Good articles in Wikipedia

This star represents the good content on Wikipedia.
This star represents the good content on Wikipedia.

Good articles are the articles in the Simple English Wikipedia that meet the good article criteria, as determined by Wikipedia's editors. Before being listed here, articles are reviewed at Wikipedia:Proposed good articles for accuracy, neutrality, completeness, and style according to our the good article criteria. For articles that may become good articles, please put ((pgood)) on the article page.

Currently, there are 86 good articles, from of a total of 251,867 articles on Simple English Wikipedia. Thus, about one in &&&&&&&&&&&&2928.&&&&&02,928 articles is listed here. Articles that no longer meet the criteria can be proposed for improvement or removal at Wikipedia:Proposed article demotion.

All good articles come with a template ((good)) that is located on the top right-hand corner of that article. It also shows that the article is a good article in the Simple English Wikipedia.

Simple English Wikipedia also has some very good articles.

Good articles

Newer items are at the top:

  1. Bowls
  2. Earth
  3. Made You Look
  4. Slavery
  5. Paint It Black
  6. Megadeth
  7. Yellowstone National Park
  8. Emu War
  9. Bob Dole
  10. Bradley Winslow