Exemplum colorationis Bielschowskyanae: Cerebelli sectio histologica

Coloratio Bielschowskyana est histologiae methodus nervosum textum colorandi, Adhiberi coloratio hodie modificata morbum Alzheimer dignoscendi potest[1].

Inventa est coloratio de neurologo Maximiliano Bielschowsky (1869 - 1940)[2].


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  1. Litchfield S., Nagy Z. (Ian 2001). "New Temperature Modification Makes the Bielschowsky Silver Stain Reproducible". Acta neuropathologica 101 (1): 17-21 
  2. Stahnisch F. W. (Mar 2015). "Max Bielschowsky (1869-1940)". Journal of neurology 262 (3): 792-4 

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