델 스트레이크의 PDMI 단자

PDMI(Portable Digital Media Interface)는 휴대용 미디어 플레이어의 상호 연결 표준이다. 2010년 2월 CEA(Consumer Electronics Association)에서 ANSI/CEA-2017-A 표준 "Common Interconnection for Portable Media Players"으로 개발했다. 마이크로소프트의 데이비드 맥라우클란(David McLauchlan)이 의장을 맡은 이 표준은 50곳이 넘는 전세계 전자기업의 의견이나 지원을 받아 개발되었다.


PDMI 핀아웃
핀 번호 핀 이름 인터페이스 그룹 핀 설명
1 USB 5V USB 2.0 Interface USB Power (VBUS)
3 USB D+ Data +
4 USB OTG On‐The‐Go (allows device‐to‐device data transfer)
5 USB D− Data −
6 HC 5V High-current Power
(output on host)
High-current 5 V supply (1.8 A, or 3.6 A if combined with pin 15)
7 DGND / HC GND High-current Ground
8 AUDIO RIGHT OUT Analog Audio
(input on host)
Right analog audio output (line level)
9 AUDIO LEFT OUT Left analog audio output (line level)
10 AUDIO OUT GND Audio output ground
11 CEC CEC Consumer Electronic Control, for HDMI remote control
12 SSR− USB 3.0 Data Device Receive USB 3.0 SSRX− signal
13 GND Signal Ground
14 SSR+ USB 3.0 SSRX+ signal
15 HC 5V High-current Power
(output from host)
High-current 5 V supply (1.8 A, or 3.6 A if combined with pin 6)
16 HC GND High-current Ground
17 SST− USB 3.0 Data Device Transmit USB 3.0 SSTX− signal
18 GND Signal Ground
19 SST+ USB 3.0 SSTX+ signal
20 HPD DisplayPort v1.1a Interface, 2 Lane
(host is sink; device is source)
Hot Plug Detect (includes interrupt function from host)
21 DAUX+ AUX Channel +
22 DAUX− AUX Channel −
23 AP 3.3 V DisplayPort Power (power from portable device)
24 D1− Main Link Lane 1 (−)
25 GND Signal Ground
26 D1+ Main Link Lane 1 (+)
27 GND Signal Ground
28 D0− Main Link Lane 0 (−)
29 GND Signal Ground
30 D0+ Main Link Lane 0 (+)

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