This template contains a consistent layout for a box with details about a chemical compound.


[change source]

Copy the template from one of the forms below into the top of the document, and add data to the fields. Don't worry about trying to fill in all the fields -- even if you can only get the basics, that can still be very useful.


Getting a chembox new

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The chemboxes have a more or less modular design. They are build up out of several sections, and depending on the compound, certain sections can be removed, or other sections can be added.

If the box needs expansion from another field, simply copy the section from the full template form, and paste it into the chembox (make sure that each section has it's own number, note that a section starts with "| section# = ((chembox " and ends with "))"; make sure the sections don't 'nest'). There are 15 sections available (though only 8 have been defined so far).

The order of section numbers does effect the actual order in the final document. If a chemical compound would e.g. both be an explosive and a drug, but the drug properties are more important, consider giving the drug-section a lower sectionnumber than the explosive-section, and the drug-section will appear above the explosive-section. The actual numbering of the sections does not matter (as long as the numbers are in the range 1-15) as long as no duplicate sections are defined.

Available subst templates (type ((subst:chembox subst)) in the document and press save to get the empty box):


Small/simple form

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To use, simply copy and paste the left column into the document, filling in whatever you can, or type ((subst:chembox subst small)) and press save:

((Chembox new
| ImageFile = || ImageSize =  || IUPACName =
| OtherNames = || Section1 = ((Chembox Identifiers
| CASNo = ||   PubChem =  ||   SMILES =
| Section2 = ((Chembox Properties ||   Formula =
| MolarMass = ||   Appearance = ||   Density = 
| MeltingPt = ||   BoilingPt =  ||   Solubility =
| Section3 = ((Chembox Hazards ||   MainHazards =
| FlashPt = ||   Autoignition =

Full form

[change source]

To use, simply copy and paste the left column into the document, or type ((subst:chembox subst)) and press save to get an empty chembox:

((chembox new
| ImageFile = || ImageSize =  || IUPACName =
| SystematicName = || OtherNames =
| Section1 = ((Chembox Identifiers || Abbreviations = || CASNo = 
| EINECSCASNO = || PubChem = || SMILES = 
| InChI = || RTECS =  || MeSHName = || ChEBI = || KEGG =
| ATCCode_prefix = 
| ATCCode_suffix = || ATC_Supplemental =))
| Section2 = ((Chembox Properties || Formula = || MolarMass = 
| Appearance =
| Density = || MeltingPt = || Melting_notes = 
| BoilingPt = || Boiling_notes = 
| Solubility = || SolubleOther =  || Solvent =
| LogP = 
| VaporPressure = || HenryConstant =  || AtmosphericOHRateConstant =
| pKa = || pKb = ))
| Section3 = ((Chembox Structure || CrystalStruct = || Coordination = 
| MolShape = ))
| Section4 = ((Chembox Thermochemistry
| DeltaHf = || DeltaHc =  || Entropy =
| HeatCapacity = )) || Section5 = ((Chembox Pharmacology
| AdminRoutes = || Bioavail =  || Metabolism =
| HalfLife = 
| ProteinBound = || Excretion = || Legal_status = 
| Legal_US = || Legal_UK = 
| Legal_AU = || Legal_CA =  || PregCat =
| PregCat_AU = 
| PregCat_US = )) || Section6 = ((Chembox Explosive
| ShockSens = || FrictionSens =  || ExplosiveV =
| REFactor = ))
| Section7 = ((Chembox Hazards || EUClass =
| EUIndex = || MainHazards = || NFPA-H = 
| NFPA-F =
| NFPA-R = || NFPA-O = || RPhrases = 
| SPhrases = || RSPhrases = 
| FlashPt = || Autoignition =  || ExploLimits =
| PEL = ))
| Section8 = ((Chembox Related || OtherAnions =
| OtherCations = || OtherFunctn = || Function = 
| OtherCpds = ))
Template name
* filename.svg (not [[image:filename.svg]]
* picture size (example: ImageSize=100px, default=200px)
* the IUPAC name
* the systematic name
* any other name
Section Identifiers - Standard numbers etc.
* any abbreviations
* CAS Number, links to eMolecules
* EINECS, links to ecb; URL is
* also EINECS, but URL is
* PubChem, links to pubchem
* SMILES, no link
* InChI, no link
* RTECS, no link
* Medical Subject Headings, links to NIH
* ChEBI, links to EBI
* KEGG, links to
* ATCCode prefix (first three characters), internal link
* ATCCode suffix (last 4 characters), full ATC links to WHO C.C.
* Other ATC codes (use the ((ATC)) template)
Section Properties - Physical properties
* the molecular formula
* molecular weight, including unit
* Its appearance
* Density, including unit.
* Melting Point, including unit.
* Notes on melting point.
* Boiling Point, including unit.
* Notes on boiling point.
* Solubility in water
* Solubility in other solvents, goes together with next
* In which solvent it is soluble
* Partition coefficient
* Vapor pressure
* Henry's law constant (kH)
* Atmospheric OH rate constant
* pKa
* pKb
Section Structure - Crystal structure information
* Crystal Structure
* Coordination
* Molecular Shape
Section Thermochemistry - Thermochemical properties
* Delta Hf
* Delta Hc
* Entropy
* Heat Capacity
Section Pharmacology - Pharmacology/drug data
* Admin Routes
* Bioavailability
* Metabolism
* Half Life
* Protein Bound
* Excretion
* Legal status
* Legal status in US
* Legal status in UK
* Legal status in AU
* Legal status in CA
* Pregnacy Category
* Pregnacy Category in US
* Pregnacy Category in AU
Section Explosive - Explosive properties
* Shock Sensitivity
* Friction Sensitivity
* Explosive speed
* RE Factor
Section Hazards - Hazards
* EU Class
* EU Index
* Main Hazards
* NFPA-H - Health
* NFPA-F - Fire
* NFPA-R - Reactivity
* NFPA-O - one of the values W, OX, COR, ALK, ACID, CRYO, RA, or empty
* RPhrases - use the ((R)) template for this
* SPhrases - use the ((S)) template for this
* RSPhrases - or use the combination of the two above
* Flash Point
* Autoignition
* Explosion Limits
Section Related - Related compounds etc.
* Other Anions
* Other Cations
* Other Function - works with the next field
* Function - the function
* Other Compounds - chemical 'see also' section

