The Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, (the full name is Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery), is a 1956 United Nations treaty. It added to the 1926 Slavery Convention. It also added to the Forced Labour Convention of 1930.

Important articles

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The convention gave rules to the countries that were apart of the convention.

Article 1: Serfdom, debt bondage, and child slavery is not allowed.

Article 2: There had to be a minimum age of marriage. It also supported marriage registration and publicly giving consent to marriage.

Article 3: Slave trafficking is not allowed.

Article 4: Runaway slaves who escape on ships should ipso facto get freedom.

Article 5: Marking, mutilation, branding slaves is not allowed.

Article 6: Slavery is not allowed.

Article 7: Defines a "slave", "a person of servile status" and "slave trade".

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