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Map of Guinea-Bissau
Bissau, Capital of Guinea-Bissau

This is a list of cities in Guinea-Bissau. All places with a population of over 5,000 are included.

Cities in Guinea-Bissau
Rank City Population Region
1979 Census 2005 estimate
1 Bissau 109,214 388,028 Bissau
2 Bafatá 13,429 22,521 Bafatá
3 Gabú 7,803 14,430 Gabú
4 Bissorã N/A 12,688 Oio
5 Bolama 9,100 10,769 Bolama
6 Cacheu 7,600 10,490 Cacheu
7 Bubaque 8,400 9,941 Bolama
8 Catió 5,170 9,898 Tombali
9 Mansôa 5,390 7,821 Oio
10 Buba N/A 7,779 Quinara
11 Quebo N/A 7,072 Quinara
12 Canchungo 4,965 6,853 Cacheu
13 Farim 4,468 6,792 Oio
14 Quinhámel N/A 3,128 Biombo
15 Fulacunda N/A 1,327 Quinara

Other settlements

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