Still Open All Hours is a British sitcom created for the BBC by Roy Clarke, and starring David Jason and James Baxter. It is the sequel to the sitcom Open All Hours, which both Clarke and Jason worked on throughout its 26-episode run from 1973 to 1985, following a 40th Anniversary Special in December 2013 commemorating the original series.[1] The sitcom's premise focuses on the life of a much older Granville, who now runs his late uncle's grocery shop with the assistance of his son, continuing to sell products at higher prices alongside seeking to be with his love interest.

Unlike the original series, the cast for Still Open All Hours includes a more regular group of characters and additional side-plots. It has featured the return of Lynda Baron, Stephanie Cole, and Maggie Ollerenshaw as their characters from Open All Hours. Although the special received poor reviews, it attracted positive viewing figures, with the sitcom airing a total of 41 episodes across six series to date.


  1. Goodacre, Kate (7 October 2013). "Sir David Jason to star in 'Open All Hours' Christmas special". Digital Spy. Archived from the original on 15 December 2013. Retrieved 15 December 2013.