The burial of plague victims in Tournai. Fragment of a miniature from "The Chronicles of Gilles Li Muisis" (1272-1352), abbot of the monastery of St. Martin of the Righteous. Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, MS 13076-77, f. 24v.

A pandemic (from Greek παν pan all + δήμος demos people) is an epidemic (an outbreak of an infectious disease) that spreads across a large region (like a continent), or even worldwide.

Common killers and pandemics

According to the World Health Organization, a pandemic exists when three conditions have been met:

A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people. It must also be infectious. For example, cancer causes many deaths, but it is not a pandemic because it is usually not infectious.

World Health Organization pandemic phases

The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a plan to prepare the global fight against influenza. It defines the stages of a pandemic and makes recommendations about what countries should do before and during a pandemic. The phases are:

Interpandemic period:

Pandemic alert period:

Pandemic period:

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