Gran Chaco
Location in Bolivie
Main Data
Caipital Yacuíba
Aurie 17,594 km²
Population 116,318 (2001)
Densitie 6.6 inhabitants/km² (2001)
ISO 3166-2 BO.TR.GC

Gran Chaco is a province in the eastren pairts o the Bolivie depairtment Tarija. The province votit tae become an autonomous region on 6 December 2009.


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Gran Chaco province is ane o sax provinces in the Tarija Depairtment. It is locatit atween 21° 00' an 22° 17' sooth an atween 62° 16' an 64° 18' wast.

The province borders Chuquisaca Depairtment in the north, Burdett O'Connor Province in the northwast, Aniceto Arce Province in the sooth-wast, Argentinae in the sooth, an Paraguay in the east.

The province extends ower 200 km frae north tae sooth, an 200 km frae east tae wast.


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Main leid o the province is Spainyie, spoken bi 98.4 %, while 11.5 % o the population speak Quechua, 3.0 speak Aymara, an 2.7 % Guaraní.

The population increased frae 74,612 inhabitants (1992 census) tae 116,318 (2001 census), an increase o 55.9 %. - 41.9 % o the population are younger than 15 year auld.

50.7 % o the population hae nae access tae electricity, 41.1 % hae nae sanitary facilities (1992).

19.1 % o the population are employed in agricultur, 1.4 % in minin, 8.3 % in industrie, 71.2 % in general services (2001).

86.8 % o the population are Catholics, 9.4 % are Protestants (1992).


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The province comprises three municipalities:

Places o interest

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Freemit airtins

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See an aw

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