Medium form

[change source]

To use, simply copy and paste the left column into the document, filling in whatever you can, or type ((subst:chembox subst medium)) and press save:

((chembox new
| ImageFile = || ImageSize =  || IUPACName =
| OtherNames = || Section1 = ((Chembox Identifiers
| Abbreviations = || CASNo =  || EINECS =
| PubChem = || SMILES = || InChI =  || RTECS =
| MeSHName = || ChEBI = || KEGG =
| ATCCode_prefix = || ATCCode_suffix =
| ATC_Supplemental =))
| Section2 = ((Chembox Properties || Formula =
| MolarMass = || Appearance = || Density =
| MeltingPt = 
| Melting_notes = || BoilingPt = || Boiling_notes = 
| Solubility = || SolubleOther =  || Solvent = || pKa =  || pKb = ))
| Section7 = ((Chembox Hazards
| EUClass = || EUIndex =  || MainHazards =
| NFPA-H = || NFPA-F = || NFPA-R =  || NFPA-O = || RPhrases =
| SPhrases = 
| RSPhrases = || FlashPt = || Autoignition = 
| ExploLimits = || PEL = ))
Template name
* filename.svg (not [[image:filename.svg]]
* picture size (example: ImageSize=100px, default=200px)
* the official name
* any other name
Section Identifiers - Standard numbers etc.
* any abbreviations
* CAS Number, links to eMolecules
* EINECS, links to ecb
* PubChem, links to pubchem
* SMILES, no link
* InChI, no link
* RTECS, no link
* Medical Subject Headings, links to NIH
* ChEBI, links to EBI
* KEGG, links to
* ATCCode prefix (first three characters), internal link
* ATCCode suffix (last 4 characters), full ATC links to WHO C.C.
* Other ATC codes (use the ((ATC)) template)
Section Properties - Physical properties
* the molecular formula
* molecular weight, including unit
* Its appearance
* Density, including unit.
* Melting Point, including unit.
* Notes on melting point.
* Boiling Point, including unit.
* Notes on boiling point.
* Solubility in water
* Solubility in other solvents, goes together with next
* In which solvent it is soluble
* pKa
* pKb
Section Hazards - Hazards
* EU Class
* EU Index
* Main Hazards
* NFPA-H - Health
* NFPA-F - Fire
* NFPA-R - Reactivity
* NFPA-O - one of the values W, OX, COR, ALK, ACID, CRYO, RA, or empty
* RPhrases - use the ((R)) template for this
* SPhrases - use the ((S)) template for this
* RSPhrases - or use the combination of the two above
* Flash Point
* Autoignition
* Explosion Limits

Advanced fields in main template

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There are some extra fields available:

| Reference =
* Can be used for a reference, include <ref> </ref>'s with the reference, and add a <references /> to the document.

Advanced and explanations

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"Table creep"

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The chembox new can handle a lot of parameters, and new ones can easily be added (even more than are shown in the full format). This may result in huge tables in the end. When the table becomes too big, please consider creating a data page 'pagename (data page)', and moving data into that page. Chembox new will automagically recognise the existence of the data page, a new box will show, which will have some links into the data page.

