Yosef Weitz (1890 – 1972) was the director of the Land and Afforestation Department of the Jewish National Fund. From the 1930s, Weitz played a major role in acquiring land for the Yishuv, the pre-state Jewish community in Palestine.


Weitz was born in Burmel, Volhynia in 1890. In 1908, he immigrated to Palestine with his sister, Miriam, and found employment as a watchman and an agricultural laborer in Rehovot. In 1911, he was one of the organizers of the Union of Agricultural Laborers in Eretz Yisrael. [1]. Weitz married Ruhama and their eldest son, Ra'anan, was born in 1913. Two years later, in 1915, he was appointed foreman of the Sejera training farm (now Ilaniya) in the Lower Galilee. Weitz helped to found Yavniel, one of the first pioneer colonies in the Galilee, and later, the Beit Hakerem neighborhood in Jerusalem. Another son, Yehiam (Hebrew for "Long Live the Nation") was born in October 1918. Yehiam joined the Haganah and was killed in a Palmach operation on June 16, 1946. Kibbutz Yehiam was established in his memory. [2]


As head of the JNF Forestry Department, Weitz put his visions of Israel as a forested country into practice.[3]He was spurred on by David Ben-Gurion, who told Weitz he wanted a billion trees planted within a decade. [4]In 1949, he proposed a division of labor between the Israeli government and the JNF. The government would engage in applied research in planting techniques, especially in arid areas, and the development of a timber industry. It would also establish nurseries. The JNF would improve indigenous forests, work in afforestation of hilly regions, stop the encroachment of sand dunes and plant windbreakers. [5] Weitz saw plant nurseries and afforestation as a vital source of employment for new immigrants arriving in the early days of the state. He was guided by the belief that developing a work ethic was imperative for acculturation.[6]

In 1966, Yatir Forest in the Negevwas planted at Weitz's urging. He described the project as "rolling back the desert with trees, creating a security zone for the people of Israel." [7]Named for the biblical town of Yatir, it is now Israel's largest forest.[8]

Political views

Weitz was an advocate of population transfer. On June 22, 1941 he wrote in his diary: "The land of Israel is not small at all, if only the Arabs will be removed, and if its frontiers would be enlarged a little; to the north all the way to Litani, and to the east including the Golan Heights. ... while the Arabs be transferred to northern Syria and Iraq. ... From now on we must work out a secret plan based on the removal of the Arabs from here ... to include it into American political circles. ... today we have no other alternative... We will not live here with Arabs."[9]

According to Ilan Pappe, passages in Weitz's diary in April 1948 show his support for the transfer of Arabs during the 1948 war[10]": "I have drawn up a list of Arab villages which in my opinion must be cleared out in order to complete Jewish regions. I have also drawn up a list of land disputes that must be settled by military means." [11] According to Efraim Karsh, Ben-Gurion rejected the idea, and no such committee was ever established. [12]Nevertheless, Nur Masalha[13] and Benny Morris[14] claim an unofficial Transfer Committee was established in May 1948 composed of Weitz, Danin and Sasson.

Published works


  1. ^ Encyclopedia Judaica, "Weitz, Joseph," vol. 16, p. 421, Keter, 1972
  2. ^ Tom Segev, "1967, Israel, the War, and the Year that Transformed the Middle East", [1]
  3. ^ Pollution in a promised land: An environmental history of Israel, Alon Tal
  4. ^ Pollution in a promised land: An environmental history of Israel, Alon Tal
  5. ^ Pollution in a promised land: An environmental history of Israel, Alon Tal
  6. ^ Pollution in a promised land: An environmental history of Israel, Alon Tal
  7. ^ http://bustan.org/TIMELINE%20-%20%20WEB.pdf
  8. ^ KKL-JNF combats desertification and global warming | Jerusalem Post
  9. ^ Masalha, 1992, p. 134-135
  10. ^ Pappe, 2006, p. 61-64
  11. ^ Weitz Diary, 18 April 1948, p. 2358, Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem
  12. ^ "Benny Morris and the Reign of Error" http://www.meforum.org/article/466
  13. ^ Masalha, 1992, "Expulsion of the Palestinians", p. 188
  14. ^ B. Morris, "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited", 2004, p.312
