An inputbox that is extension or meaning to doing with other pages. There are all buttons or existings to find width in 50 characters. For the width in the article extension, see mw:extension:inputbox.

There are all width in 50 characters with extension to inputbox, here are all 3 different types of inputboxes, article creation box, search box, or comment box.

Box types[change | change source]

The inputbox that uses the width in extensions for <inputbox>.

Article creation box

Type Example Description

An article creation box in width to the page namespace that creates another page.

Search box

Type Example Description
Searching articles and projects will be simple to find articles.

Comment box

Type Example Description

The comment box that adds a width to a new section.

The comment title that uses a section with a different title.
buttonlabel=Post a comment

Comments that adds a different buttonlabel.

Width box

Type Example Description

The width box adds with new 50 characters.
The width box adds with new 15 characters small.

Parameters[change | change source]

HTML tags

Inputboxes are generally find and width to find in 50 characters. The width sections will be under the type of an inputbox that puts an width to HTML that is prefix to use modules, templates, pages, project namespace or other editors within a title.

Preloaded templates and pages

The page that is load in to a different tag with an HTML, prefix to inputbox or uses the next extension or simple to markup with MediaWiki.

Adding an inputbox

Inputbox tags

The tags will be placed after an inputbox that always you use with examples of the template namespace.

Result[change | change source]

Result of template pages and extension will be used in this simple feature.

This page shows the parameters and extension to HTML. Width will be maximize to 50 characters to the next existing inputbox or tags will be placed in this result or optional to changes.

Related pages[change | change source]