San Antonio
San Antonio is located in Paraguay
San Antonio
San Antonio
Coordinates: 25°22′47″S 57°36′35″W / 25.37972°S 57.60972°W / -25.37972; -57.60972
 • Intendente MunicipalOdulio Espinoza
 • Total38,933
 • Density15/km2 (40/sq mi)
Time zone-4 Gmt
Postal code
Area code(s)(595) (21)

San Antonio is a ceety in Paraguay locatit in the Central Depairtment. It haes been significant syne colonial times, as it wis locatit beside the Ryal Way, a road which leads tae the ceety o Villeta. The day, it is experiencin great industrial growthe.


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Some historians claim that the toun wis begun bi Dr Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia (1814–1840), who established a fortress tae defend the Paraguayan territory. Ithers say the toun began aroond 1679. In 1782 the Franciscan Missionaries foondit an Indian toun in the aurie wi donations o the neighbors o Asuncion. San Antonio mey hae been foondit in 1890 bi the German ceetizen Gustavo Conrado Gotees (born Conrad Götz in Schnabelwald, Germany).

San Antonio wis important in the War o the Triple Alliance (1864–1870). Brazilian troops arrived in its ports, en route tae the historical battle o Ytororo in December 1868. Efter the war, San Antonio wis empty. In 1903 the Paraguayan ceetizen Agustin Quiñónez moved thare, an promotit the ceety; this wis a seicont foondation o the toun. A few families o French, Italian, German an Spainyie oreegins came tae settle.


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San Antonio is locatit on the Paraguay River, latitude 25 38 an langitude 57 63 in the sooth centre 25 km frae the caipital, Asuncion. In the north it is bordered bi the districts o Ñemby an Villa Elisa, in the sooth wi Ypane, in the east wi Ñemby an in the wast wi the Paraguay River.

Thare are 17 neighborhuids: San Francisco, Mbocayaty, Pueblo, San Blas, Ma. Auxiliadora, Naranjaty, Antigua Imagen, San Jorge, Acosta Ñu, Achucarro, Cerrito, San Agustín, Amanecer, Las Garzas, La Merced, Cerrito, an Achucarro.


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The river haes an impact on the wather, makin the nichts an early mornins fresh, an the days vera het. Temperatures range atween 25 tae 36 °C (77 tae 97 °F) in simmer, an in winter atween 8 tae 12 °C (46 tae 54 °F).


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Statue honoring Don Benigno Arrua.

On Mairch 16, 1981, San Antonio wis ascendit tae the category o ceety. Its first mayor wis Francisco Bogado Caballero. On Aprile 21, 1903, the Senate an the Congress issued a law declarin the community a Destrict.


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In the ceety thare are a great variety o trees sic as the tajy or lapacho, trébol, pine, eucalyptus, cedar laurel an palm. The maist important forest reservation is the Parque Ytororó.


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Mair nor 50% o the population is atween 15 an 45 years o age.

Eddication an health care

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The ceety haes baith private an public schools. Thare are 11 naitional schools amoont an 10 private anes dedicatit tae elementary teachin. Thare are three naitional hie schools an twa private anes.

The Health Center wis foondit in 1978 bi Higinio Mendoza an Luis Medina. Aroond 15 babies are delivered each month. Atween 35 an 40 patients are seen per week an the emergency service is available 24 oors. The Instituto de Previción Social I.P.S haes a peripheral presence in the ceety.


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Thare are mony industries in this yung ceety. Business include tannin an alcohol production. Some communication companies are locatit in this ceety, afferin baith cellular an radial communication.

International Products Corporation

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The first industry that wis established in the ceety wis the Internaitional Products Corporation (IPC) slaughterhoose, which wis the primary employer in San Antonio an ither touns in the aurie. Foondit on Mey 30, 1917, it wis a slaughterhoose for cattle, pigs an goats, wi facilities tae prepare an refrigerate wi modren procedures. In the first year the company exportit 73,443 boxes o refrigeratit meat. Twa refrigeratit ships wur bought, the Paraguay an the Ytororo.

A siren soondit daily at 2 AM for aboot 20 minutes sae that the wirkers get ready tae begin the wirk day at 3 AM. The company haed a villa for 1,400 employees, wi a communal kitchen an laundry. Thay an aa haed a recreational centre for the employees, which providit space for social activities. In the 1960s mony soccer teams wur locatit thare, includin Cerro Porteño, Guarani, Sol de Americae, Libertad an Sportivo Luqueño.

In 1978 the company wis closed. Years later, it wis bought bi industrialist Don Alberto Antebi, an production restarted on Januar 12, 1981 wi modren equipment, Israel is ane o the main customers.

Port o Puerto Naranja

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View o the Rio Paraguay

In 1926 the first port wis opened tae export fruit. The port wis named Puerto Naranja, as thare wis a lairge orange plantation nearby which providit muckle o the fruit exportit throu this port.

Atween the years 1960 an 1965 Puerto Minera wis uised for shippin stones frae Cerro Ñemby, which wur uised tae pave the streets o Puerto Pilcomayo.


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Acause it is locatit on the banks o the Paraguayan River, fishin is an important activity, The river haes mony varieties o fish rangin frae dorado, pacu, tres puntos, corvina, piraña, palometa, Anguilla de rio, armado, an surubí.

Sport Clubs an ither organisations

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Club Ytororó

San Antonio haes mony sport clubs which are members o the Regional League o Paraguay. Clubs include Club Porvenir, Club Ytororó, Club Coronel Romero, Club 1er de Marzo, an Club Unión.

It haes a Fire Squad o volunteers, belangin tae the 13t company; the first anes jynt on December 14, 2002. The Boys Scouts haes a facility that opened in 1999. The security o the population is in the haunds o the Naitional Polis o Precinct 24.

Means o communication

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San Antonio haes twa community radio stations: Radios San Pablo FM an San Antonio FM. It haes a post office an telecommunications.


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The main celebration o San Antonio is in Juin. It is vera picturesque acause it takes place on the beach on the Paraguayan River. It is celebratit wi mony flouers, colorful balloons an ither ornaments in the streets. In the mornin, thare is a mass, then the Nautical procession, wi decoratit canoes an ither boats, wi the patron image o San Antonio.

Thare is an annual Expo San Antonio tae show artisan wirk o the indwallers an the products o the different companies. This exposition gies students a space tae show different products an wirks made in thair schools, in aw different auries sic as sciences, chemistry, an wirkshops sic as mechanics, electricity, carpentry an iron metal wirk.


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Freemit airtins

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