Provinces of Ecuador

Template:Politics of Ecuador

Ecuador is dividit intae 24 provinces (Spaingie: provincias, singular – provincia). The provinces o Ecuador an their caipitals are:

Map key Province Caipital Population1 Aurie (km²)
1 Azuay Cuenca 712,546 8,639
2 Bolívar Guaranda 183,370 3,254
3 Cañar Azogues 225,981 3,908
4 Carchi Tulcán 164,939 3,699
5 Chimborazo Riobamba 458,632 5,287
6 Cotopaxi Latacunga 409,540 6,569
7 El Oro Machala 600,540 5,988
8 Esmeraldas Esmeraldas 534,223 15,216
9 Galápagos Puerto Baquerizo Moreno 25,640 8,010
10 Guayas Guayaquil 3,645,145 16,740
11 Imbabura Ibarra 398,044 4,599
12 Loja Loja 448,835 11,027
13 Los Ríos Babahoyo 778,178 6,254
14 Manabí Portoviejo 1,339,025 18,400
15 Morona Santiago Macas 147,412 25,690
16 Napo Tena 103,139 13,271
17 Orellana Puerto Francisco de Orellana 136,493 20,733
18 Pastaza Puyo 83,779 29,520
19 Pichincha Quito 2,576,799 9,110
20 Santa Elena Santa Elena 308,889 3,763
21 Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas Santo Domingo de los Colorados 368,018 3,805
22 Sucumbíos Nueva Loja 176,995 18,612
23 Tungurahua Ambato 504,034 3,334
24 Zamora Chinchipe Zamora 91,601 10,456

1 Population as per the census carriet oot on 2001-11-25

In addition, there are three auries athin Ecuador that are nan-delimitit. These locations are (relative positions in parentheses):

  1. El Piedrero (surroondit bi Guayas & Cañar)
  2. Las Golondrinas (surroondit bi Pichincha, Esmeraldas, & Imbabura)
  3. Manga del Cura (surroondit bi Manabi, Los Rios, Guayas, & Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas)

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