Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up

This airticle is pairt
o the Wikipaedia Lessons
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Front page
Wikipaedia airtins
Relatit steid airtins
Ootside airtins
Collogue pages
Stairt an airticle
Pynts ti mind

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Help page

Registration is optional, but encouraged.

Registration is optional

[eedit soorce]

Aabodie is walcome ti contreibute ti Wikipaedia, gif they chuise ti register a uisername or no.

There are twa main reasons that fowk are encouraged ti register:

General benefits

[eedit soorce]

The free accoont gies you monie benefits, sic as mair editin options an uiser settins. Ae uisefu feature is the watchleet, that maks it aesier for ye ti track chynges ti pages ye hae an interest in. Anither is the abeility ti muve or rename a page. (Dinna muve pages bi juist copyin an pastin sith the edit history isna preserved that gate. Speir at the Mercat cross for the help o a registered uiser.)

An unregistered uiser is identifee'd bi their machine's IP address, that is uised as their public identifier whan they mak contreibutions (an sign comments on collogue pages). Yer computer's IP address can aften be uised to finnd wittins aboot ye, sae registering maks yer privacy better bi hidin it. Forbye, sin IP addresses are aften non-permanently allocated by DHCP or PPP, nou an again unregistered uisers finnd it mair deifficult ti win respeck an recogneition frae ither editors throu biggin a guid track record. It can be mair difficult ti cairry on collogues wi sic non-registered uisers sin they dinna hae a unique collogue page.

Finally, only registered uisers are lat become admeinistrators.

Perceived benefits

[eedit soorce]

Monie Wikipaedians think that registerin shaws mair pride bi you for yer edits, an yer comments on collogue pages. Sae yer contreibutions til airticles and collogue pages will be gien mair wecht, whan ye mak the entries while logged in.

Gate ti register

[eedit soorce]

Ti register, or ti see mair detailed wittins aboot the benefits o registerin, ye can click the Log in airtin at the tap richt corner o onie page.

Gang on wi the lessons.

Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up