', rule = 'zh-hans:掠食者; zh-hant:征服者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M60E4 Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:黄金掠食者; zh-hant:黃金征服者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M60E4 Maverick', rule = 'zh-hans:战魂-M60E4; zh-hant:野戰拓荒者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-Ⅶ', rule = 'zh-hans:炎魔; zh-hant:赤獄魔龍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MG36', rule = 'zh-hans:开拓者; zh-hant:突擊兵蜂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MG36 Christmas', rule = 'zh-hans:开拓者(圣诞特别版); zh-hant:聖誕兵蜂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MG36', rule = 'zh-hans:黄金开拓者; zh-hant:黃金兵蜂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'CROW-7', rule = 'zh-hans:暗鸦; zh-hant:不死凶命' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'PKM', rule = 'zh-hans:裁决者; zh-hant:橫掃千軍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'PKM Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:黄金裁决者; zh-hant:黃金橫掃千軍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'FN Mk 48', rule = 'zh-hans:劫掠者 MK48; zh-hant:MK48' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-7', rule = 'zh-hans:斩魂; zh-hant:塔納托斯的垂鐮' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'THANATOS-7 Thanatos Blade System', rule = 'zh-hans:夺命飞刀; zh-hant:死神鐮刀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-7', rule = 'zh-hans:惊破天; zh-hant:無畏狂戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-7 Vulcanus Parts System: Laser attack', rule = 'zh-hans:Vulcanus系统; zh-hant:自動輔助槍管' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-7 Vulcanus Parts System: Missile launcher', rule = 'zh-hans:战术导弹; zh-hant:導彈發射器' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'K3', rule = 'zh-hans:K3; zh-hant:毀滅者 K3' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M2 Browning', rule = 'zh-hans:守护者M2; zh-hant:白朗寧M2' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MG42', rule = 'zh-hans:撕布机MG42; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HK121', rule = 'zh-hans:嗜血者; zh-hant:大漠蒼狼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HK121 Custom', rule = 'zh-hans:嗜血战狼; zh-hant:大漠蒼狼(榴彈型)' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ultimax-100', rule = 'zh-hans:Ultimax-100; zh-hant:Ultimax-100' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Oz Tin Robot Machine Gun', rule = 'zh-hans:铁皮人机枪; zh-hant:綠野仙蹤錫人機關槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning HMG-1', rule = 'zh-hans:偶像大师; zh-hant:震攝機槍HMG-1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M79 Sawed Off', rule = 'zh-hans:爆焰旋风; zh-hant:噬血榴炮' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M79 Sawed Off Gold', rule = 'zh-hans:金焰旋风; zh-hant:黃金噬血榴炮' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shooting Star', rule = 'zh-hans:万花筒; zh-hant:星鑽彩砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shooting Star Rubber shells', rule = 'zh-hans:礼花弹; zh-hant:橡膠榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-1', rule = 'zh-hans:星爆; zh-hant:天火懲戒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-1 Janus form', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影模式; zh-hant:轟炸領域' },
{ type = 'item', original = '-{M}-32 MGL', rule = 'zh-hans:铁血重炮; zh-hant:救贖' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AT-Lance', rule = 'zh-hans:AT-Lance火箭发射器; zh-hant:火箭筒AT-Lance' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AT4CS', rule = 'zh-hans:AT4CS火箭发射器; zh-hant:究極彗星AT4CS' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AT4CS missile function', rule = 'zh-hans:引导; zh-hant:導彈功能' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bazooka', rule = 'zh-hans:火箭炮; zh-hant:火箭筒90 Milli無反動槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Laser Guide', rule = 'zh-hans:激光引导装备; zh-hant:雷射引導導彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'RPG-7', rule = 'zh-hans:RPG-7火箭筒; zh-hant:裝甲火箭砲-RPG-7' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Browning M2HB heavy machine gun', rule = 'zh-hans:机枪炮台; zh-hant:固定型機關槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:炮台弹药购买; zh-hant:購買固定型機關槍子彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Freeze Gastank', rule = 'zh-hans:液氮罐; zh-hant:液態氮氣桶' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mortar Tower', rule = 'zh-hans:迫击炮台; zh-hant:迫擊砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning AR-1', rule = 'zh-hans:战乐灵弦; zh-hant:搖滾貝斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning AR-2', rule = 'zh-hans:D小调协奏曲; zh-hant:古典黑幫' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning SMG-1', rule = 'zh-hans:高压水冲; zh-hant:顫慄水星' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning BIG-EYE', rule = 'zh-hans:巨目水蜥; zh-hant:大嘴獵蜥' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kart Blue', rule = 'zh-hans:皮蛋版特制突击步枪; zh-hant:藍寶LB-1000型' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kart Red', rule = 'zh-hans:宝宝版特制突击步枪; zh-hant:睏寶KB-2000型' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning SG-1', rule = 'zh-hans:画梅; zh-hant:喋血亂舞' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning LZ-1', rule = 'zh-hans:暗影芭比啵啵枪; zh-hant:拉拉QQ槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning HZ-1', rule = 'zh-hans:憎恶屠夫噗噗枪; zh-hant:達達PP槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blaster', rule = 'zh-hans:星际重炮; zh-hant:雷神激光破' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Volcano', rule = 'zh-hans:加特林; zh-hant:戰慄加農砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fire Vulcan', rule = 'zh-hans:格林炮; zh-hant:戰神加農砲'},
