Crater Engelier on Saturn's muin Iapetus Fresh crater on Mars shawin a ray seestem o ejecta
Impact crater Tycho on the Muin
The Barringer Crater (Meteor Crater) east o Flagstaff, Arizona
Impact craters in the Solar System:
  • Tap-left: 500-kilometer muckle crater Engelier on Saturn's muin Iapetus
  • Tap-richt: Recently formed impact crater on Mars shawing a pristine ray seestem o ejecta[1]
  • Bottom-left: Estimatit 50,000-year-auld Meteor Crater east o Flagstaff, Arizona, U.S.
  • Bottom-richt: The prominent crater Tycho in the soothren heichlands o the Muin

An impact crater is an approximately circular depression in the surface o a planet, muin, or ither solit bouk in the Solar Seestem or ensewhaur, formed bi the hypervelocity impact o a smawer bouk wi the surface.


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