The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid.Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (Mairch 2021)

Impatiens balsamina frae Ericales
Scientific classification e
Kinrick: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Superasterids
Clade: Asterids

In the APG II seestem (2003) for the classification o flouerin plants, the name asterids denotes a clade (a monophyletic group).[1]

Maist o the taxa belangin tae this clade had been referred tae the Asteridae in the Cronquist seestem (1981) an tae the Sympetalae in earlier seestems. The name asterids (nae necessarily caipitalised) resembles the earlier botanical name but is intendit tae be the name o a clade rather than a formal ranked name, in the sense o the ICBN. This clade is ane o the twa maist speciose groups o eudicots, the ither bein the rosids. It consists o:[1]

Note : “ + ....” = optional as a segregate o the precedin faimily.

Freemit airtins


  1. a b Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II (2003), "An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II", Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141: 399–436, Archived 2010-12-24 at the Wayback Machine