Vide etiam paginam fere homonymam: Leviathan

Calvaria cum dentibus et mandibulo

Animalia — Chordata
Classis : Mammalia 
Subclassis : Eutheria 
Ordo : Artiodactyla 
Infraordo : Cetacea 
Superfamilia : Physeteroidea 
Familia : incertae sedis 
Genus : Levyatan 
Species :
Levyatan melvillei 
Reconstructio generum Livyatan (sinistra) et Cetotherii (dextra).

Livyatan est exstinctum cetaceorum genus superfamiliae Physeteroideorum, magnitudine Physetero macrocephalo hodierno similis. Livyatan melvillei, solam speciem, continet, ex Hermanno Melville appellatam.[1][2][3][4]


  1. Giant killer sperm whales once cruised Australia's waters (and we have a massive tooth to prove it) | fossils | Earth Touch News. . Earth Touch News Network .
  2. Fang, Janet (30 Iunii 2010). "Call me Leviathan melvillei" .
  3. Paleobiology Database.
  4. Lambert, Olivier; Bianucci, Giovanni; Post, Klaas; de Muizon, Christian; Salas-Gismondi, Rodolfo; Urbina, Mario; Reumer, Jelle (1 July 2010). "The giant bite of a new raptorial sperm whale from the Miocene epoch of Peru". Nature 466 (7302): 105–108 .

Nexus externi

Situs scientifici:  • Biodiversity • Encyclopedia of Life • Fossilworks
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