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tempest', rule = 'zh-hans:疾风之翼; zh-hant:極速飆風' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Avalanche', rule = 'zh-hans:赤色彗星; zh-hant:雷霆終結者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ethereal', rule = 'zh-hans:尘埃之光; zh-hant:爆能脈衝' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Thunderbolt', rule = 'zh-hans:雷神; zh-hant:隼雷' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lightning Rail', rule = 'zh-hans:雷鸣; zh-hant:懲雷' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Plasma', rule = 'zh-hans:破晓黎明; zh-hant:幽能離子槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Coilgun', rule = 'zh-hans:雷霆破灭者; zh-hant:超電磁砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Beam Sword', rule = 'zh-hans:粒子激光剑; zh-hant:光束劍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Plasma Ammo', rule = 'zh-hans:纯能量; zh-hant:離子能原' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Needler', rule = 'zh-hans:千针; zh-hant:闇藍之月' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crossbow', rule = 'zh-hans:追月连弩; zh-hant:飛鷹十字弓;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Advanced Crossbow', rule = '追月连弩EX; zh-hant:飛鷹十字弓EX' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Catapult', rule = 'zh-hans:狂野之风; zh-hant:狂野戰翼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'FG-Launcher', rule = 'zh-hans:礼花发射器; zh-hant:熾焰彩砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Salamander', rule = 'zh-hans:焚烬者; zh-hant:煉獄之怒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Antidoter', rule = 'zh-hans:腐蚀烈焰; zh-hant:Z-Gun' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Leviathan', rule = 'zh-hans:极冻水加农; zh-hant:鎮暴海龍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Air Burster', rule = 'zh-hans:风魔啸天破; zh-hant:空氣壓縮砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Black Dragon Cannon', rule = 'zh-hans:黑龙炮; zh-hant:震天龍砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dragon Assault Cannon', rule = 'zh-hans:龙击炮; zh-hant:裂地虎砲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ripper', rule = 'zh-hans:生命收割者; zh-hant:奪魂鋸' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Slasher', rule = 'zh-hans:生命收割者; zh-hant:奪魂鋸' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tactical Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:战术飞刀; zh-hant:破曉' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Double Tactical Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:双发战术飞刀; zh-hant:朧月' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Triple Tactical Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:三重战术飞刀; zh-hant:血祀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Compound Bow', rule = 'zh-hans:鹰眼; zh-hant:蒼穹EX' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Drill Gun', rule = 'zh-hans:破天螺旋; zh-hant:電光毒龍鑽' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gae Bolg', rule = 'zh-hans:海皇之怒; zh-hant:獵魂槍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cyclone', rule = 'zh-hans:死亡射线; zh-hant:超能颶風' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rail Cannon', rule = 'zh-hans:电浆轨道炮; zh-hant:滑軌加農' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Brick Piece V2', rule = 'zh-hans:玩具奇兵V2; zh-hant:樂高火箭V2' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Brick Piece M777', rule = 'zh-hans:玩具魔兵M777; zh-hant:樂高自走砲M777' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Brick Piece T50', rule = 'zh-hans:玩具路霸Leopard-2; zh-hant:樂高坦克T50' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dart Pistol', rule = 'zh-hans:爆裂镖镖枪; zh-hant:十萬伏特' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Steampunk series', rule = 'zh-hans:复古系列; zh-hant:齒輪系列' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Savery', rule = 'zh-hans:狂暴蒸汽; zh-hant:十字輪迴' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Aeolis', rule = 'zh-hans:炙热蒸汽; zh-hant:炙焰重生' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blood Dripper', rule = 'zh-hans:盘龙血煞; zh-hant:血滴子' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magnum Drill', rule = 'zh-hans:怒海狂鲨; zh-hant:螺旋牙' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:手雷; zh-hant:手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'HE Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:高爆手雷; zh-hant:高爆手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M67 Frag', rule = 'zh-hans:破片高爆雷; zh-hant:毀滅手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'M24 Stielhandgranate', rule = 'zh-hans:M24柄式手雷; zh-hant:德軍手榴彈 M24' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fire Bomb', rule = 'zh-hans:火焰高爆雷; zh-hant:燃燒彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Heart Bomb', rule = 'zh-hans:心型手雷; zh-hant:愛心炸彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pumpkin Bomb', rule = 'zh-hans:南瓜手雷; zh-hant:南瓜炸彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = '1st Cake Bomb', rule = 'zh-hans:周年庆典蛋糕手雷; zh-hant:一週年紀念蛋糕手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Moon Cake Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:雷馅月饼; zh-hant:月餅手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kart Frag', rule = 'zh-hans:皮蛋爆雷; zh-hant:藍寶手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Holy Bomb', rule = 'zh-hans:圣水手雷; zh-hant:聖水手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Plasma Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:电浆磁爆雷; zh-hant:電漿手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:爆弹兽颅; zh-hant:狂暴手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zombie