
Retalhuleu is a depairtment locatit in the sooth-wast o Guatemala, extendin frae the muntains tae the Paceefic Ocean coast. It haes an aurie o 1856 km². In 2002 the population o the Depairtment o Retalhuleu wis 241,411. The caipital is the ceety o Retalhuleu.

The lairgest Native American group in the state is the K'iche' (Quiché) Maya fowk. The depairtment contains a number o Pre-Columbie ruins, includin Takalik Abaj an San Juan Noj.


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The Depairtment is dividit intae nine municipalities:

  1. Champerico
  2. El Asintal
  3. Nuevo San Carlos
  4. Retalhuleu
  5. San Andrés Villa Seca
  6. San Felipe
  7. San Martín Zapotitlán
  8. San Sebastián
  9. Santa Cruz Muluá

Freemit airtins

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Coordinates: 14°32′07″N 91°40′42″W / 14.5353°N 91.6783°W / 14.5353; -91.6783