Ablo is the present rules (a soum o 1,022) within the AWB/Typo list as of 31/08/2020.

They aw need chackit, an only chygnes noted for action.


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
about aboot oo/ou is a hale thing. About's no wrang. Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
above abuin
accepted acceptit
accepting acceptin
account accoont
according accordin
acting actin
administration admeenistration The hale ee/i needs redd up ayont "ceety" juist. Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
adopted adoptit
adulthood adultheid
Africa Africae
After Efter
after efter
ailing ailin
all aw "aa" alloued an aa? (an "awmaist" "awtho" etc.) Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
allow allou
allowing allouin
allying allyin
almost awmaist
along alang
although awtho
always ayeweys Probably maun be "aye" juist. Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
America Americae
among amang
ancient auncient
and an
and an
and in an in
and the an the
animal ainimal
animals ainimals
animated animatit
announce annoonce
announced annoonced
announcing annooncin
another anither
any ony
Any Ony
appearing appearin
applied applee'd Auld an modren Scots wird is apply/applyed. Entohist (tauk) 10:34, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
appoint appynt Auld an modren is appoint/appointit Entohist (tauk) 10:34, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
appointed appyntit
appointing appyntin
approaching approachin
April Apryle
architectural airchitectural
architecture airchitectur
area aurie 100% no "aurie". It's wrangous uisage. Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
areas auries
aren't arena
Armenia Armenie
army airmy
around aroond
arriving arrivin
art airt Nivver kent airt tae mean art in this sense (paintin, sculptin etc.) Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
arts airts
artist airtist
ate ett Ate isna Scots but ett is gey byleidous. "Aet" "et" are baith guid, A'd jalouse mair common nor "ett". Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
attempting attemptin Dinna ken gin attempt is Scots. Mynt an ettle hae sib meanin. Entohist (tauk) 20:10, 4 September 2020 (UTC)
audition audeetion
auditioning audeetionin
Australia Australie
autumn hairst
averaging averagin
avoid avyde Scots wird is "evite" (avoid in aulder Scots haes anither meanin) Entohist (tauk) 10:34, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
avoided avydit
avoidin avydin
avoidit avydit
avoids avydes
award awaird
awarded awairdit
awards awairds


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
backhand backhaund
baiting baitin
band baund
bantering banterin
beating beatin
because acause
become acome
becoming acomin
Before Afore
before afore
beginning beginnin
behavior behaviour
behaviors behaviours
being bein
believing believin
below ablo
between atween
billing billin
biting bitin
black-and-white black-an-white
blood bluid
board buird
bone bane
book beuk
books beuks
border mairch
both baith
bread breid
breeding breedin
bridge brig
bridges brigs
bright bricht
bringing bringin
British Breetish There's a wheen o ither wirds tae wale frae. Breetish is merkt "obsolete" in DSL an the feck o instances cam frae text taein the mick out o Scots. Onythin but "Breetish" Entohist (tauk) 10:40, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
brother brither
brown broun
build big
built biggit
burying buryin yirdin is the Scots wird Entohist (tauk) 10:40, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
by bi
by far the bi far the faur an awa? Entohist (tauk) 10:40, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
by the bi the


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
call caw
called cried
California Californie
Cambodia Cambodie
Canada Canadae
cannot canna
capital caipital
capture captur
carpet cairpet
carries cairies
carry cairy
carve cairve
carving cairvin
casting castin
causing causin
centered centred
center centre
centimeter centimetre
centimeters centimetres
certain certaint
charm chairm
charming chairmin
challenging challengin
change chynge
chasing chasin
child bairn
children childer
children's childer's
China Cheenae
Chinese Cheenese
church kirk
Church Kirk
churches kirks
Churches Kirks
cities ceeties
citizen ceetizen
citizens ceetizens
city ceety
city, ceety,
class cless
classified clessifee'd
clawing clawin
claw-like claw-lik
clearing clearin
clinging clingin
closing closin
clothes claes
clothing claedin
cognition cogneetion
cold cauld
colder caulder
coldest cauldest
color colour
colored coloured
combining combinin
commemorating commemoratin
commenting commentin
competed competit
competing competin
competition competeetion
completed completit
compose compone
composed componed
composing componin
Concerning Anent
concerning anent
condition condeetion
connive conneeve
conniving conneevin
consist conseest
consists of conseests o
construct big
constructed biggit
constructing biggin
contributed contreibutit
contribution contreibution
contributions contreibutions
cool cuil
cooler cuiler
coolest cuilest
cooperating cooperatin
correlated correlatit
could coud
country kintra
county coonty
cover kiver
create creaut
created creautit
creating creautin
creator creautor
crouch crooch
cuffing cuffin
culminated culminatit
culminating culminatin
culture cultur
cultures culturs


