This template, often abbreviated as ((tlg)), is used to provide stylized formatting to template displays without actually using the template itself.


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With the exception of alttext, the named parameters are toggles that are either omitted (default in most cases) or activated (by being assigned a value such as "on", "yes", "true", "include", etc.). They may be included in any order (see Examples below). Certain templates have the parameter "on" by default; see the main table for all alternate options.

Parameter Action Use with
Default active
brace Include braces as part of the template link ((example)) ((tlw))/((tn))
braceinside Include innermost braces as part of the template link {{example}}
bold Renders the template link/name in bold ((example)) ((tlb)), ((tlxb))
code Display output using HTML <code>...</code> tags (monospaced font) ((example)) ((tlc)), ((Template link expanded)), etc.
italic Display any parameters accompanying the template link/name in italics ((example|param)) ((tlxi))
kbd Display output using HTML <kbd>...</kbd> tags (monospaced font) ((example))
nolink Don't render the template name as a link ((example)) ((tlf)), ((tlc)), ((tnull))
nowrap Prevent the insertion of line breaks (word wrap) in the output ((example))
nowrapname Prevent word wrapping in the output of template name/link (parameters will wrap if needed) ((example))
plaincode Uses <code style="border:none; background:transparent;">...</code> ((example)) ((tltss))
subst Include a subst: prefix before the template link/name ((subst:example)) ((tls)), ((tlxs)), etc
|alttext=[text] Use [text] as the label for the template link ((Other)) ((tla))

Unnamed (Positional)

[change source]

This template can take any number of unnamed parameters as parameters accompanying the template link (or name); see Examples below.


[change source]
Code Output Remarks
((tlg|Banner)) ((Banner)) Banner template does not exist. Be aware with linking to non-existing templates, although desired.
((tlg|ok)) ((ok)) ok template does exist
((tlg|convert|<nowiki>14|m|ftin|abbr=out|sp=us</nowiki>)) ((convert|14|m|ftin|abbr=out|sp=us)) Unlimited parameters as one <nowiki>...</nowiki> string
((tlg|Abc)) ((Abc))
((tlg|abC)) ((abC)) template names are case-sensitive
((tlg|abc)) ((abc)) first letter is case-insensitive though
((tlg|abc|((spaces))(({1))}((spaces)))) ((abc| (({1))} )) Using ((spaces)) before and after (({1))} parameter.
((tlg|x0)) ((x0))
((tlg|x0|code=on)) ((x0)) <code> style
((tlg|x0|plaincode=on)) ((x0)) plaincode style
((tlg|x0|kbd=on)) ((x0)) <kbd> style
((tlg|x0|bold=on)) ((x0)) bold link/name
((tlg|x1|one|italic=on)) ((x1|one)) parameter/s in italics
((tlg|x0|nolink=on)) ((x0))
((tlg|x0|subst=on)) ((subst:x0))
((tlg|x0|brace=on)) ((x0)) all braces in link
((tlg|x0|braceinside=on)) ((x0)) inside braces in link
((tlg|x0|alttext=x0 link)) ((x0 link))
((tlg|x0|bold=on|code=on|brace=on)) ((x0)) No reason you can't combine multiple parameter settings
((tlg|x1|one)) ((x1|one))
((tlg|x2|one|two)) ((x2|one|two))
((tlg|x2|bold=on|code=on|one|two)) ((x2|one|two)) Can combine named and anonymous parameters …
((tlg|x2|one|two|bold=on|code=on)) ((x2|one|two)) … in any order …
((tlg|x2|one|code=on|two|bold=on|three)) ((x2|one|two|three)) … even intermixed …
((tlg|x2|one|code=on|two|bold=on|three|italic=on)) ((x2|one|two|three)) … with many different configurations.
((tlg|x3|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10)) ((x3|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10))
((tlg)) tlg with no arguments, the current page name is substituted
((tlg|x1|x=u)) ((x1)) = won't work
((tlg|x1|x&#61;u)) ((x1|x=u))
&#61; is okay
((tlg|x1|x((=))u)) ((x1|x=u))
((=)) is okay (see template equal sign)
((tlg|x1|x<nowiki>=</nowiki>u)) ((x1|x=u))
sticky nowiki is okay
((tlg|x2||two||)) ((x2|two)) empty parameters work too, even at the end
((tlg|x2|3=two|2=one)) ((x2|one|two))
right to left okay
Wrapping of long names (default)
Code Output
((tlg|long template name that would wrap to new line|this is a long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap)) ((long template name that would wrap to new line|this is a long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap))
Wrapping of long names (nowrap=on)
Code Output
((tlg|nowrap=on|long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap)) ((long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap))
Wrapping of long names (nowrapname=on)
Code Output
((tlg|nowrapname=on|long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap)) ((long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap))
[change source]

