Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas is a Mexican ceety (an municipality) locatit in the central east region o the state o Guanajuato. The municipality haes an aurie o 428.64 square kilometres (1.40% o the surface o the state) an is bordered tae the north bi San Miguel de Allende, tae the northeast bi Comonfort, tae the sootheast bi Celaya, tae the sooth bi Villagrán, an tae the wast bi Salamanca. The municipality haed a population o 65,479 inhabitants accordin tae the 2005 census.[1][2]

Santa Cruz receivit its name 1719 an bi order o Spaingie viceroy Baltazar de Zúñiga wis gien the status o veelage in 1721. Its current name o Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas wis adoptit in 1939 in honor o Juventino Rosas, a Mexican componer, violinist, an baund leader who wis born in the toun.

The main ootlyin commonties in the municipality are Santiago Cuenda, Rincón de Centeno, Morales, an Franco Tavera.


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  1. "2005 Census". INEGI: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. Retrieved 22 Mairch 2007.
  2. "Mexican Municipality Encyclopedia". Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México. Archived frae Guanajuato the original Check |url= value (help) on 17 Mairch 2007. Retrieved 22 Mairch 2007.

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Coordinates: 20°39′N 101°00′W / 20.650°N 101.000°W / 20.650; -101.000