Conservation status
Bufo periglenes, the Gowden Taid, wis last recordit on 15 Mey 1989
  • (leet)
  • (leet)
  • Creetically Endangered (CR)
  • Endangered (EN)
  • Vulnerable (VU)
  • (leet)
  • (leet)
  • (leet)
Lawer Risk
  • Near Threitent (NT)
  • Conservation Dependent (CD)
  • Least Concern (LC)
  • (leet)
  • (leet)

Other categories
  • Data Deficient (DD)
  • Nae Evaluatit (NE)
  • (list)

Relatit topics
  • Internaitional Union for the
    Conservation o Naitur (IUCN)
  • IUCN Reid Leet
  • NatureServe status
  • Leets o organisms bi population

IUCN Reid Leet category abbreviations (version 3.1, 2001)
Comparison o Reid leet clesses abuin
an NatureServe status below
NatureServe category abbreviations