Anent Us

[eedit soorce]

Jyne us in sortin oot an impruivin the Wiki, we'r hostin a biminthly event tae git fowk engaged wi the Wiki!

The theme will be Medical conditions an Chemical compounds & elements.

(in Inglis) Join us in fixing and improving the Scots Wiki, we host bimonthly events to get people engaged with the Wiki!

Join the Dashboard - log in with your Wikipedia account - for your edits during the Writing Drive week to be counted towards the total.

The theme will be Medical conditions and Chemical compounds & elements.

Zoom Session

[eedit soorce]

Wed 6 Sept: Sign up on Eventbrite here. 18:00 - 20:00

Airticles tae Big

[eedit soorce]

Airticles tae Stend an Sort Oot

[eedit soorce]

Chemical compounds & elements

Medical conditions

(in Inglis) Tasks for those not confident in their Scots

[eedit soorce]