Al-Safira (Arabic: السفيرة‎ / ALA-LC: as-Safīrah) is a Sirie destrict (mantiqah) admeenistratively belangin tae Aleppo Govrenorate. At the 2004 Census it haed a population of 178,293. Its admeenistrative centre is the ceety o Al-Safira.

The main touns are as-Safira an Khanaser. The main economic activity is agricultur. Syne auncient times, as-Safira wis a fertile aurie whare grains an ither crops wur harvestit.


The destrict o as-Safira is dividit intae fower sub-destricts or Nāḥiyas (population accordin tae 2004 offeecial census):
