Senary (base 6) is a number system that uses 6 digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Examples are 12 in senary is 20 and 35 in senary is 55. And in senary, when it reaches 5, it will not be 6 because 6 is not in the senary system, so you add a 1 in front and 0 on everything else.[1][2]

Decimal to Senary 1 - 20

[change | change source]

0 = 0

1 = 1

2 = 2

3 = 3

4 = 4

5 = 5

6 = 10

7 = 11

8 = 12

9 = 13

10 = 14

11 = 15

12 = 20

13 = 21

14 = 22

15 = 23

16 = 24

17 = 25

18 = 30

19 = 31

20 = 32

[change | change source]

Binary (Base 2)

Ternary (Base 3)

Quaternary (Base 4)

Quinary (Base 5)

Septenary (Base 7)

Octal (Base 8)

Nonary (Base 9)

Decimal (Base 10)

Hexadecimal (Base 16)

Vigesimal (Base 20)


[change | change source]
  1. "Senary". Number Systems Wiki. Retrieved 2024-07-18.
  2. "Senary Definition (Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary)". Retrieved 2024-07-18.