Grenade 2 ', rule = 'zh-hans:狂暴兽颅; zh-hant:殘暴手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Chain Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:狂鲨爆雷; zh-hant:猴塞雷' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Desert Eagle Crimson Hunter Blood Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:血契手雷; zh-hant:血性釋放' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Melee', rule = 'zh-hans:近战武器类; zh-hant:近戰武器類' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Seal Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:海豹短刀; zh-hant:小刀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hunting Dagger', rule = 'zh-hans:兽首铜匕; zh-hant:背刺短刀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle Hunting Dagger', rule = 'zh-hans:兽王铜匕战损版; zh-hant:餓狼短刀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nata Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:背刺银刃; zh-hant:鋒利銀刃' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Nata Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:剧毒银刃D; zh-hant:Z-Knife' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hammer', rule = 'zh-hans:风暴之锤; zh-hant:好威鐵鎚' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hammer Secondary attack', rule = 'zh-hans:蓄力模式; zh-hant:揮擊模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:升级采集道具; zh-hant:強化採集道具' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JK Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:星芒蝶翼; zh-hant:朔月銀牙' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kussang', rule = 'zh-hans:摄魂魔镰; zh-hant:暴龍魔爪' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Horn Kujang', rule = 'zh-hans:羊角魔镰; zh-hant:羊角魔爪' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Combat Knife/Soul Bane Dagger', rule = 'zh-hans:灭灵军刺; zh-hant:奪魂短匕' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Master Combat Knife/Soul Bane Serrated Blade', rule = 'zh-hans:灭灵军刺·锯刃; zh-hant:奪魂長刃' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dragon Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:龙吻; zh-hant:龍牙刃' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Wakizashi', rule = 'zh-hans:狂花乱舞; zh-hant:一刀斷罪' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dual Wakizashi', rule = 'zh-hans:双持狂花乱舞; zh-hant:極道雙刃' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skull-9', rule = 'zh-hans:旋风; zh-hant:狂戰巨斧' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dragon Tail', rule = 'zh-hans:龙爪; zh-hant:寂滅斷魂' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Joker's Staff", rule = 'zh-hans:镀金权杖; zh-hant:魔法拐杖' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tomahawk', rule = 'zh-hans:狂风; zh-hant:聖手鷹刁' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Horse Axe', rule = 'zh-hans:赤驹斧; zh-hant:赤焰神駒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tomahawk Christmas', rule = 'zh-hans:圣诞鹿角; zh-hant:聖誕鷹刁' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Balrog-Ⅸ', rule = 'zh-hans:爆裂; zh-hant:影武者' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Serpent Blade', rule = 'zh-hans:金蛇剑; zh-hant:九曲蛇刃' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Machete', rule = 'zh-hans:弯刀; zh-hant:柴刀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crowbar', rule = 'zh-hans:撬棍; zh-hant:鐵撬' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crowbar Maverick', rule = 'zh-hans:战魂-撬棍; zh-hant:野戰鐵撬' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Claw Hammer', rule = 'zh-hans:钉锤; zh-hant:尖頭槌' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Survival Tools Package', rule = 'zh-hans:求生工具套装; zh-hant:近戰武器組合包' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-9', rule = 'zh-hans:灾厄; zh-hant:聖光之鎚' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS-9 Janus form', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影模式; zh-hant:致命爆擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ruyi Stick', rule = 'zh-hans:悟空如意棒; zh-hant:齊天大聖' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Papin', rule = 'zh-hans:淬火蒸汽; zh-hant:阿修羅' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Snap Blade', rule = 'zh-hans:巨人切割者; zh-hant:超硬質刃' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Oz Scarecrow Pickaxe', rule = 'zh-hans:稻草人十字镐; zh-hant:綠野仙蹤稻草人十字鎬' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Thanatos-9', rule = 'zh-hans:殒裂; zh-hant:塔納托斯的斷魂鐮' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-9', rule = 'zh-hans:炽天断; zh-hant:泰坦巨劍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'VULCANUS-9 Vulcanus Parts System: Gas line', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Heavy Zombie Knife', rule = 'zh-hans:憎恶屠刀; zh-hant:達叔屠刀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Storm Giant Warhammer', rule = 'zh-hans:【星陨】巨锤; zh-hant:蓋亞之狂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'CROW-9', rule = 'zh-hans:灵鹫; zh-hant:鐵鎧破軍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle Weapons', rule = 'zh-hans:战损; zh-hant:餓狼傳說系列武器' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Koeffler bulletproof vest', rule = 'zh-hans:防弹衣; zh-hant:克夫勒防彈背心' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Koeffler bulletproof vest + Helmet', rule = 'zh-hans:防弹衣+头盔; zh-hant:克夫勒防彈背心+頭盔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Night vision', rule = 'zh-hans:夜视仪; zh-hant:夜視鏡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'C-4', rule = 'zh-hans:C4炸弹; zh-hant:C4' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:拆弹器; zh-hant:炸彈拆解包' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Strong