This airticle is bein conseidert for deletion in accordance wi Wikipaedia's deletion policy.Please share yer thochts on the maitter at this airticle's entry on the Votes for deletion page.Feel free tae edit the airticle, but the airticle maunnae be blanked, an this notice maunnae be taen aff, till the discussion is closed. For mair information, in pairticulair on mergin or flittin the airticle durin the discussion, read the Guide tae deletion.%5B%5BWikipedia%3AVotes+for+deletion%2FAirticle+for+deletion%5D%5DAFD Steps tae leet an airticle for deletion: ((subst:afd)) Preloadit debate OR ((subst:afd2|pg=Airticle for deletion|cat=|text=)) ~~~~ (categories) ((subst:afd3|pg=Airticle for deletion)) (eik tae tap o leet) Please conse ider notifyin the author(s) bi placin ((subst:adw|Airticle for deletion)) ~~~~ on thair tawk page(s). Unregistered uisers placin this tag on an airticle cannae complete the deletion nomination an shoud lea detailed raisons for deletion on Template collogue:Airticle for deletion. Gin the nomination isnae completit an nae message is left on the talkpage, this tag mey be remuived.