General-purpose formatting

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Comparison of template-linking templates according to their style
Link style → Linked Unlinked Linked with subst Linked including braces Linked with alternative text
Text style ↓ ((tlg)) options1 DEFAULT nolink=yes subst=yes braceinside=yes alttext=Foo
normal DEFAULT ((tlg))1
((tlf))2 ((tls))
((tn)) ((tla))
code code=yes ((tl2))
bold bold=yes ((tlb))
bold+code bold=yes|code=yes ((tlxb))
italic+code italic=yes|code=yes ((tlxi))
  • 1  ((tlg)) is the most general, allowing any combination of text style and/or link style options.
  • 2  Prevents wrapping of text by placing it inside <span class="nowrap">...</span> tags.
  • 3  Allows links to templates in any namespace.
  • 4  ((tlg|plaincode=yes)) uses <code style="border:none; background-color:transparent;">...</code>.
  • 5  Displays monospaced font using <kbd>...</kbd> tags (changed from <tt>...</tt> for HTML 5 compliance).
  • 6  Displays monospaced font using <span style="font-family:monospace;">...</span>.

Other formatting templates

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Code example Effect Notes
((tl2|Hatnote|lang=fr)) ((hatnote)) Supports linking to sister projects (e.g., fr:Hatnote)
((tlu|User:Ahunt/SSHFS)) ((User:Ahunt/SSHFS)) Supports linking to any namespace
((demo|<nowiki>((Hatnote|lang=fr|Some text))</nowiki>))
((hatnote|lang=fr|Some text))

Shows code and example
((xpd|Hatnote|Some hatnote text)) "((hatnote|Some hatnote text))" gives "" [1] Shows code, example and a link to expand the template code
((tln|Hatnote)) Template:Hatnote Produces a normal link to the template
Formats wikilink, with optional piped link text and blended suffix
((ml|Example|hello)) ((#invoke:Example|hello)) Counterpart to ((tl)) for linking to Lua modules
((mlx|Example|hello)) ((#invoke:Example|hello)) Counterpart to ((tlx)) for linking to Lua modules
((para|title|<var>book title</var>)) |title=book title Formats template parameters for display, with or without values
((sclx|LASTING)) [[WP:LASTING]] Takes a shortcut suffix in project namespace and displays it with brackets and the WP: alias in a <code>...</code> tag.
Formats [X]HTML tags; can add content, choose opening, closing, or self-closing
((dtl|Ping project)) ((d:Ping project)) Wikidata counterpart to ((tl))
Parser function equivalent to ((tl))
[change source]
Code example Effect
((lt|Hatnote)) Template:Hatnote (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs)
((lts|Hatnote)) Template:Hatnote(edit talk links history)
((t links|Hatnote)) Hatnote (edit talk history links  /subpages /doc /doc edit /sbox /sbox diff /test)
((tltt|Hatnote)) ((Hatnote))
((tetl|Hatnote)) ((Hatnote))
links talk edit
((tsetl|Hatnote)) ((subst:Hatnote))
 links talk edit
((ti|Hatnote)) Template:Hatnote (talk · links · edit)
((tic|Hatnote)) Template:Hatnote (talk links edit)
((tim|Hatnote)) m:Template:Hatnote (backlinks edit)
((tiw|Hatnote)) Template:Hatnote (backlinks edit)
((tlt|Hatnote)) ((Hatnote)) (talk)
((ttl|Hatnote)) ((Hatnote)) (t/l)
((twlh|Hatnote)) Template:Hatnote (links, talk)