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
dancing dancin
dating datin
death daith
deaths daiths
decided decidit
defeated defeatit
defeating defeatin
defecating defecatin
defense defence
defending defendin
demonstrating demonstratin
depending dependin
descent strynd
described descrived
developed developit
developing developin
digit deegit
digits deegits
diminishing diminishin
disband disbaund
disbanding disbaundin
discover diskiver
district destrict
disused disuised
divided dividit
dividing dividin
do dae
does daes
dog dug
doing daein
domesticated domesticatit domesticate or hamelt Entohist (tauk) 10:49, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
double dooble
down doun
driving drivin
drought drocht drouth guid an aa. Entohist (tauk) 10:49, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
drug drog


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
ear lug
Ear Lug
earning earnin
ears lugs
Ears Lugs
Earth Yird
earthquake yirdquauk yirdquake, yird-din, a trimblin
Earthquake Yirdquauk
easily easy
eastern eastren
eating eatin
education eddication
ees een NE byleids hae ees for "use", we maun caa canny here. Entohist (tauk) 12:15, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
Egypt Egyp
eight aicht
Eight Aicht
eighth aicht
Either Aither
either aither
elevated elevatit elevate Entohist (tauk) 12:15, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
elongated elangatit elongate
employing employin
ending endin
engine ingine
Engine Ingine
English Inglis
enough eneuch
esophagus thrapple
estimated estimatit estimate
Estonia Estonie
etching etchin
examine exaimine examin(e) is fause cognate wi Inglis examine (analyse, look at). Scots examin(e) is "test, put through an legal or academic examination" Entohist (tauk) 12:15, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
example ensaumple (en) I think it *should* be spelt "ensample" but I use "ensaumple" too. W orth discussing. Entohist (tauk) 12:15, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
examples ensaumples
exceeded exceedit
exceeding exceedin
exhibited exhibitit
exhibiting exhibitin
existed existit
existing existin
expedition expedeetion
explain expleen
explaining expleenin
exported exportit
extended extendit
extending extendin
eye ee
eyes een
eyesight eesicht


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
fall faw
falling fawin
falls faws
family faimily
famine faimin
father faither
feature featur
featured featurt
featuring featurin
February Februar
feeding feedin
fellow fellae
females have females hae
fever fiver
fifth fift
fight fecht
fighting fechtin
filming filmin
filmmakin filmmakkin
filmmaking filmmakkin
finding findin
Flag Banner
flag banner
flashing flashin
flood fluid
flower flouer
flowers flouers
fly flee
flying fleein
follow follae
following follaein
former umwhile
fokw fowk
food fuid
foot fit fuit is guid (ui phoneme) an aa. Entohist (tauk) 12:18, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
football fitbaw fitba? Entohist (tauk) 12:18, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
forehand forehaund
forward forrit
fought focht
found foond
founded foondit
four fower
fourth fowert
fourteenth fowerteent
fox tod
foxes tods
Foxes Tods
France Fraunce
from frae
further faur


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
game gemme
games gemmes
garden gairden
gave gae
give gie
gives gies
given gien
giving giein
glass gless
go gang "gae" as weel Entohist (tauk) 12:21, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
gold gowd
govern govren
governer govrener
government govrenment
grabbing grabbin
graduating graduatin
grass gress
grasses gresses
groom gruim
grooming gruimin
ground grund
grounds grunds
growing growin
growth growthe


