Ti-ci articul parla pri li grammatica de Interlingue, un planlingue creat de Edgar de Wahl e publicat in 1922.

Alfabete e pronunciation

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A (a), B (be), C (ce), D (de), E (e), F (ef), G (ge), H (ha), I (i), J (jot), K (ka), L (el), M (em), N (en), O (o), P (pe), Q (qu), R (er), S (es), T (te), U (u), V (ve), W (duplic ve), X (ix), Y (ypsilon), Z (zet)


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Vocales quam in german, italian, hispan etc.


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Li nómine porta sempre u necessi li marca del plurale "-s" (pos vocal) o "-es" (pos mult consonant).

Si necessi, li nómine es terminat per "-e" por distinter it del functiones altri, o es terminat per "-o" por marcar li masculin o "-a" por marcar li féminin.


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Li adjective es ínvariabil in génere e númere. Mult adjectives fini per -i. To es por fixar li corect pronunciation del ultim consonant, e pro distinction pos tipic finales substantivic e infinitivic: felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, amari.

Mult adjectives posse facilmen esser substantivat per adjuntion del finales -e, -o, -a: yun, yune, yunes, yunos, yunas.

Por formar un substantive expressent li general idé de un qualitá on adjunte li finale -um: li novum, li bellum.

Quande li adjective es usat sin substantive e on deve pro cert rasones indicar li plurale, on adjunte -s, pos consonantes intercalante li -i- eufonic, u to es possibil sin changear li pronunciation: Vi pomes, prende li maturis.


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Por li comparative on indica

Por li superlative on indica

Por li superlative absolut on usa: tre, o li sufix: -issim: tre grand, grandissim.

Por comparar tri o pluri gradus on usa: grand, plu grand, mem plu grand, plu grand ancor, mem plu grand ancor.

In omni comparationes on usa: quam: egalmen quam, altrimen quam.

Pronómines personal

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masc. fem. n. mas. fem.
Subject yo tu il ella it noi vu ili (illos) (ellas)
Object me te le la it nos vos les (los) (las)

Remarca: Li pronómines illos e ellas es normalmen ne usat.

Pronómines relativ

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Li pronómine general es quel, anc por li acusative.

Li mann, quel es ci. Li mann, quel yo vide.

Por li persones specialmen on posse usar li interrogativ pronómine qui.

Interrogativ pronómines

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Li interrogativ pronómines es qui por persones e quo por coses.

Qui ha venit?

Por li pronómine qui existe un facultativ acusative quem.


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Pronómines mi(s) tui(s) su(s) nor(es) vor(es) lor(es)
Adjectives mi tu su nor vor lor

Pos un plurale li possessives posse prender un -s: mi pom es ci; li mis es ci. Lor libres ha arivat; li lores ha arivat.


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ti mann, ti-ci fémina, ti-ta infant.
qual patre, tal filio.


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On adjunte li sufixe -esim al cardinales:

duesim, settesim, duantesim


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On adjunte -(i)plic al cardinales: tri-plic, mult-i-plic.


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1/1 un total; 1/2 un demí; 1/3 un ters; 3/4 tri quart.

Li altri fractiones es expresset per li ordinales: 5/7 quin settesimes.


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On adjunte li sufixe -ene: sixene, decene, centene.

Tabelle del correlatives

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Por interrogar Por monstrar Indeterminat Negation Null indication Total
Quantitá quant tant alquant nequant quantcunc totmen
Tempore quande tande alquande nequande quandecunc sempre
Loc u? ta, ci alcú necú úcunc partú
Persones qui ti alqui nequi quicunc omni
Coses quo to alquo nequo quocunc omno
Persones e coses quel tel alquel nequel quelcunc chascun
Qualitá qual tal alqual nequal qualcunc
Mode quam tam alquam nequam quamcunc


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Li conjugation es regulari. It existe solmen un conjugation con quar formes. Exemplification per li verbe amar:

  1. ama: null finale, li pur tema
  2. amar (ama + r)
  3. amant (ama + nt)
  4. amat (ama + t)

Remarca: Si li tema fini in -i, on intermette un -e-: fini-e-nt, audi-e-nt, veni-e-nt, mori-e-nt.

  1. ama coresponde a:
    1. presentie de indicative activ: yo ama, il ama, vu ama etc.
    2. presentie de conjunctive activ (in quelc lingues): Il dí que il ama
    3. imperative: ama!, veni!
  2. amar es li presente del infinitive activ: amar, venir, presser
  3. amant es li presente del participie activ: amant, venient, pressent
  4. amat coresponde a:
    1. perfecte del participie: amat, venit, Li amat patria.
    2. preterite de indicative activ: yo amat, tu amat, il amat, noi amat, illi amat su patria etc.

Li céteri témpores e modus es format analyticmen per auxiliares.


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Nov paroles in Interlingue es format per:

afixe signification afixat a ante li afixe pos li afixe notas
-abil/-ibil able verbal root posser (to be able) possibil (possible) -abil for -ar verbs, -ibil for -er and -ir verbs
-ada/-ida -ade verbal root promenar (to stroll) promenada (a walk, a promenade) -ada for -ar verbs, -ida for -er and -ir verbs
-ach- pejorative verbal root criticar (criticize) criticachar (complain, whine)
-ar general verb noun, adjective sicc (dry) siccar (to dry) General verb final in most cases for all modern verbs
-ard pejorative noun suffix verbal root furter (steal) furtard (thief)
bel- kinship by marriage noun fratre (brother) belfratre (brother-in-law)
des- cessation various infectar (infect)

avantage (advantage)

desinfectar (disinfect)

desavantage (disadvantage)

dis- separation, dispersion various membre (member)

semar (sow, seminate)

dismembrar (dismember)

dissemar (disseminate)

-er- doer of verb verbal root lavar (wash) lavere / lavera / lavero (washer) -a or -o to specify female or male gender
-ette diminutive noun dom (house) domette (cottage)
ex- ex- noun presidente (president) ex-presidente (ex-president)
ho- this noun semane (week) ho-semane (this week)
-illio caressive noun fratre (brother) fratrillio (bro) affixed to male nouns
ín- in-, un-, etc. adjective credibil (believable) íncredibil (unbelievable)
-innia caressive noun matre (mother) matrinnia (mom/mommy) affixed to female nouns
-ion -ion perfect theme crear (create) creation (creation)
-iv -ive perfect theme exploder (explode) explosiv (explosive) perfect theme: explod-er → explod → explos
-ment -ment present theme experir (to experience) experiment (experiment)
mi- half noun fratre (brother) mifratre (half-brother)
mis- false (mis-) various comprender (understand) miscomprender (misunderstand)
non- non- noun fumator (smoker) nonfumator (non-smoker)
-ntie -nce present theme tolerar (tolerate)

experir (to experience)

tolerantie (tolerance)

experientie (experience)

-ir verbs add an e: ir → ientie
-or -er, -or perfect theme distribuer (distribute) distributor (distributor)
-ori -ory perfect theme currer (run) cursori (cursory) perfect theme: curr-er → curr → curs
per- through, all the way verb forar (pierce) perforar (perforate)
pre- before various historie (history) prehistorie (prehistory)
pro- to the front verb ducter (lead) producter (produce)
re- re- verb venir (come) revenir (return)
step- step- noun matre (mother) stepmatre (stepmother)
-ura -ure perfect theme scrir (write) scritura (scripture)


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Li signes de interpunction in Interlingue es:

Ligament extern

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