The Edificio Rex an the El Entrevero foontain in Plaza Fabini
The Edificio Rex an the El Entrevero foontain in Plaza Fabini
Location o Centro in Montevideo
Location o Centro in Montevideo
Coordinates: 34°54′13″S 56°11′18″W / 34.90361°S 56.18833°W / -34.90361; -56.18833Coordinates: 34°54′13″S 56°11′18″W / 34.90361°S 56.18833°W / -34.90361; -56.18833
Kintra Uruguay
DepairtmentMontevideo Depairtment

Centro is the inner ceety barrio (neebourheid or destrict) o Montevideo, Uruguay. Its main avenue is 18 de Julio Avenue. It is delimitit bi La Paz Str. tae the North, Florida Str. (North o 18 de julio Av.) an Andes Str. (Sooth o 18 de Julio Av.) tae the Wast, Canelones Str. tae the Sooth an Barrios Amorin Str. tae the East.


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Acause o the militar oreegins o Montevideo, it haed been forbidden tae build onything permanent in the aurie ootside the waws o the ceety up tae the time that Uruguay gained unthirldom. That aurie wis cried Campo de Marte or ejido (common). Aroond 1750, the colonial Gobernación Política y Militar de Montevideo traced the limits o the forbidden aurie at "a canonbaw's reach" frae the ceety's fortifications bi a line or "cordón". Eventually, Cordón became the name o the aurie ootside the Campo de Marte.[1]

In 1829, fower years efter the declaration o unthirldom, the Naitional Assembly decidit tae pull doun the fortifications o the Ciudad Vieja an extend the ceety tae fuirm the "Ciudad Nueva". At the time, the population o Montevideo wis aroond 14,000. The plans for some addeetional 160 ceety blocks wur drawn bi militar engineer Don José María Reyes. That extension is the actual barrio o Centro. The plans includit a new square, which in 1840 teuk on the name Plaza Cagancha, while the names o the streets wur gien bi Andrés Lamas frae 1843 on. The development o this aurie wis vera slow due tae the "Guerra Grande" o 1839-1852. In 1867 a pillar wi the Statue o Peace (La Paz) wis erectit in the centre o Plaza Cagancha.

Squares an biggins

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Alang 18 de Julio Avenue thare are twa central an frequentit squares: Plaza Fabini, commonly cried Plaza del Entrevero acause o the sculptur o its main foontain, cried "The Entrevero", bi José Belloni, an Plaza Cagancha, commonly cried Plaza Libertad. The umwhile is maistly uised as a relaxation aurie an the latter is maistly a place whaur craftsmen an ither smaw vendors exhibit their wirk an products for sale.

Ane o the maist airchitecturally notable biggins o the Centro, is the Palacio Lapido, designed bi Juan Aubriot an built in 1933, a Naitional Heritage Steid syne 1989.[2] Ither Naitional Heritage Steids o the Centro are the Jockey Club, the Sala Zitarrosa on Plaza Fabini, the Ateneo de Montevideo an the Palacio Piria (seat o the Supreme Court) on Plaza Cagancha, the Palacio Santos (seat o the Uruguayan Meenistry o Foreign Affairs) an the Mercado de la Ambundancia. The Centro is hame tae the Palacio Municipal an aw, the biggin o the Ceety Haw, wi a wide public aurie in front o it featurin a impressive copy o Michaelangelo's David.

Places o wirship

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Several temples hae been built in this important neebourheid.

Street map an main attractions

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  1. Edificio Lapido (Palacio de la Tribuna Popular)
  2. Palacio Brazil
  3. Plaza Fabini: Edificio Rex y Sala Zitarrosa, Edificio London Paris, Subte Municipal
  4. Plaza Cagancha: Edificio Libertad, Palacio Piria, Palacio Montero, Museo Pedagógico, Ateneo de Montevideo, Mercado de los Artesanos, Palacio Chiarino
  5. Mercado de la Abundancia (Restaurants an shows)
  6. Palacio Municipal (Ceety Haw): Michaelangelo's David (replica), Museo de Historia del Arte, Photographic Airchive o Montevideo
  7. SODRE (Symphonic Orchestra, Ballet)
  8. ANCAP Biggin

See an aw

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Freemit airtins

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