Field order

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The order of the parameters in this template does not have any effect on the final layout of the template, that order is either programmed in this template (for the top section) or in the following subtemplates:

And the hidden template:

The order of the sections can be changed by changing the numbering of the headings 'Section# = ((chembox section'. This has to be done with some care. Sections that are really without use can be safely removed, renumbering is not necessary.

Extra sections/fields

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The setup of the chembox new is modular, one can easily incorporate other boxes in the chembox, by adding a section. The following sections are available (see these templates for more explanation):

Besides the fields that have been defined in the two forms above, there are many other fields available. In this template those are extra image fields (described below), in the separate sections there are also more fields available. For a full list of available fields see the different section templates.

Parameter display

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Except for the more complicated parameters, the display of most parameters is controlled by their own template. This template creates the actual row (if it is displayed is controlled by the section template).


Auto images

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If there is an image available with the name of the page, that will automagically be used in the template when no other image name is supplied. The order of preference is:

  1. If an imagename is supplied in any of the 8 imagefields in the chembox new, then the automatic image will NOT be used.
  2. otherwise, 'pagename.svg' will be used if available
  3. otherwise, 'pagename.png' will be used if available
  4. otherwise, 'pagename.gif' will be used if available
  5. otherwise, 'pagename.jpg' will be used if available
  6. otherwise, if there is no image available, the document will be autocategorised in Category:Infoboxes without image

The size of the automagic images is defaulted to 200px, but can be set with the parameter ImageSize.

Extra images

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The chembox comes standard with one image 'ImageFile' (with a size parameter 'ImageSize'). For certain chemicals more pictures are needed, for which the parameters 'ImageFile1', 'ImageFile2', and 'ImageFile3' are available (each has his own Size-parameter 'ImageSize1', 'ImageSize2', and 'ImageSize3'). The default size for the pictures is set to 200px, normally the ImageSize does not have to be supplied. So a header could look like this:

((chembox new
| ImageFile = Furfural skeletal.svg || ImageSize = 100px
| ImageFile1 = Furfural-3D-vdW.png
| ImageSize1 = 150px || IUPACName = example
Chembox new
IUPAC name example
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

This gives two images, each image on his own row (note, ImageFile is the first image, ImageFile1 is the second).

For some chemicals pictures can be really small, and then a side-by-side display is often nicer. Chembox new provides two rows which each can contain two images. For these there are the parameters 'ImageFileL1' and 'ImageFileR1' (left and right) for the first row, and 'ImageFileL1' and 'ImageFileR1' for row 2. Each has again his own size-parameter 'ImageSizeL1', 'ImageSizeR1', 'ImageSizeL2', and 'ImageSizeR2'. The header now looks like:

((chembox new
| ImageFileL1 = Furfural skeletal.svg
| ImageSizeL1 = || ImageFileR1 = Furfural-3D-vdW.png
| ImageSizeR1 = || IUPACName = example
Chembox new
IUPAC name example
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

This gives one row with two images. Note that ImageFile is now not supplied.

Combinations are also possible, the order in the template is: 'ImageFile', 'ImageFile1', 'ImageFileL1', 'ImageFileR1', 'ImageFile2', 'ImageFile3', 'ImageFileL2', 'ImageFileR2'. This gives the possibility to play a bit with which image is first (rows with empty parameters are not displayed). Example:

((chembox new
| ImageFileL1 = Furfural skeletal.svg
| ImageSizeL1 = || ImageFileR1 = Furfural-3D-vdW.png
| ImageSizeR1 =
| ImageFile2 = Water droplet blue bg05.jpg
| ImageSize2 = || IUPACName = example
Chembox new
IUPAC name example
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

This gives one row with two images, and one row with one image.


[change source]
  • Is the parameter placed in the correct section?
  • Is the parameter supplied twice? It will use the value of the second instance
  • Are the sections properly defined. Sections start with | section# = ((chembox sectionname |" and end with "))".
  • Is there inconsistency in the sectionnumbering? Available numbers for sections are 1 - 15, do not use a sectionnumber twice, that will only result in the second section showing up.
  • Is the capitalisation of the parameter correct? "Formula" works, "FORMULA" does not.

Adding a parameter

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To add a new parameter to the chembox:

  1. Select the section the parameter has to go into, and select a unique parameter name in that section.
  2. Edit the section.
  3. In the very first if-statement, add "(({Yourparametername|))}" to the list, this will make sure that when the parameter is supplied, the section will show. If the new parameter is not in that list, but is the only parameter is not supplied in that section in a document, the section will not show.
  4. Add a line for the parameter, follow the example of one of the other lines.
  5. Create a new template "chembox yourparametername", this template formats one complete row in the chembox new (it uses the normal format for a row in a wikitable).

The actual template is in this section

[change source]

To get an editbox for only the template, click edit on this section.

Chembox new
IUPAC name example
Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references