The Wild is a 2006 American animated movie made by Walt Disney Pictures. Its the 46th animated movie and distributed by Buena Vista Pictures.[1] It was directed by Steve Williams, produced by Clint Goldman, assistant produced by John Burton, and released by Buena Vista Pictures on April 14, 2006 in the United States. In the movie, Samson the Lion in the New York Zoo is taken to Africa by accident, and his friends at the zoo have to help bring Samson back.


Main cast

Supporting cast

Additional voices

Additionally, Nolan North provided additional voices.


The Wild opened in 2,854 theaters. According to, the movie earned 9.5 million dollars in its first weekend at the box office, ranking as #4.

As of November 5, 2006, the movie has grossed a total of $37,384,046 in the United States box office & $102,338,515 worldwide. Its production budget, in contrast, was $80 million. [1]

The Wild was ranked #1 of the top DVD sales twice in Entertainment Weekly (The first time for October 6-12, 2006, the second time for October 13-19, 2006).

Critical reception for the movie has been negative. It currently hold an 19% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with a 25% rating from a select group of critics.

It received some harsh responses even before the trailer premiered.[2] described it as "Madagascar meets Finding Nemo with The Lion King thrown in for effect."



  1. "The Wild (2006)" – via
  2. "New Movies - Movie Trailers - Movie Times - Reviews".