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
had haed in pp haen is guid. Entohist (tauk) 16:25, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
half hauf
hand haund
hands haunds
handstand haundstaund
hard haurd
hardwood haurdwid wuid is the heidwird in DSL Entohist (tauk) 12:29, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
harvest hairst
harvesting hairstin
has haes
have hae
having haein
hay hey as in scrockent gress? baith guid A think Entohist (tauk) 12:29, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
head heid
heading heidin
health heal
healthcare healcare
heart hert
heavy hivy heavy or hivvy maybe. (per DSL) Entohist (tauk) 12:29, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
helping helpin
hence hyne
high heich
highest heichest
highlight hielicht
highlighted hielichtit
highlights hielichts
highly heichly
herb yerb
herbs yerbs
herbaceous yerbaceous
hold haud
honor honour
hood huid
horses horse
hot het
hotter hetter
hottest hettest
hour oor
Hour Oor
Hours Oors
hours oors
house hoose oo/ou again Entohist (tauk) 12:29, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
however houiver
human-like human-lik
hundred hunder
hundreds hunders
hunted huntit
hunting huntin


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
identifying identifyin
imitate eemitate
in many in mony
in the fall in the hairst
including includin
increasing increasin
independence unthirldom
India Indie
ingested ingestit
inhabitants indwallers
instead insteid
intended intendit
International internaitional
interesting interestin
intestine thairm
Intestine Thairm
intestines thairms
Intestines Thairms
into intae Intil also Entohist (tauk) 20:54, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
involving involvin
isn't isna


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
jail jyle
January Januar
join jyne
joined jynt
joint jynt
journal jurnal
journalist jurnalist
July Julie
June Juin
just juist
justice juistice juistice luiks aff. Jonick is the Scots (I think) but may be overly legalese Entohist (tauk) 20:56, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
justified juistifee'd A dinna ken whit it maun be, but A wat it's no this! Entohist (tauk) 20:56, 5 September 2020 (UTC)


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
kale kail
Keeng king
keeping keepin keppin in some contexts. Entohist (tauk) 20:58, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
Kenya Kenyae
kidnapping kidnappin
kidney neer
kidneys neers
killing killin
kind kynd
king keeng A mistak shairly? Entohist (tauk) 20:58, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
kingdom kinrick
known kent


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
lacking lackin
landmark laundmerk meith, march Entohist (tauk) 21:05, 5 September 2020 (UTC)]π
landmarks laundmerks
language leid
languages leids
large lairge
larger lairger
largest lairgest
Latvia Latvie
laugh lauch
leading leadin
learning learnin
length lenth
lengths lenths
licking lickin
light licht
lighting lichtin
lights lichts
like lik
likewise likwise Siclike Entohist (tauk) 21:05, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
limit leemit
limits leemits
limited leemitit
list leet inventar, unless a "shortlist"
Lithuania Lithuanie
living livin
located locatit Locate Entohist (tauk) 21:05, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
London Lunnon
London's Lunnon's
London contains Lunnon contains
London is Lunnon is
London has Lunnon haes
London was Lunnon wis
long lang
longer langer
longest langest
longest-lived langest-lived
look leuk
looking leukin
losing losin
low law also laich/laigh (sp?) Entohist (tauk) 21:05, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
lower lawer
love luve
loving luvin
lumber lummer Pairt o the braider discourse anent mm vs. mb Entohist (tauk) 21:05, 5 September 2020 (UTC)


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
mair than mair nor
make mak
making makin
makes maks
males have males hae
many mony
March Mairch
mark merk
marked merked
marking merkin
market mercat
married mairit marriet Entohist (tauk) 21:15, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
marry mairy
mating matin
may mey can or micht. Mey's the month. Entohist (tauk) 21:15, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
meaning meanin
measure meisur
measuring meisurin
medalist medallist
meeting meetin
meetings meetins
millimeter millimetre
millimeters millimetres
mining minin
minister meenister
modeling modelin
modern modren
Mongolia Mongolie
more mair
more than mair nor
most maist
most common maist common
mostly maistly
mother mither
mount moont
mountain moontain
mouth mooth
move muive
moving muivin
music muisic
musical muisical
musically muisically
musician muisicker


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
nation naition
national naitional
nature naitur
natural naitural
necessary necessar
nesting nestin
Nevertheless Housomeiver
night nicht
nineteenth nineteent
none nane
northeastern northeastren
northern northren
northwestern northwastren
Norway Norawa Norroway. Jamie Smith is the one to ask about countries. Entohist (tauk) 21:18, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
nose neb
not nae no for "not" and nae for "no" unless NE byleids? Entohist (tauk) 21:18, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
noting notin
nurse nourice
nursing nouricin
now nou
number nummer
numbers nummers
nut nit