Lifepower', rule = 'zh-hans:生存基因药剂; zh-hant:高攜彈生存背心' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Excellent Genes', rule = 'zh-hans:进化基因药剂; zh-hant:瘋狂基因藥水' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle Veteran', rule = 'zh-hans:战神祝福药剂; zh-hant:魂能之力燒瓶' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Invincibility', rule = 'zh-hans:无敌药剂; zh-hant:無敵' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Speed Up', rule = 'zh-hans:狂暴加速; zh-hant:移動加速' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jump Up', rule = 'zh-hans:狂暴跳跃; zh-hant:跳躍強化' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Team HP Recovery', rule = 'zh-hans:生命祝福; zh-hant:團隊治療' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Infinite Grenade', rule = 'zh-hans:手雷专家; zh-hant:無限手榴彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Triple Damage', rule = 'zh-hans:狂暴攻击; zh-hant:暴擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Enemy HP Down', rule = 'zh-hans:混乱袭击; zh-hant:災厄降臨' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blind', rule = 'zh-hans:强光刺目; zh-hant:閃光' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Enemy Accuracy Down', rule = 'zh-hans:强烈干扰; zh-hant:命中弱化' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Reverse', rule = 'zh-hans:键位反转; zh-hant:混亂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Self Destruct', rule = 'zh-hans:强震自爆; zh-hant:暈眩' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Landmine', rule = 'zh-hans:生化地雷; zh-hant:地雷' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nuclear Bomb', rule = 'zh-hans:生化核爆; zh-hant:核彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Special Weapon', rule = 'zh-hans:精英装备; zh-hant:特別武器' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Small Emergency Medicine', rule = 'zh-hans:恢复30%生命值; zh-hant:初級治療券' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Big Emergency Medicine', rule = 'zh-hans:恢复100%生命值; zh-hant:高級治療券' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle Revival', rule = 'zh-hans:战斗复活; zh-hant:復活券' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Round Retry', rule = 'zh-hans:回合重置; zh-hant:接關券' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sentry gun', rule = 'zh-hans:火力守卫; zh-hant:全自動迷你砲台' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Melee Weapons License', rule = 'zh-hans:冷兵器执照; zh-hant:武器專家執照' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Origin Weapons License', rule = 'zh-hans:生化兵器执照; zh-hant:驅魔者執照' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Armor boost', rule = 'zh-hans:防弹衣; zh-hant:防彈衣' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Stamina drug', rule = 'zh-hans:生命补液; zh-hant:體能強化禁藥' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ammo boost', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:彈匣袋' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Speed boost', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:戰鬥靴' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Power amplifier', rule = 'zh-hans:龙力丸; zh-hant:火力強化禁藥' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Weakness report', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:弱點分析器' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Secret Research Funds', rule = 'zh-hans:巨额资金; zh-hant:研究資金' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Money Extractor', rule = 'zh-hans:赏金操纵仪; zh-hant:回收裝置' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Stamina drug Zombie Type Sample', rule = 'zh-hans:生命补液(先期试验品); zh-hant:體能強化禁藥的樣本' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Power amplifier Zombie Type Sample', rule = 'zh-hans:龙力丸(先期试验品); zh-hant:火力強化禁藥的樣本' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:炸弹投掷; zh-hant:空投炸彈' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:自动火炮; zh-hant:自動砲塔' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:暴走; zh-hant:殭屍狂暴' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:隐身; zh-hant:殭屍隱身' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Night Hawk Shot', rule = 'zh-hans:陨星坠落; zh-hant:老鷹射門' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cannon Shot', rule = 'zh-hans:飞火流星; zh-hant:強襲射門' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ghost Shot', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:鬼影射門' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dione Shot', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:麥瑪西射門' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hurricane Shot', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:颶風射門' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 道具 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'C-Box', rule = 'zh-hans:密码箱; zh-hant:軍火之王' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bingo', rule = 'zh-hans:欢乐一线牵; zh-hant:全民瘋賓果' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Code Decoder', rule = 'zh-hans:破译芯片; zh-hant:電子解碼器' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:疯狂战币; zh-hant:抓錢活動' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:棒球英豪; zh-hant:棒球經典賽' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:战币; zh-hant:硬幣' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Supply box', rule = 'zh-hans:武装补给箱; zh-hant:補給箱' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Treasure Box', rule = 'zh-hans:道具箱; zh-hant:寶物箱' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Revelation Treasure Box', rule = 'zh-hans:普通战利品; zh-hant:啟示錄寶箱' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Deimos Treasure Box', rule = 