Andijan Province (Uzbek: Andijon viloyati / Андижон вилояти) is a viloyat (province) o Uzbekistan, locatit in the eastren pairt o the Fergana Valley in far eastren Uzbekistan. It borders wi Kyrgyzstan, Fergana Province an Namangan Province. It covers an aurie o 4,200 km2. The population is estimatit tae be aroond 1,899,000 sicweys makkin Andijan Province the maist densely populatit province o Uzbekistan.

The name Andijan haes oreeginatit frae o the Persie wird o اندکان Andakan. [1]

Andijan Province is dividit intae 14 admeenistrative destricts. The caipital is the ceety o Andijan (pop est 350,000 indwallers). Ither major ceeties include Asaka (Leninsk), Xonobod, Shahrixon (Moscovskiy), an Qorasuv.

The climate is a teepically continental climate wi extreme differences atween winter an simmer temperatures.

Naitural resoorces include deposits o petroleum, natural gas, ozokerite an limestane. As wi ither regions o Uzbekistan, it is famous for its vera sweet melons an watermelons, but cultivation o crops can be accomplished exclusively on irrigatit lands. Main agricultur includes cotton, cereal, viticultur, cattle raisin an vegetable gardenin.

Industry includes metal processin, chemical industry, licht industry, fuid processin. The first automobile assembly plant in Central Asie wis opened in Asaka in Andijan Province bi the Uzbek-Korean jynt ventur, UzDaewoo, which produces Nexia an Tico caurs an the Damas minibus.


  1. Dehkhoda Dictionary