Panjnad River is a river in Punjab, Pakistan. Panjnad River is formed by merging of the five rivers of Punjab, namely Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. Jhelum and Ravi join Chenab, Beas joins Sutlej, and then Sutlej and Chenab join to form Panjnad near Uch Sharif. The combined stream runs southwest for about 45 miles and joins the Indus River at Mithankot. The Indus continues into the Arabian Sea. A dam on Panjnad has been built; it provides irrigation channels for Punjab and Sind provinces south of the Sutlej and east of the Indus rivers.

Beyond the meeting of Indus and Panjnad rivers, the Indus river was known as Satnad (Sat = seven) carrying the waters of seven rivers including Indus river, which is believed to be in earlier times the Saraswati River/Ghaggar-Hakra River river which eventually dried and became a seasonal river due to seismic shifts in the glacial region of Himachal Pradesh.


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