'zh-hans:异形斗兽的战利品; zh-hant:巨獸禮物箱' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Operational Map', rule = 'zh-hans:作战地图; zh-hant:特種部隊的作戰地圖' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Damaged Equipment', rule = 'zh-hans:电波干扰器; zh-hant:被破壞的電磁裝置' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Andrey's Diary", rule = 'zh-hans:安德雷手册; zh-hant:安德烈記事本' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Phobos' DNA", rule = 'zh-hans:异形斗兽残骸; zh-hant:巨獸雷比亞的採樣' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Siege Type's Blood", rule = 'zh-hans:急速型强化针剂; zh-hant:雷比亞的體液' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Seize-type's Frame", rule = 'zh-hans:异型狂暴形态骨架; zh-hant:阿比隆的骨頭' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Seize-type's DNA", rule = 'zh-hans:异型狂暴形态DNA; zh-hant:阿比隆的基因' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dione Pursuit Diary No.1', rule = 'zh-hans:狄欧斯的追击日志之一; zh-hant:〈麥瑪西〉研究報告1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dione Pursuit Diary No.2', rule = 'zh-hans:狄欧斯的追击日志之二; zh-hant:〈麥瑪西〉研究報告2' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dione Pursuit Diary No.3', rule = 'zh-hans:狄欧斯的追击日志之三; zh-hant:〈麥瑪西〉研究報告3' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dione Pursuit Diary No.3', rule = 'zh-hans:狄欧斯的追击日志之四; zh-hant:〈麥瑪西〉研究報告4' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Confidential Weapons Document No.1', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:〈秘密兵器〉研究報告1' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Confidential Weapons Document No.2', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:〈秘密兵器〉研究報告2' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Confidential Weapons Document No.3', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:〈秘密兵器〉研究報告3' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Confidential Weapons Document No.4', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:〈秘密兵器〉研究報告4' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Frozen Terrors Mane', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Gluttony's Tongue", rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Comanche Record Device', rule = 'zh-hans:卡曼奇武装直升机的记录设备; zh-hant:卡曼契的黑盒子' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pilot Dogtags', rule = 'zh-hans:飞行员的身份牌; zh-hant:駕駛軍官的軍牌' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Drone Controller', rule = 'zh-hans:无人驾驶控制器; zh-hant:雷霆之眼控制器' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'First clue', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:機密文件' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Second clue', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:秘密地圖' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Third clue', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:研究工具' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fourth clue', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:殭屍樣本' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Dr. A's Trunk 1", rule = 'zh-hans:A博士的行李箱; zh-hant:A博士機密包裹' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Dr. A's Trunk 2", rule = 'zh-hans:A博士的生存补给品; zh-hant:A博士的秘密物資' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Dr A's Trunk Low", rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:A博士下級補給箱' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Dr A's Trunk Medium", rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:A博士中級補給箱' },
{ type = 'item', original = "Dr A's Trunk High", rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:A博士上級補給箱' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Infinity Black Improved Part', rule = 'zh-hans:恒宇黑星升級配件; zh-hant:闇黑帝王改進零件' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Infinity Red Improved Part', rule = 'zh-hans:恒宇红星升級配件; zh-hant:鮮血皇后改進零件' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blacklist Certificates', rule = 'zh-hans:屏蔽列表; zh-hant:黑名券' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:战功勋章; zh-hant:經驗值勳章' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:突击步枪设计图; zh-hant:步槍設計圖' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:霰弹枪设计图; zh-hant:霰彈槍設計圖' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:机枪设计图; zh-hant:機槍設計圖' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:微型冲锋枪设计图; zh-hant:衝鋒槍設計圖' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:手枪设计图; zh-hant:手槍設計圖' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:狙击步枪设计图; zh-hant:狙擊槍設計圖' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:近战武器设计图; zh-hant:近戰武器設計圖' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Secret Method: Lucky Master Craftsman', rule = 'zh-hans:制造秘籍:幸运枪匠; zh-hant:神祕工法:幸運工法' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Secret Method: Recycling', rule = 'zh-hans:制造秘籍:重复利用; zh-hant:神祕工法:再生法' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:普通强化材料; zh-hant:一般強化零件' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:高级强化材料; zh-hant:精密強化零件' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:还原强化材料; zh-hant:初始化零件' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:金勋奖; zh-hant:金勳奬' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:银勋奖; zh-hant:銀勳奬' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:铜勋奖; zh-hant:銅勳奬' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:猛虎纹身; zh-hant:虎嘯紋身' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:豪华武器套装; zh-hant:豪華經典槍組' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:中途退出无视败绩/惩罚; zh-hant:離場全優惠券' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:中途退出无视惩罚; zh-hant:離場優惠卷經驗值、Point保留' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:中途退出无视败绩; zh-hant:離場優惠卷勝敗不計' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:生化模式金币加成; zh-hant:殭屍Point加倍卷' },
