Formula:Template redirects

Cite journal is a template used to format references to articles in magazines and academic journals and for academic papers in a consistent and legible manner. It can be placed within Formula:Tag tags for in-line citations or directly as an entry in the References section. Formula:Selfref

((Cite journal)) is intended for papers in journals, which are issued periodically and have volume and (usually) issue numbers. It is not intended for conference proceedings, which should be cited with ((Cite conference)). Nor is it intended for articles in edited books or in encyclopedias or similar collections, which should be cited with ((Cite encyclopedia)) (which, despite its name, applies to all edited collections, not only encyclopedias).

Easier ways of citing are available. If the paper:


All field names must be lowercase. Unused fields should be removed, rather than left blank.

Common parameters, horizontal format

Common parameters for Vancouver system citations

All parameters, horizontal format

All Parameters
Using lastname, firstname
All Parameters
Using author
Common Parameters
Using lastname, firstname
Common Parameters
Using author
((cite journal
 | last1 = 
 | first1 = 
 | authorlink1 = 
 | last2 = 
 | first2 = 
 | authorlink2 = 
 | editor-last = 
 | editor-first = 
 | editor-link = 
 | date = 
 | year = 
 | month = 
 | title = 
 | trans_title = 
 | journal = 
 | volume = 
 | issue = 
 | series = 
 | pages = 
 | location = 
 | publisher = 
 | language = 
 | format = 
 | arxiv = 
 | id = 
 | isbn = 
 | issn = 
 | oclc = 
 | pmid = 
 | pmc = 
 | bibcode = 
 | doi = 
 | accessdate = 
 | url = 
 | archiveurl = 
 | archivedate = 
 | laysource = 
 | laysummary = 
 | laydate = 
 | quote = 
 | ref = 
 | separator = 
 | postscript = 
((cite journal
 | author = 
 | authorlink = 
 | editor = 
 | editor-link = 
 | date = 
 | year = 
 | month = 
 | title = 
 | trans_title = 
 | journal = 
 | volume = 
 | issue = 
 | series = 
 | pages = 
 | location = 
 | publisher = 
 | language = 
 | format = 
 | arxiv = 
 | id = 
 | isbn = 
 | issn = 
 | oclc = 
 | pmid = 
 | pmc = 
 | bibcode = 
 | doi = 
 | accessdate = 
 | url = 
 | archiveurl = 
 | archivedate = 
 | laysource = 
 | laysummary = 
 | laydate = 
 | quote = 
 | ref = 
 | separator = 
 | postscript = 
((cite journal
 | last1 = 
 | first1 = 
 | authorlink1 = 
 | last2 = 
 | first2 = 
 | authorlink2 = 
 | year = 
 | month = 
 | title = 
 | journal = 
 | volume = 
 | issue = 
 | pages = 
 | location = 
 | publisher = 
 | format = 
 | arxiv = 
 | id = 
 | bibcode = 
 | doi = 
 | accessdate = 
 | url = 
((cite journal
 | author = 
 | authorlink = 
 | editor = 
 | editorlink = 
 | year = 
 | month = 
 | title = 
 | journal = 
 | volume = 
 | issue = 
 | pages = 
 | location = 
 | publisher = 
 | format = 
 | arxiv = 
 | id = 
 | bibcode = 
 | doi = 
 | accessdate = 
 | url = 

Result (using lastname, firstname) last, first; coauthors (date). editor-last, editor-first. ed. [archiveurl "title [trans_title]"] (format). journal. series (location: publisher) volume (issue): pages. arXiv:arxiv 

Result (using author) author (date). editor. ed. [archiveurl "title [trans_title]"] (format). journal (location: publisher) volume (issue): pages. arXiv:arxiv 


Formal citation

((cite journal |last=Smith |first=Joseph III |title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma |journal=The Saints' Herald |volume=26 |year=1879 |month=October |page=289))
  • Smith, Joseph III (October 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26: 289 

Vancouver style (common in biomedicine)

((cite journal |author=Bannen RM, Suresh V, Phillips GN Jr, Wright SJ, Mitchell JC |title=Optimal design of thermally stable proteins |journal=Bioinformatics |volume=24 |issue=20 |pages=2339–43 |year=2008 |pmid=18723523 |pmc=2562006 |doi=10.1093/bioinformatics/btn450 |url= ))

Include URL link to free-article, pre-print or abstract; also supply access date unless the URL is known to be stable.

