The Simple News
The Simple News

Simple News Update

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Now we have all had our fill of Christmas pies, turkey and have been visited by Kris Kringle (thanks DYK!), we can all get back into the swing of regular editing on Wikipedia. There will be more features in the next few editions of Simple News. More ways to receive Simple News and more content. The next few editions of Simple News will progress, and will be even more like a newspaper. Watch this space!

Pretty soon we will be exploring new ways to read Simple News. Two options which have been discussed are via PDF files, and through an email. If you would like to receive Simple News in any other format let us know!

A lot is happening right now on Simple News. More editors are keen to write articles and help out with Simple News, which is great. But remember, you can help out too! What we need are more people to write columns and articles. We can't do it all ourselves, and we want your help!

I would like to assure you that this project is not doomed to failure like many previous Wikiprojects before. We will strive to get you the best, exclusive news, fortnightly to your talk page for you to enjoy.

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