{ type = 'item', rule = 'zh-hans:伤害详细; zh-hant:詳細傷害提示' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nail', rule = 'zh-hans:钢针; zh-hant:喪魂釘' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:液化氮气; zh-hant:液態瓦斯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magic Crystal Tower', rule = 'zh-hans:冰晶矿脉; zh-hant:魔晶塔' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magic Crystal Controller', rule = 'zh-hans:抑制器; zh-hant:魔晶塔控制儀' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magic Crystal Fragment', rule = 'zh-hans:冰晶原石; zh-hant:魔晶碎片' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'JANUS Transformation System', rule = 'zh-hans:幻影系统; zh-hant:JANUS模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = '3D Maneuver Gear', rule = 'zh-hans:立体机动装置; zh-hant:立體機動裝置' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
== 地圖 ==
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'de', rule = 'zh-hans:爆破; zh-hant:拆除炸彈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'cs', rule = 'zh-hans:拯救人质; zh-hant:救援人質' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'as', rule = 'zh-hans:VIP; zh-hant:刺殺VIP' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rex Research', rule = 'zh-hans:REX研究院; zh-hant:雷克斯研究室' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Angel City', rule = 'zh-hans:天使之城; zh-hant:驚爆捷運戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cbble', rule = 'zh-hans:古堡; zh-hant:決勝古堡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Chateau', rule = 'zh-hans:古城废墟; zh-hant:別墅風雲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Corruption', rule = 'zh-hans:米诺雅; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dazzling', rule = 'zh-hans:紫荆花都; zh-hant:喋血香港' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dust', rule = 'zh-hans:沙漠I; zh-hant:沙漠遺跡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dust2', rule = 'zh-hans:沙漠II; zh-hant:沙漠遺跡2' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dust Zero', rule = 'zh-hans:沙漠Zero; zh-hant:絕命沙堡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Inferno', rule = 'zh-hans:原油通道; zh-hant:城市煉獄' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mirage', rule = 'zh-hans:沙城突击; zh-hant:蜃樓' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nuke', rule = 'zh-hans:导弹基地; zh-hant:核武風暴' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Piranesi', rule = 'zh-hans:皮诺内西; zh-hant:引爆博物館' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Prodigy', rule = 'zh-hans:通讯枢纽; zh-hant:悍衛主機' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rex', rule = 'zh-hans:生化研究院; zh-hant:生化危機' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sanctuary', rule = 'zh-hans:碧蓝圣所; zh-hant:伊斯蘭聖地' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Santorini', rule = 'zh-hans:圣托里尼; zh-hant:聖托里尼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sienna', rule = 'zh-hans:疯狂小镇; zh-hant:狂嵐小鎮' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Snow Base', rule = 'zh-hans:极地哨站; zh-hant:暴雪基地' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Stadium', rule = 'zh-hans:竞技馆; zh-hant:競技聖殿' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Storm', rule = 'zh-hans:风暴回廊; zh-hant:風暴要塞' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Survivor', rule = 'zh-hans:雪原; zh-hant:雪地生存' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Suzhou', rule = 'zh-hans:江南水乡; zh-hant:蘇州古城' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tides', rule = 'zh-hans:古城危机; zh-hant:潮汐都市' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Train', rule = 'zh-hans:列车站台; zh-hant:驚爆列車' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vertigo', rule = 'zh-hans:建筑工地; zh-hant:致命大廈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vegas', rule = 'zh-hans:维加斯; zh-hant:賭城風雲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vostok', rule = 'zh-hans:冰封圣殿; zh-hant:寒霜都市' },
{ type = 'item', original = '747', rule = 'zh-hans:747客机; zh-hant:脅持747' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Assault', rule = 'zh-hans:72街仓库; zh-hant:倉庫火拼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Backalley', rule = 'zh-hans:后巷; zh-hant:暗巷衝突' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Camouflage', rule = 'zh-hans:废弃工厂Ⅰ; zh-hant:廢棄工廠' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Camouflage2', rule = 'zh-hans:废弃工厂Ⅱ; zh-hant:廢棄工廠2' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Downed', rule = 'zh-hans:坠落之地; zh-hant:野戰軍營' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Estate', rule = 'zh-hans:玫瑰庄园; zh-hant:鎮壓莊園' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Havana', rule = 'zh-hans:哈瓦那; zh-hant:決戰哈瓦那' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Italy', rule = 'zh-hans:意大利; zh-hant:義大利巷戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Militia', rule = 'zh-hans:野战训练营; zh-hant:突襲傭兵營' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Office', rule = 'zh-hans:事务所; zh-hant:辦公室攻防' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Siege', rule = 'zh-hans:据点围攻; zh-hant:峽谷突圍' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Oilrig', rule = 'zh-hans:钻井平台; zh-hant:喋血探勘船' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'AE(Another Episode)', rule = 'zh-hans:发电站; zh-hant:赤熱陽台' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dark Snow', rule = 