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Moksha is the final goal of personal spiritual development for some schools of Hinduism. It is similar to the word Nirvana in Buddhism. In the Sanskrit language, "moksha" means freedom. It is as a state of eternal bliss and emptiness. According to Vedanta, life is a repeating cycle of birth, death, and rebirth into a physical universe. Hindu scriptures describe Moksha as a liberation from this cycle and the achievement of an eternal and blissful emptiness that is above all of the happiness, pain, and sorrow of the physical body or corporeal life. It is the goal of Hindu practitioners to achieve Moksha (to be free from the material world) through the practice of Yoga viz Jnana Yoga (knowledge), Karma Yoga (work), and Bhakti Yoga (through reciting prayers and worshipping God).

Moksha is a Vedic term. Scholars don't agree in the specific relationship between the Moksha of Vedanta Hinduism and the Nirvana of Buddhism, but there is agreement that they are closely related historically and philosophically. Similarities can be found between Moksha and some concepts found in the Upanishads. Hindu texts explain the Moksha as Saccidānanda [True blissfulness of soul by separating the soul from the physical body by practising Dhyan and Yoga]. Moksha originates from the Sanskrit word, Moksa.

In short, moksha represents something which is beyond understanding; too great and too amazing, to be truly understood, it can only be understand when one reaches moksha.

For a more comprehensive explanation of this topic read these books:

Moksha is the ultimate goal of a person to get liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

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