This list is not ready for use on Wikipedia because a Prime Minister of Somalia who was Prime Minister twice does not show twice.

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This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Article description Country Start date End date Image
Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Somalia
Mohamed Farah Salad Somalia
Abdiwahid Elmi Gonjeh Somalia
Mohamoud Mohamed Guled Somalia
Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Somalia
Muhammad Ali Samatar Somalia
Abdi Farah Shirdon Somalia
Nur Hassan Hussein Somalia
Ali Mohammed Ghedi Somalia
Abdullahi Issa Somalia
Abdirizak Haji Hussein Somalia
Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke Somalia
Hassan Ali Khayre Somalia
Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo Somalia
United States
2010-10-31 2011-06-19
Abdi Yusuf hussein Somalia 2003-12-08 2004-11-03
Hassan Abshir Farah Somalia 2001-11-12 2003-12-08
Osman Jama Ali Somalia 2001-10-28 2001-11-12
Ali Khalif Galaydh Somalia 2000-10-08 2001-10-28
Umar Arteh Ghalib Somalia 1991-01-24 1997-01-03
Muhammad Hawadle Madar Somalia 1990-09-03 1991-01-24
Abdirashid Ali Shermarke Somalia 1960-07-12 1964-06-14
End of auto-generated list.