Dark theme for Vector 2010

Image of dark theme being used on the English Wikipedia
Dark theme being used on the English Wikipedia

I made this dark theme that can be used with the Vector 2010 skin quite a while ago, and sometimes change it when I find a mistake. If you want to use it yourself, you can add @import url("https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Tollens/darkTheme.css&action=raw&bcache=1&maxage=86400&ctype=text/css"); at the top of your common.css page and pick the Vector 2010 skin in your settings. I am not certain that there are no mistakes, but I do my best to make sure that it works (I use it too, so any big mistakes get fixed quickly).

If you decide to use the theme and spot a mistake, please let me know on my talk page (not the talk page of the theme, I won't get alerts there).

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