حرب الهامور التي أقيمت في عام 1900 ميلادي بقياده السلطان محمد عادل الجنيبي الذي فاز بلقب شجاع العاصي الذي عصا أوامر الانقليز هوا وأصحابه الذي هم ناصر و محمد الملقب ب بندر و سالم الذي ملقب ب سليم و ناصر الذي ملقب ب بوخلي و محمد الذي ملقب ب بوعلوش و عبدالله الذي ملقب ب سليط

Winter larder

On the Moroccan island of Mogador, falcons seem to imprison small birds by trapping them in crevasses, presumably saving them to eat later.

Mogador has the ruins of a fortress, a mosque and a prison. Today the island is a nature reserve, where Eleonora’s falcons nest among the ruins. They hunt migrating warblers, hoopoes and other birds.

Researchers came across small birds trapped in deep cavities, their flight and tail feathers removed. The birds were unable to move their wings or use their dangling legs.[1] Eleonora’s falcons have been seen building up larders of up to 20 dead birds during migration season, when prey is plentiful.[2] But "storing snacks that are still alive could be a unique behaviour" said an expert.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Falcons imprison live birds to keep them fresh for a later meal. New Scientist. [1]
  2. Eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae. The Peregrine Fund. [2]