This page constitutes a mild abuse of Wikipedia:Template doc page pattern, used here for a series of templates instead of a single template.
Notice If you spot any more table cell templates that fit into this scheme, please add them to this page and add this template in a <noinclude> section.

These templates are designed to be used in a table to make a cell with text in that cell, with an appropriately coloured background. They are commonly used in comparison tables.

For example, ((Yes)) makes a cell with a green background; the text in the cell is taken from the template parameter and defaults to "Yes".

If you find a table cell template that does not take a parameter and you want to be able to change the text in the cell, do not duplicate the template; instead, edit the template and change the text to a default parameter substitution. For example, if a template's text is Dropped, change that to (({1|Dropped))}.

Templates in this series

[édit sumber]
CSS class[1] Templates Preview 1 Preview 2 Preview 3
table-rh ((rh))[2] | Row header Row header
table-yes ((yes)), ((yes|[[Alternate]] text)) Enya Alternate text
table-no ((no)) Henteu
table-yes2 ((yes2))[3] Text Text
table-no2 ((no2))[3] Text Citakan:No2 Text
table-partial ((partial)), ((Yes-No)), ((some)) Citakan:Partial Citakan:Yes-No Citakan:Some
table-but-yes ((but yes)) Citakan:But yes
table-but-no ((but no)) Citakan:But no
table-na ((n/a)) Citakan:N/a
table-unknown ((dunno)), ((unk)) Citakan:Dunno Citakan:Unk
table-depends ((depends)) Citakan:Depends
table-included ((included)) Citakan:Included
table-dropped ((dropped)), ((terminated)) Citakan:Dropped Citakan:Terminated
table-beta ((beta)) Citakan:Beta
table-free ((free)) Citakan:Free
table-nonfree ((nonfree))[3] [[US$]]3.14 Citakan:Nonfree US$3.14
unstyled ((incorrect)) Citakan:Incorrect
unstyled ((?))[4] Citakan:?


[édit sumber]
  1. The CSS class of table cell templates may be referenced in a user stylesheet to change appearance.
  2. Does not take a parameter; the content should be placed after the template call, separated by a pipe (|) character.
  3. a b c Does not take a parameter; the content should be placed after the template call.
  4. Does not take a parameter; not really a table cell template at all, but here for completeness