'zh-hans:圣诞惊魂; zh-hant:寂靜耶誕' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dust2A(Dust2 Annihilation)', rule = 'zh-hans:沙漠ⅡA; zh-hant:沙漠遺跡2A' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Industry', rule = 'zh-hans:工业仓库; zh-hant:殺戮貨運站' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Port', rule = 'zh-hans:运输港; zh-hant:決戰碼頭' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tunnel', rule = 'zh-hans:隧道; zh-hant:浴血隧道' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Greesia(AWP Battle)', rule = 'zh-hans:展馆重狙战; zh-hant:狙擊之館' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ruins', rule = 'zh-hans:废墟重狙战; zh-hant:破碎遺跡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Moonlight', rule = 'zh-hans:月影寺; zh-hant:明月之城' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Champion', rule = 'zh-hans:格斗之王; zh-hant:競技擂台' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rats', rule = 'zh-hans:巨人厨房; zh-hant:迷你戰爭' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Warehouse', rule = 'zh-hans:边境仓库; zh-hant:倉庫突擊' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kart', rule = 'zh-hans:奇幻城镇; zh-hant:城鎮水路' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Train Shed', rule = 'zh-hans:铁血车库; zh-hant:火車車庫' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Checkmate', rule = 'zh-hans:巨人棋盘; zh-hant:奪寶大作戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Abyss', rule = 'zh-hans:生化危机; zh-hant:墮落地獄' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Abyss2', rule = 'zh-hans:生化危机Ⅱ; zh-hant:墮落地獄2' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Abyss3', rule = 'zh-hans:生化危机Ⅲ; zh-hant:墮落地獄3' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Requiem', rule = 'zh-hans:暮色修道院; zh-hant:寂靜幽魂曲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rest', rule = 'zh-hans:镇魂之地; zh-hant:安息之地' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Origin', rule = 'zh-hans:起源之地; zh-hant:惡靈魔窟' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Forbidden', rule = 'zh-hans:生化工厂; zh-hant:生化危機' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bigtree', rule = 'zh-hans:生命之树; zh-hant:古嶺神樹' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Metro', rule = 'zh-hans:绝命站台; zh-hant:絕命終結站' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Farero', rule = 'zh-hans:海岛集市; zh-hant:血色海灣' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Union', rule = 'zh-hans:生化盟约; zh-hant:末日聖地' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jump1', rule = 'zh-hans:祭台腾跃1; zh-hant:陵墓陷阱Ⅰ' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jump2', rule = 'zh-hans:祭台腾跃2; zh-hant:陵墓陷阱Ⅱ' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Run1', rule = 'zh-hans:迷径酷跑1; zh-hant:陵墓迷宮Ⅰ' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Run2', rule = 'zh-hans:迷径酷跑2; zh-hant:陵墓迷宮Ⅱ' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lost City', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变:失落之城; zh-hant:失落的城市' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Double Gates', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变:黑暗之门; zh-hant:命運的關卡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Trap', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变:地狱围栏; zh-hant:沉默的陷阱' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Last Clue', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:异乱之战; zh-hant:最終的線索' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Chaos', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:生化魔方; zh-hant:命運之門' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cube', rule = 'zh-hans:角斗场; zh-hant:殺戮禁區' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dead End', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:穷途末路; zh-hant:最終的絕望' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nightmare', rule = 'zh-hans:歼灭:噩梦之末; zh-hant:極限生死戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Toxicity', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:剧毒之伤; zh-hant:劇毒的傷處' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Culvert', rule = 'zh-hans:求生:下水道; zh-hant:地下水道' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Decoy', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:致命陷阱; zh-hant:迷惑深丘' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Angra', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:母巢之战; zh-hant:惡夢工廠' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Poisoning', rule = 'zh-hans:歼灭:剧毒陷阱; zh-hant:終極生死戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Contact', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:堕落之源; zh-hant:追蹤:致命交會' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Behind', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:腹背受敌; zh-hant:追蹤:潛藏殺機' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Threat', rule = 'zh-hans:守护:危机边缘; zh-hant:防禦:絕對防線' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Panic Room', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:深度恐惧; zh-hant:追蹤:恐懼之間' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Illusion', rule = 'zh-hans:歼灭:寂灭幻境; zh-hant:狂瀾:絕命生死戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Encounter', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:不期而遇; zh-hant:追蹤:絕命交鋒' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Conspiracy', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:迷雾重重; zh-hant:追蹤:惡魔陰溝' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Envy