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Hunt the Gowk Day is on 1 Aprile ilka year in mony kintras. On this day, practical jokes baurs is played on freends an faimily. The baurs is duin for tae gie thaim a reidie.

In Scotland the tradeetional pantomime is tae speir at a body tae deleever a sealt message seekin help o some sort. In fact, the message reads "Dinna lauch, dinna smile. Hunt the gowk anither mile". The recipient, upo readin it, will expone he can anely help if he first contacts anither sowel, an sends the veectim tae this body wi a sel an same message, wi the same affcome. Scotland haes 2 hail days for pliskies, 1st Aprile an 2nt Aprile. (See Preen-tail Day.)