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
obtaining obtainin
of o
of a o a
of the o the
offense offence
offending offendin
offering offerin
official o]","offeecial
officially o]","offeecially
offspring affspring
often eften
Often Eften
oil ile
old auld
older aulder
oldest auldest
omit omeet
omitted omeetit
once ance
Once Ance
one ane
One Ane
one of ane o
One of Ane o
onion ingan
only anly
Only Anly
opening openin
organization organisation
original oreeginal
originally oreeginally
originates oreeginates
other ither
Other Ither
out oot
outlying ootlyin
outside ootside
over ower
overall oweraw
overhead owerheid
overlap owerlap
overlapping owerlappin
overlook owerleuk
overlooked owerleuked
overtake owertak
overtaking owertakin
overtook owerteuk
own ain
Own Ain
owns ains
Owns Ains
owner ainer
Owner Ainer
ownership ainership
Ownership Ainership


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
part pairt
participating pairteecipatin
particular parteecular
particularly parteecularly
partner pairtner
partnering pairtnerin
parts pairts
party pairty
pasture pastur
paid peyed
paintin pentin
painting pentin
paintings pentins
park pairk
part pairt
partner pairtner
partnered pairtnered
pay pey
people fowk
People Fowk
peoples fowks
Peoples Fowks
Pict Pecht
Picts Pechts
plausible plowsible
placing placin
playing playin
point pynt
pointed pyntit
pointing pyntin
points pynts
Polish Pols
political poleetical
politician politeecian
position poseetion
positioned poseetioned
positioning poseetionin
positions poseetions
practice Practeese
practicing Practeesin
practise Practeese
president preses
prevented preventit
preventing preventin
print prent
prenting prentin
producing producin
pronounce pronoonce
pronounced pronoonced
protect pertect Bield Entohist (tauk) 23:29, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
protected pertected
protection pertection
provided providit
providing providin
purple purpie
purring purrin


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
question quaisten


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
railroad railwey
railway railwey
raising raisin
ranging rangin
ranting rantin
reaching reachin raxin Entohist (tauk) 23:31, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
reading readin
rearing rearin
recognize recognise
recognized recognised
recognizes recognises
red reid
regard regaird
regardless regairdless
rejecting rejectin
related relatit Or relateEntohist (tauk) 23:31, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
relocating relocatin
remaining remainin
reported reportit
representing representin
reproducing reproducin
requiring requirin
resource resoorce
resources resoorces
resting restin
resulting resultin
ridge rig
Romania Romanie
Rome Roum
roof ruif
root ruit
round roond
rounded roondit
rounding roonding
rounds roonds
rubbing rubbin
Russia Roushie
Russian Roushie
Russians Roushies
rutabaga swade No neep? Entohist (tauk) 23:31, 5 September 2020 (UTC)


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
satisfy satisfee
satisfying satisfeein
scavenging scavengin
school schuil
scientific scienteefic
Scots Pairliament Scots Pairlament
scraping scrapin
search sairch
season saison
second seicont
secondary seicontar
seeded seedit
seeing seein
seembolize seembolise
seembolized seembolised
seembolizin seembolisin
settlement dounset
seven seiven
seventh seivent
sharing sharin skarin, skairin? Entohist (tauk) 23:36, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
shirt sark
shoulder shouder
shoulders shouders
showing shawin
shown shawn
sight sicht
silver siller
similar seemilar
simple semple
since syne
singer sangster
six sax
sixth saxt
slash sleesh
slashing sleeshin
slaughter slauchter
slave sclave
slight slicht
slightly slichtly
small smaw
smaller smawer
snow snaw
so sae
soft saft
sold sauld Selt? Entohist (tauk) 23:36, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
solid solit
Sometimes Whiles
sometimes whiles
song sang
songs sangs
soon suin
source soorce
sourced soorced
sources soorces
south sooth
southeastern sootheastren
southern soothren
southwestern soothwastren
Spanish Spaingie
speaking speakin
specialized specialised
spending spendin
spider speeder
sprawling sprawlin
stand staund
standing staundin
star starn
starry starny
start stairt
starvation stairvation
starve stairve
started stairtit
starting stairtin
stating statin
stealing stealin
stemming stemmin
stomach painch
Stomach Painch
stop stap
straight straucht
straw strae
strength strength
strengths strengths
stronger stranger
strongest strangest
strongly strangly
structure structur
struggling strugglin
studying studyin
subdivision subdiveesion
subtle suttle
successful successfu
such sic siccan, sicna dep. on context Entohist (tauk) 23:36, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
suck souk
suckler soukler souker Entohist (tauk) 23:36, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
suckling souklin
sudden suddent
suddenly suddent
suffering sufferin
sugar succar
suggested suggestit
suggesting suggestin
summer simmer
surround surroond
surrounded surroondit
surrounding surroondin
sustain susteen
sweat sweit
Sweden Swaden
swell swall
swim soum
swimmer soumer
swimming soumin
swallow swallae
symbol seembol
symbolize seembolise
symbolized seembolised
symbolizing seembolisin
symbols seembols
system seestem
systems seestems
Syria Sirie


