
The location of the stomach in the body.
Diagram from cancer.gov:
* 1. Body of stomach
* 2. Fundus
* 3. Anterior wall
* 4. Greater curvature
* 5. Lesser curvature
* 6. Cardia
* 9. Pyloric sphincter
* 10. Pyloric antrum
* 11. Pyloric canal
* 12. Angular notch
* 13. Gastric canal
* 14. Rugal folds

Work of the United States Government
Latin Ventriculus
Gray's subject #247 1161
Nerve celiac ganglia, vagus[1]
Lymph celiac preaortic lymph nodes[2]
MeSH Stomach
Dorlands/Elsevier g_03/12386049
  1. Template:GeorgiaPhysiology
  2. Template:NormanAnatomy