Wikipedia daesna juist get better throu the steive work o the mair dedicated members, but throu the aften nameless contreibutions o monie cuirious newcomers. Ilkane o us wis a newcomer aince, e'en thae chiels that haes been carefu or sonsie eneuch ti hae evyted common mistaks, an monie o us conseiders oorsels newcomers yet aifter months (or years) o contreibuting.

New contreibutors is prospective "members" an are thus oor most valable resoorce. We maun trait newcomers wi kindness an patience — aiblins naething frichts valuable contreibutors awa faister nor hosteelity or elitism. Atho monie newcomers hit the grund rinnin, some wants wittins on the wey we dae things.

Please dinna bite the newcomers

[eedit soorce]