P5 (also known as Class Act) was a short-lived comic strip in the UK comic The Dandy, Which had run between 1998 and 2002. It was drawn by Dennis the Menace artist Jimmy Hansen. It first appeared in issue #2965 (dated September 19, 1998).


The series focussed on a class of prepubescent children in a school – Class P5, similar to The Bash Street Kids of The Beano. Each strip would sometimes focus on an individual in the group, and how they deal with situations that came up in school.

As the series went on, the character of Kim was joined to Class P5 from issue #3034 dated January 15, 2000, and the character of Dotty was moved from preschool class into P5. The strips also moved away from individual stories and focussed more on the group as a whole.

In Issue #3000, the kids had grown up to become adults with a school reunion theme, with Miss Truncheon now working in a job centre, until the last frame of the story when she immediately resigned, saying she wanted to stay away from "that lot", who had all since taken jobs at the same job centre. They appeared in a one-off in July 2002.

P5 returned as a reprint on 4 November 2006 under the new title of Class Act. The reprints are mainly from 1998 and 1999 for DC Thomson's policy of comic strips being at least 7 years old before they are reprinted. These reprints ended when The Dandy relaunched in August 2007.