Mask', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:雪域迷城; zh-hant:追蹤:忌妒之源' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Paranoia', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:末日回响; zh-hant:追蹤:終結失控' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nightmare', rule = 'zh-hans:歼灭:狂乱本源; zh-hant:狂瀾:絕命生死戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Omen', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:灾难先兆; zh-hant:追蹤:蟲心崛起' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Memories', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:相遇:攔截記憶碼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Another Truth', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变:真相疑云; zh-hant:追蹤:揭發真相' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Last Ride', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:无尽轮舞; zh-hant:追蹤:絕命飛行' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Collapse', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:襲擊:潰滅' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Episode Choi', rule = 'zh-hans:落日危局; zh-hant:追蹤:拯救崔智云' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Easy', rule = 'zh-hans:入门; zh-hant:簡單' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hard', rule = 'zh-hans:噩梦; zh-hant:困難' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Easy2', rule = 'zh-hans:入门难度; zh-hant:簡單模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hard2', rule = 'zh-hans:噩梦难度; zh-hant:困難模式' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crazy Zombie Scenario', rule = 'zh-hans:进击的雪人; zh-hant:災厄復仇者' },
{ type = 'item', original = '', rule = 'zh-hans:进击:全面回忆; zh-hant:刺激:復仇' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cage', rule = 'zh-hans:铁笼蝎斗; zh-hant:鐵籠足球場' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Striker', rule = 'zh-hans:梦想绿茵; zh-hant:標準足球場' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Desert Storm', rule = 'zh-hans:突围:沙漠废墟; zh-hant:沙漠強襲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hellfire', rule = 'zh-hans:突围:灼热炼狱; zh-hant:地獄之火' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mosque', rule = 'zh-hans:狙击:末路古堡; zh-hant:沈默古堡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blaze', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:石破天惊; zh-hant:火線殺機' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'SideWinder', rule = 'zh-hans:突围:沙漠车站; zh-hant:響尾蛇行動' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Metal Gate', rule = 'zh-hans:兵工厂; zh-hant:機甲工廠' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Quasar', rule = 'zh-hans:异度空间; zh-hant:征服星海' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hidden City', rule = 'zh-hans:杀戮都市; zh-hant:三不管地帶' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blood Castle', rule = 'zh-hans:血色城堡; zh-hant:驚駭古堡' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Skyline', rule = 'zh-hans:逃出生天; zh-hant:亡命大廈' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Venice', rule = 'zh-hans:威尼斯; zh-hant:威尼斯驚魂' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hitchhiking', rule = 'zh-hans:生死时速; zh-hant:雪國列車' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rising', rule = 'zh-hans:绝命逃亡; zh-hant:荒蕪大樓' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rhyzome', rule = 'zh-hans:林间遗迹; zh-hant:噩夢森林' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blackout', rule = 'zh-hans:黑色行动; zh-hant:決戰城市' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Urban Assault', rule = 'zh-hans:破碎都市; zh-hant:即刻救援' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'City of Damned', rule = 'zh-hans:亡者之城; zh-hant:夜襲生存戰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Blizzard', rule = 'zh-hans:冰雪矿山; zh-hant:怪獸破冰' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dark City', rule = 'zh-hans:幽暗之都; zh-hant:闇夜深都' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shoreline', rule = 'zh-hans:海湾血港; zh-hant:海岸線' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Desert Plant', rule = 'zh-hans:协作:荒漠死域; zh-hant:沙丘魔物' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hell Ride', rule = 'zh-hans:协作:死寂城站; zh-hant:地獄騎士' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ice World', rule = 'zh-hans:冰天雪地; zh-hant:極地死鬥' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Forsaken', rule = 'zh-hans:決战之地; zh-hant:遺落邊境' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Splash', rule = 'zh-hans:血战水坝; zh-hant:蠻荒水壩' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Illusion(Attack On Titan)', rule = 'zh-hans:进击的巨人; zh-hant:悲慘噬界' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Omen', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:災难先兆; zh-hant:蟲心崛起' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Memories', rule = 'zh-hans:追击:全面回忆; zh-hant:攔截記憶碼' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Boss Chase', rule = 'zh-hans:大灾变:噩梦再临; zh-hant:襲擊:潰滅' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'First Report', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Second Report', rule = 'zh-hans:; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Third Report', rule = 'zh-hans:绝望中的挣扎; zh-hant:最後的報告書:麻里子檔案' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Mobius', rule = 'zh-hans:混沌宫殿; zh-hant:飢餓遊戲' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Out City', rule = 'zh-hans:郊外荒城; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Greesia(Zombie Tag)', rule = 'zh-hans:展馆奇妙夜; zh-hant:' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bunny Yard', rule = 'zh-hans:堆场荒院; zh-hant:廢棄野地' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Parking', rule = 'zh-hans:地下停车场; zh-hant:停車場' },