A sensation is something that produces excitement. A new song or a new play might be termed a "sensation" or producing "sensation". A thrilling ride on a roller coaster might be described as "sensational".


In psychology, sensation is the first stage in the biochemical and neurologic events:

It begins with a stimulus upon the receptor cells of a sensory organ, which then leads to perception, the mental state that is reflected in statements like "I see a uniformly blue wall."

A sensation that might lead to that statement could include the excitation of cone cells in the retina.

In the West, the human body's senses are divided into eight: visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, cutaneous, kinesthetic, vestibular, organic. The ways in which these senses are divided from one another in concept, and combined in varying ratios in perceiving the world, differs based on individual physiology, social and cultural context, and physical surroundings. The whole sensory system, including both physical sensation and interpretation (or cognition) of information from the senses, is referred to as a sensorium.

Sensory system

The sensory system provides many ways to be aware of the world.