((cite journal |journal= Energy Policy |year=2008 |volume=36 |issue=6 |pages=1858–1866 |title= Effect of daylight saving time on lighting energy use: a literature review |author=Aries, Myriam B. C.; and Newsham, Guy R. |doi=10.1016/j.enpol.2007.05.021 |url= |format=PDF |accessdate=September 1, 2009 ))

Specify the DOI to provide a permanent link. Also give the PMID abstract for medical articles, and the URL if the article is free. PubMed Central free full-text repository links may also be supplied and will link the title if URL not specified, else as additional linked PMC value at the end of the citation

((cite journal |author=Viollet, Benoit; Andreelli, Fabrizio; Jørgensen, Sebastian B.; ''et al.'' |title=The AMP-activated protein kinase alpha2 catalytic subunit controls whole-body insulin sensitivity |journal=The Journal of Clinical Investigation |volume=111 |issue=1 |pages=91–8 |year=2003 |month=January |pmid=12511592 |pmc=151837 |doi=10.1172/JCI16567 |url= ))

Whereas if the url had not been specified, then the title is linked to PubMed Central's copy of the article and no duplicate PMC link is shown for compactness:

((cite journal |author=Viollet, Benoit; Andreelli, Fabrizio; Jørgensen, Sebastian B.; ''et al.'' |title=The AMP-activated protein kinase alpha2 catalytic subunit controls whole-body insulin sensitivity |journal=The Journal of Clinical Investigation |volume=111 |issue=1 |pages=91–8 |year=2003 |month=January |pmid=12511592 |pmc=151837 |doi=10.1172/JCI16567 |url= ))

If the doi link is broken, then use of the doi_brokendate parameter unlinks the doi value, indicates when the doi-problem was first noticed, and will also add the page to "Category:Pages with DOIs broken since YYYY":

((cite journal |author=Viollet, Benoit; Andreelli, Fabrizio; Jørgensen, Sebastian B.; ''et al.'' |title=The AMP-activated protein kinase alpha2 catalytic subunit controls whole-body insulin sensitivity |journal=The Journal of Clinical Investigation |volume=111 |issue=1 |pages=91–8 |year=2003 |month=January |pmid=12511592 |pmc=151837 |doi=10.1172/JCI16567 |doi_brokendate=June 18, 2008 |url= ))

If the article is in a foreign language, and the original title is unknown

((cite journal |author=Huang, Y.; Lu, J.; Shen, Y.; and Lu, J. |trans_title=The protective effects of total flavonoids from ''Lycium barbarum'' L. on lipid peroxidation of liver mitochondria and red blood cell in rats |language=Chinese |journal=Wei Sheng Yan Jiu |volume=28 |issue=2 |pages=115–6 |year=1999 |month=March |pmid=11938998 ))
  • Huang, Y.; Lu, J.; Shen, Y.; and Lu, J. (March 1999). "[The protective effects of total flavonoids from Lycium barbarum L. on lipid peroxidation of liver mitochondria and red blood cell in rats]". Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 28 (2): 115–6 

Other examples

((cite journal |last=Fowler |first=Martin |authorlink=Martin Fowler |coauthors=Beck, Kent |title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma |journal=The Saints' Herald |volume=26 |year=1879 |month=October |pages=289))
  • Fowler, Martin; Beck, Kent (October 1879). "Last Testimony of Sister Emma". The Saints' Herald 26: 289 
((cite journal |first=W. Hugh |last=Woodin |title=The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I |journal=Notices of the AMS |volume=48 |issue=6 |year=2001 |pages=567–576 |location=Providence, RI |publisher=American Mathematical Society |url= |format=PDF |issn=1088-9477 |oclc=34550461 ))
((cite journal |title=Disney Releases 10 Titles on Laser Videodisc |year=1982 |journal=VIDEODISC/VIDEOTEX |volume=2 |issue=3 |pages=175))
  • "Disney Releases 10 Titles on Laser Videodisc". VIDEODISC/VIDEOTEX 2 (3): 175. 1982 







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Although it may appear redundant to include multiple ids for articles, it is helpful for many editors who only have access to a certain resource. If only one ID is to be included, the DOI should be used, as this is the universal standard preferred by professional publications. Specifying a link as a doi, pmid etc is always preferable to including it as a url parameter, as it makes it clear that the link is accurate and stable, but not necessarily openly accessible.

Formula:Citation Style 1 Formula:Wikipedia referencing Formula:UF-COinS