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
take tak
taking takkin
tall taw
tallest tawest
taming tamin
televeesion telly
television telly
tested testit
testing testin
thereby tharebi
their thair
there thare
these thir
they thay
thinking thinkin
thirteenth thirteent
those thae
though tho
thought thocht
thousand thoosand
through throu
Thus Sicweys
thus sicweys
tiger teeger
tigers teegers
timber timmer
to tae or til. Entohist (tauk) 23:40, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
to be tae be
today the day
toes taes
together thegither
took teuk
tool tuil
tools tuils
tooth tuith
toothcomb tuithcomb
top tap
top-level tap-level
total tot
towel touel
town toun
than less nor
to tae
to the tae the
tower touer
towers touers
trade tred
tradition tradeetion
traditionally tradeetionally
traditions tradeetions
traffic traffeck
travel traivel
traveling traivelin
treated treatit
treating treatin
trying tryin ettlin also Entohist (tauk) 23:40, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
turnip neep
twelfth twalt
twelve twal
twenty twinty
two twa
type teep
typical teepical
typically teepically


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
under unner
undergo unnergang
undergoing unnergangin
underlying unnerlyin
universities varsities
Universities Varsities
University Varsity
university varsity
unknown unkent
unlike unlik
unprotected unpertected
unseeded unseedit
use uise Uiss for noun, uise for verb (say some fowk) Entohist (tauk) 23:42, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
used uised
user uiser
using uisin
usual uisual
usually uisually


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
varying varyin
venture ventur
venturing venturin
victory veectory
village veelage
visit veesit
visiting veesitin
vocalization vocalisation
vocalizations vocalisations
voice vyce
voices vyces


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
wairds wirds
walking walkin
wanting wantin
was wis
wasn't wisna
water watter
watering watterin
way wey
weapon wappen
weapons wappens
weather wather
web wab
webbed wabbed
webbing wabbin
website wabsteid
weigh wecht
weighs wechts
weight wecht
were war
weren't warna
west wast
western wastren
where whaur
whereas whauras
whining whinin
willing willin
window windae
windows windaes
winning winnin
winnings winnins
with wi
with about wi aboot
without wioot
witnessing witnessin
women weemen
women's weemen's
wood wid
wooden widden
wool oo
Wool Oo
woollen ooen
woolen ooen
woolly ooie
wooly ooie
word wird
world warld
worldwide warldwide
worker wirker wirk for verb, wark for noun Entohist (tauk) 23:44, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
working wirkin
world warld
worse waur
woud wad
would wad


[eedit | eedit soorce]

Nane presently


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
yellow yellae Yella mibbe guid an aa. Entohist (tauk) 23:45, 5 September 2020 (UTC)
you ye


[eedit | eedit soorce]

Nane presently


[eedit | eedit soorce]
Wird(s) tae be chynged Scots wirds tae be uised insteid Notes
2nd 2nt
4th 4t
5th 5t
6th 6t
7th 7t
8th 8t
9th 9t
10th 10t
11th 11t
12th 12t
13th 13t
14th 14t
15th 15t
16th 16t
17th 17t
18th 18t
19th 19t
20th 20t
22nd 22nt
24th 24t
25th 25t
26th 26t
27th 27t
28th 28t
29th 29t
30th 30t