V · D · MOpere di Herman MelvilleRomanziTypee (1846) · Omoo (1847) · Mardi (1849) · Redburn (1849) · Giacchetta bianca (1850) · Moby-Dick (1851) · Pierre o delle ambiguità (1852) · Israel Potter (1855) · The Confidance-Man (1857) · Billy Budd (1924, postumo)RaccontiThe Piazza Tales (1856)The Piazza • Bartleby lo scrivanoBenito CerenoThe Lightning-Rod ManThe EncantadasThe Bell-TowerNon raccoltiCock-A-Doodle-Doo! (1853) • Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs (1854) • The Happy Failure (1854) • The Fiddler (1854) • The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids (1855) • Jimmy Rose (1855) • The 'Gees (1856) • I and My Chimney (1856) • The Apple-Tree Table (1856)Pubblicati postumiThe Two TemplesDaniel OrmePoesiaBattle-Pieces and Aspects of the War (1866) • Clarel (1876) • John Marr and Other Sailors (1888) • Timoleon (1891) • Weeds and Wildings, and a Rose or Two (1924, postumo) Poesie non raccolte o inediteEpistle to Daniel Shepherd • Inscription for the Slain at Fredericksburgh • The Admiral of the White • To Tom • Suggested by the Ruins of a Mountain-temple in Arcadia • Puzzlement • The Continents • The Dust-Layers • A Rail Road Cutting near Alexandria in 1855 • A Reasonable Constitution • Rammon • A Ditty of Aristippus • In a Nutshell • AdieuSaggiFragments from a Writing Desk, No. 1 ("Democratic Press, and Lansingburgh Advertiser", 4 maggio 1839) • Fragments from a Writing Desk, No. 2 ("Democratic Press, and Lansingburgh Advertiser", 18 maggio 1839) • Etchings of a Whaling Cruise ("New York Literary World", 6 marzo 1847) • Authentic Anecdotes of 'Old Zack' ("Yankee Doodle", II, parzialmente il 4 settembre, integralmente dal 24 luglio all'11 settembre 1847) • Mr Parkman's Tour ("New York Literary World", 31 marzo 1849) • Cooper's New Novel ("New York Literary World", 28 aprile 1849) • A Thought on Book-Binding ("New York Literary World", 16 marzo 1850) • Hawthorne and His Mosses ("New York Literary World", 17 e 24 agosto 1850)PerdutoIsle of the Cross (circa 1853)

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