Gigelorum (or Giol-Daoram) is a beastie frae Scots folklore. It wis said tae be the smawest creatur. Nae descrievin or information is available aboot it apairt frae that it bides the ear o a mite.[1]

It is jaloused thit it micht be based aff o the maist tottie beastie that can be seen wi the human ee, the giolcam-daobhram, thit is descreived as "an animalcule, the peeries supposable leevin thing".[2] Ronald Black, an ane time Celtic studies lecturer, author an jurnalist,[3] siuggests thit the creatur coud be a figment o the imagination o folklorist an Tiree meenister John Gregorson Campbell as he couldnae airt oot ony authoritative soorces for it.[2]


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