Brad Delson

Delson, Bredford Filip (ing.. Delson, Bradford Philip) (1-dekabr 1977-yil Kaliforniya shtatidagi Agura shahrida tugʻilgan) — gitarist va Linkin Park guruhining asoschilaridan biri.

Linkin Park
Hozirgi tarkib: Rob Bourdon | Brad Delson | Dave "Phoenix" Farrell | Joe Hahn | Mike Shinoda
Sobiq tarkib: Chester Bennington | Kyle Christener | Scott Koziol | Mark Wakefield
Studiyaviy albomlar: Hybrid Theory | Meteora | Minutes to Midnight | A Thousand Suns
Singllar: One Step Closer | Crawling | Papercut | In the End | It's Goin Down | Pts.OF.Athrty | Somewhere I Belong | Faint | Numb | From the Inside | Lying from You | Breaking the Habit | Numb/Encore | What I've Done | Bleed It Out | Shadow of the Day | Given Up | We Made It | Leave Out All the Rest | New Divide | The Catalyst | Waiting for the End | Burning in the Skies | Iridescent