Wikipædia (Scots)

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Ma contreibutions

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As A mentiont afore, A hae made hunners o contreibutions tae Wikipædia. Some o these contreibutions were smaa fixes o grammar, teepin errors an style; ithers were corrections o factual errors an vandalism; yet mare were big contreibutions o ma ain. The follaein are airticles that A hae made some sort o contreibution tae (leetit frae earliest tae latest, an emboldent N shawn a page that A creatit):

Ma watchit airticles

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Altho am aye acceptin o creeticism an aft allou chynges tae ma uplaidit material tae gang unquaistent, the're a few o ma contreibutions that were parteecularly time-consumin. As an eftercome o this, am likely tae ask hou these contreibutions hae been chyngit whan this happens. These are:

A ken that sin this is a uiser-based project, it isna up tae me whit is in an whit is oot. A juist dinna like a stamagast. Gin ye want tae update ony o these airticles, obviously feel lowse, houanever gin it is ma wark that ye'r chyngin, a wad apprisee it gin you scrieven tae ma collogue page tae tell me hou ye chyngit it.

Whit a wad be pleasit tae dae

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Am currently tryin tae increase the nummer o airticles while expandin mair an ȝa mair o thaim tae a reasonable size.

Wikipedia (Inglis)

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Ma contreibutions

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The follaein are airticles that a hae made some sort o contreibution tae (leetit frae earliest tae latest, an emboldent N shawn a page that a creatit):

Ma watchit airticles

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The follaein are airtcles that A hae made a big contreibution tae:

Whit a wad be pleasit tae dae

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Ane o ma warst problems wi Wikipedia is the diseemilar wey in which pages are set oot. Mony's the time, a'v come across airticles that are for the same teep o thing, but that hae hailly different styles. Ensaumple o this is current season pages for fitbaa clubs. Gin a had aw the time in the warld, a wad chynge aw o them tae be the same. Unsonsily, a'v no got aw the time in the warld. Houanever, gin you wad like tae chynge this an aw, gie's a mail an we can commune ower whit we're gaun'ae dae. Efter aw, mony a mickle maks a muckle whaur Wikipædia is concernt.

Here's a link tae ma Inglis uiser page an ma Inglis collogue page.